Hac...hac... eu nu mai tin minte cu ce picior am inceput ca eram nitel cam...confuz :p ...la ora 00.01...si am inceput sa vreau sa ...clarific...
Eddy Wata - I love my people(Radio Edit)
Wellcome back bozz but ssshhh do not write that word "work"...it's a bad word and you can get banned :P
La Multi Ani !!! iubi...da si mie un pupic :)
Happy New Year to all ...Im allready in 2009 00.49 AM...and I'm allready drunk...cause I made god damn mix...beer,wine,whisky and champain...and...
hmm,"interestinting" for an elf...shame on you...
Happy NEW Year for all...especially for elfs }{ kiss kiss :)
Happy NEW Year to all...especialy for elfs }{ kiss kiss
LAAAAAAA MUUUUUULTIIII ANIIIIIIIIII !!!! hai sa bem sa ne distram de necazuri sa uitam anul nou cu bucurie bautura sa tot fieeeeeeeee
yeah you must waitt long long time for cookies...maybe one year :P
Din partea mea pt admini dar si pentru toti playerii din MU Foaie verde menta creata m-am trezit de dimineata s-am plecat nebun prin MU ca...
dunno how I will be today,but I hope i will be confident in new year and happy, maybe a little sad cause I put one more year in my counter but...
6.05 am London verry cold
wine ...forever :) barbeque or vegetables?
Pai stii cum se zice : Daca va este frica sa nu va ingrasati, incercati sa beti inainte de fiecare masa 50 g de tarie. Taria, precum se stie din...
r3dpuma...woow,you so angry and mad now when the new year is allready here...just chill mate...have a drink :P:P and some cookies:P:P
'neatza s'un rachiu sa'nceapa greatza :P
yeah...I'm not full stats...i'm just on half way...so everybody who have more resets than me is a hackerrrrrrrrr loloz...just a joke...I read...
lol...I make a choose blindfolded...so wil be....T :P Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise :P ?
jeez man, relax, it's not the end of the world, you are not the only one who have in the past present or future this problem...just calm down...is...
Separate names with a comma.