Does MuMasters have the priveledge of teleporting an AFK player out of a spot to give way for other players to level up on that spot? If the answer to the above is yes, keep in mind that alot of players do AFK. and when they do that they expect their characters to level up and not be on some random map because if we knew that we're going to be teleported we might as well just turn our computer off and save electricity/money/bills. This rant is a result of what happened to me today...i got back from work and next thing i know i'm in lorencia. As for the other players, have some respect guys, if you see a player in a spot just look for another one don't go calling your friends to tele/dc the player because you wouldn't want the same to happen to you, honestly. its hella annoying.
yes sv 3 in arena would be the answer , there nothing can happen to u then just get killed but apear in the same spot so try it there
u was lucky because no one go over u with a full pt .to take some ss and report u for ks next time when u want to let ur char afk 2-3-4 hours , sw on s3
oh just missed the whole thing can't believe i have to spoon feed you this but uhh..i was there first alone by can i get reported if i was on spot first
you knew wrongly 12. KS-ing players on a Party (Rule available only on NoN PvP Servers) Party full = 4/5 players In arena, the spots are available on a first come first served basis. This means that if one full party is on the spot, you can’t ks them or you will suffer the penalty. The player alone in one spot can keep the spot for himself and not have to party other players. It's not considered ks if another player or party (not full) comes and atacks on a spot where a player or not full party atacks if the player/party(not full) allready refuzed to join their party. A spot is free for all as long as is not ocuppied by a full party. One player or an incomplet party is obligated to leave the spot if a full party comes to take over. A spot occupied by a full party can be take over only according to the rulle of AFK In an illegal KS/takeover (full party ks-ing/taking over another full party's spot) all the members of the offending party will be punished. In the situation of arena's cages, all players from party must be inside the cage. In the situation of others map's spots, the componence of the party and the presence must be visible in print. Getting out from the cage or leaving the spot, of one or more players, brings the risk of a pk or take over. Only in cases when one or more players from party have no reset, they can stay away from spot but not to a far distance and not outside the cage. When faced with a KS situation, a player must take the following measures: - 1 screen-shot when killing mobs alone (with party) on a spot - 1 screen-shot with the KS starting to happen - 1 screen-shot with the KS-er refusing party (required but not mandatory) - 1 sreen-shot taken 3minutes(or more) after the KS-ing occured - all above screen-shots must be taken with C pressed so we can clearly see on which server the situation occurs. Note: If a player refuzes to party, then the player requesting party can KS legally EXAMPLE: player1(or non full party) comes to a spot where player2(or non full party) kills mobs. Case 1: player1 starts to ks. This IS considered illegal KS. Case 2: player1 asks for party. If player 2 does not want to party, player 1 can ks legally and will not be banned. -if player1 asks for party just for the rule and then doesn't party we will decide a longer ban period, as this is an attempt to make us do errors of judgement. Case 3: player1 asks for party. Player2 wants party, everyone is happy. 14. The AFK rule(s) (Rule available only on NoN PvP Servers) A player cannot let AFK shooting alone on a spot if by this action he KS a party full. A party full but AFK looses any right on the spot if another party full but ON comes and takes over the spot. Party full but AFK means all 4/5 party members are afk. A party full ON that wants to take over a spot from a party full but AFK, has the obligation to call admin and ask to disconnect the afk party. If at least one member of the party afk doesn't answer to admin for 5 min then the afk party gets disconnected and looses any right on the spot. In the situation where no admin is online, the full party that wants to take over the spot, has the obligation to ask the party if someone is online,and if nobody from that party answers for 5 minutes (all have to be prooved by prints) move the afk party using lightning/skill or pk, and take prints with the moved party.If the afk party "wakes up" after they have been took over, they don't have any right over the spot. The obligation of an AFK party is to have at least one member online, and to answer when someone asks. ONLY a FULL party can take over a spot occupied by an AFK party. In case that a party afk returns "from sleep" and they atak again on the spot, it will be considered ks to a party full and every member of the party will be punished accoring to the rulles of ks(even in the case of a single member, like wizzard, "wakes up" and moves the party on spot. All members of party will be punished) To send prints you need one print when you come over the party, second when you moved the party , third when you attak alone on spot, fourth when the party comes back and ks. If u dont have party full when you go to take over, you will be punished for ks in arena. So if you were afk and one party FULL had taken over your spot, they have 2 options: -they make prints and report you for ks -they call a MM (if online) which will d/c or move you in Lorencia. Also the situation you are on a spot afk and you are not hitting the mobs, you will again be moved by MM in Lorencia. I still do not understand why, if you want to stay afk, you do not make party. Less players are trying to take over the spot, you get better xp( because of the setting of the server and also by killing faster), and most of the times also the MM's are letting you be if not all the spots are occupied by afk players. As you see, you have only advantages if you stay in party but still the players are keen to stay alone on spot letting themselves exposed to be ks-ed by anyone who wants or taken over by a full party.
good call karamatti as for your last comment...i afk'd on that spot w/o party because no one was available to party before I left...ask anyone around here I always ask for people to party specially allies/guildies.
possibly that all players without party went afk before you now to answer your question, MMs have the privilege to move a player but in the conditions described above, also MMs will not make abuses about this privilege do not worry. Our admin is trying to choose the most correct, mature in thinking and objective( and here i am just modest ) MuMasters in order to make DiabloMu the most joyful and nice Mu server
If a party comes (preferably 4-5 players) and wants to take a spot where a afk dude is lvling, than yes that player gets warped in lorencia. The ideea is that the party has priority obviously. But i usually suggest the party to try to find another spot first as i know that everybody wants to train their characters. We dont warp players to make place for our FRIENDS as u said! We are a professional team and we dont do favours to anyone, not even ourselves! Subject closed i hope. I leave it open for one last reply from zinchx
nicely worded Gitaas, but like you said you would ask the party to find another spot first, I guess i failed to mention where the spot was...It was in the Swamps....which hardly no one hardly ever trains on (except for a few) because its too heavy for other players, specially in S1. which means there was alot more spot for the party to choose from, they just wanted to pick mine specially ^^. But in any case, thats history now, and I got my answer. Nice to know that powers wouldn't get abused (hopefully).