VIP changes feedback

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Terrorist, Mar 28, 2016.

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  1. Terrorist

    Terrorist Active Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    So I wanted to raise a small discussion about the new VIP system. Me personally I don't like it - yet. I think it still might be needing a further development and I am willing to wait for that.

    But at the moment we traded:
    -vipnopk - afk possibility on all maps (op as it was) - you could afk all night on a spot and no one would be able to kill you
    -golden mobs in swamp - exclusive for vip - which gave the vip players an opportunity to sell the items to free players - really cool feature
    -swamp map boss medusa - I have only seen it once, but never gave up hunting

    For the new map arena. And now that's just how I see it, I certainly hope some other vip players might pitch in a little too. But 1st of all it looks like all the spots are 4 mob spots with bc+8 mobs on them and that would be it.

    Now I believe all the best intentions of the game makers. But it hardly seems like a 1 for 1 trade. The new spots are nowhere as good as lacleon - I have just tested the level acquisition. And whereas for some players comparing it to 4 mob spots it might give them advantage. But I think all the proplayers exp on spots with 6 mobs +. It is a bit harder but possible on high level maps. Arena has no such possibility as all the monsters are caged so you can only kill as much. The mobs also seem a lot squishier than lacleon and I dont think exp acquisition is nowhere near. Actually I think it might be lower than good old karutan 2. So at the moment I cannot see a reason why to exp there apart from obviously having paid for Vip so you don't want to get a feel you spent money for nothing.

    I am all for changes. And I fully support the Head team on the really liberal approach to player requests and free players rants. But I think maybe you might want to consider giving something more for the vip guys. I am not a crygirl asking for a refund the first day but I think you might do better than that.

  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    - those are not regular bc+8 mobs they give slighty more exp than iron knights in lacleon as Arena has boosted experience rate to match higher level spots from maps such as LaCleon and you should see that by leveling up (test it first, don't judge it by the first look) but once I get home I'll throw in some print screens with the difference between these two maps as we obviosuly tested this one out before releasing it. Separate map and higher exp that matches maps like LaCleon together with lower entrance level, I say it's fair considering vips weren't leveling in the swamp vip map before this.
    - there were no people leveling in the swap map due to the 400 level requirement and swamp monsters are giving less exp than lacleon monsters so that map was only used for the extra golden and medusa
    - the golden mob you had in swamp provides the same bok as you can find on the other free maps and was spawning only once a day while boks don't contain end game items either
    - medusa was indeed de exclusive boss, however is now available for everyone, the main vip benefits on mu servers being a separate map for vips alone (only for some servers and it's usually arena), higher experience and the other bonuses such as CM rate, better exec drop, jewels, rare ingredients which I think it's fair for the monthly cost as we don't want it to become a pay to win server that has it all for the vips only either.
    cretzu likes this.
  3. Terrorist

    Terrorist Active Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I dont like giving away my own spots ; p but try Lacleon 143 111 it has at least 6 mobs up to 8 with 4 iron knights on it. Or anywhere in kantru relics, all spots are over 4/5 mobs.
    I just tested exp level wise as this is what players go on not, exp per mob. and definitely the exp is higher in kantru relics than arena, just because there is more mobs + they are not as spread out as arena, where my Rf dark side bugs out every now and than, when mobs spawn too far away from the center of the cage.
    I am not saying pay for win. I am saying give us something to go on. Because right now we got a useless map - if it's not efficient to exp there than we do not need it. And than we traded all for nothing.
  4. kristin3l

    kristin3l Supporter

    Apr 15, 2008
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    Lvl 395 -> 396 = 52seconds in LC Iron Knight's spot (4mobs)
    Lvl 396 -> 397 = 68seconds in Arena (4mobs)

    You should increase the mobs number or the respawn time...
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
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  5. cretzu

    cretzu Active Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Omfg :))) seconds , it took me like ~1+ h to make 280-400 in lacleon , and now i made 50-400 in aprox 1h 30 mins , so its just fine
  6. Terrorist

    Terrorist Active Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    Lol all Godofwar cares about is having swamp open to free players so he can hunt medusa 24/7 with all his guild like they do kunduns.
    It's not about valhalla it's about all the guys with vip. And even if its "seconds" its still a lot when someone tries to powerlvl on the seals.
    Main point being if the exp is even slightly lower than lacleon, ppl won't exp in arena = a lot less ppl will extend their vips for some hoax arena and the slight cm / drop % addition.
  7. cretzu

    cretzu Active Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    If u want to reset in 2 minutes why u play x 100 ?
    As about me and my guild , most of us have vip`s , so we can hunt medusa etc. 24/7 np , but thats not ur concern. Its just ur hate and jealosy talkin` right now.
    Obvioulsy ur the type of pay to win guy , so no more further comments from me about u and ur concerns.

    p.s. is not about valhalla but its not about the 30 players who has vip from 300+ eighter , its about everyone
    Ezekiel and Ancalag0n like this.
  8. Ancalag0n

    Ancalag0n Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    doesn't VIP have an exp boost above f2p players? so why do you also need an exclusive map with better spots too? seems like an over the top request to me. Lets not give too much power to VIP players please admins..
  9. Forfiter

    Forfiter Member

    Mar 16, 2016
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    If you want exp safety, you will exp little slower. Raklion isnt banned for people which have VIP. If you are afraid play in raklion, you can stay on arena. Im think that changes are good. Earlier vip was too overpower and this changes balance it.
    You are a player which abused /vipnopk many times, that im not surprised, that you are afraid play in raklion.

    Arena is nice place to do lvl 50-300.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
  10. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    All spots got 4 mobs, if there are 5 it's because a global mob spawned close to your spot but there are no 8 spots there and those monsters don't always spawn near your spot and they also have a 30 move range wile a spot has 1.

    If you are not happy with a map for yourself that you can join from lvl 50 and that matches high level maps exp let me know and I can issue you a refund for the remaining days and I'm sure you will give it another go later on.

    But you're forgeting that leveling from 396 ->397 requires more exp than 395->396 which translates into more time, right? And you can enter from level 50.
    Looks good to me, it matches the iron knight spot doesn't it? and you have a map to level up in afk mode without problems starting on a lower level unlike swamp that required 400.


    Just the exclusive map, most servers with a VIP usually have arena as a vip map, you don't get ultra higher spots there and we don't plan on doing that. The current setting seems to be just fine.

    Right, a lower requured level to enter and being able to have the spot for yourself without getting killed compared to swamp whose entry level was 400 and exp was lower.

    Here are two SS taken few minutes ago, the lower exp values that you see translates into 65535 + lower exp value such as ~200/~7000/~15000 due to the exp visual bug so as you can see you got a close matching exp rate compared to iron knights lacleon, but you are also able to level up in peace and starting from a lower level compared to previous swamp map that required 400 and had lower exp. Totaling all available advantages should be enough for the vip subscription and more than fair ... remember, play 2 win not pay to win.

    Attached Files:

    Kefflar32 and Ancalag0n like this.
  11. Sm0uker

    Sm0uker Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    im fine with it considering its much more confortable to place for afk till 400!
    if u want power lvling go Lacleon if u are like me and watch about every inch of Exp )
    Arena now is safe 50-400 lvl up and by the matter of time it values behind only about like 20 - 30 minutes.
    Only thing i would like to have 5 mobs if possible on arena but it s still fine )
    Gix likes this.
  12. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Actually this is what I just modified couple hours ago: removed the spirit sorcerers in cages due to that annoying push back spell effect and replaced them with the same mobs that are everywhere in arena, meaning red skeleton knight with reduced movement radius as spirit sorcerers were spawning randomly inside the cages, so all spots can be the same and because the removed sorcerers had and extra level above the skeleton kings ,+1 mob was added which now totals 5 monsters per spot and that should be it. By this, that extra default msb(monsterdatabase) mob people were talking about spawning randomly on normal maps will spawn in arena too, however this modification will be visible after a few hours (during a late night hour) as we don't want to interfere with the current running events. As you said, those who are eager for more or want different drops such as socketed items will go to different maps as that is their purpose.

    Arena has the main advantage of being a separate map just for vips alone, exp rate matches high level maps such as LaCleon + extra (you can't expect it to have double or triple the lacleon exp while still being a separate map, this is a play 2 win server, there has to be some advantage but not an overpowered advantage) you can enter from level 50 and being non pvp, successfully replaces the recent removed command that was abused as you can level up without worrying of being killed. Keep in mind it's a pvp server so expect to get killed a lot in any other map and if it happens switch server, find another spot as there are tons of spots and use the web function to hide your location.

    The modification is now applied and this should balance everything
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
    Ezekiel and Kefflar32 like this.
  13. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Few things I want to lay here:

    - Arena is now faster. Gix approved it with screenshots. I tried it too, it is faster than lacleon. That makes VIP useful ant valuable.
    - I don't think killing/ksing/pking bosses are forbidden. It is part of a game.
    - Last point, especially for You Terrorist. Think of VIP/seals etc not as gaining powers over others. Think as its helping server to improve.

    All in all. Lets finish the discussion of lacleon being faster than arena. It is not. There are proofs. Period.

    Gl all :)
    Ezekiel, Kefflar32 and Gix like this.
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