i hate to tell you i told you so...

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KraMer, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Back when server opened, maybe few weeks after it, I (privately) warned the server was going downhill due to many things.

    This server had and still has great potential, so what I'm currently seeing, inactivity, no competition on the whole server...put into words "dead server", i dont like it, to be honest I hate seeing server with great potential fail like this

    Some of you might not like me for bringing this up, but for now please shut up, frankly i dont care about being polite, I'm just worried about the server and it's current state.

    The server needs more advertising, actually active community and more passionate, active professional staff members.

    MckenzieG and Java like this.
  2. SVI991

    SVI991 Member

    May 5, 2013
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    Restart DB, and after one month grand opening+ good advertising, and bann to 1hit :))
  3. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    heyhey hyper, thats not fair, everyone has the right to play, even 1hit.
  4. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    And who told you no advertising is being done? We are doing constant advertisements and videos on youtube while we have gold membership on each topsite and what are you doing? If I would check logs I am pretty sure you rarely voted.
    The game is old, becoming less and less popular and there are just too many ridiculous exp servers out there having 9999x+, all jewels in shop, fo items in drop and much more.
    You are worried and adding non-sense titles lilke " I told you so ". You told us what? And why exactly you have created this thread, just to give no suggestion at all? Most of high exp servers have young people as players base who started school so a game is less prior to that. They also get bored and plenty of others reasons just like you have.
    We will still be here no matter the players number. We will not turn this into a ridiculous fun server either and we will continue hoping that players will also play a part of this advertising by creating videos and help new commers instead of pk-ing them.
    Too many servers for so few players, this is the truth nowdays. It doesn't look like that's much but imagine 20 servers with 10 online players and those are already 200 lost players. Patience and being perserverent are the main things for any gameserver.
    Ahura likes this.
  5. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Dont get me wrong Ice, I know exactly the situation, been running servers myself some years ago and back then it was already the same, not to mention I've been following every developement since GMO times and have had my hands in many server projects.

    also i dont think going personal is the way, i voted pretty often so that shouldn't be the issue for you (even after i didnt play as much i kept voting)

    first of all what the last sentence is if not suggestion?
    I personally didnt get bored, I was going to return, the only reason I left when i did was because i told everyone that i was going to be very busy between mid june till september and would have returned if the server would have been still active.

    the server was really nice and active for a while when it started, but like i mailed you back then there were some things wrong within the server (in my personal opinion) that probably had big part the server becoming inactive like it is now.
    MckenzieG likes this.
  6. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    Not quite Kramer. That was your personal opinion only and had no "big" part into this.
    You have seem good servers having less players don't you? I am pretty sure you did. Take an example of some fun server that takes free files from different gaming forums, just buy a domain .com for an year or even .info and host the game as they got it on their own computers. They add everything inside the shop and give away thounds of credits because their only purpose is to get some money out and then close it down. These are the servers that ruined MU population and I am not talking about our servers but in a general situation.
    The solution is simple, long-term. Whoever will like the server will play it and who will be accustomed with those fun servers that gives you everything within minutes will just try it out and move to the next one just like changing pair of socks.

    Your suggestion is what I already answered to you.
    You talk about advertising just like we are doing none and this is not true. Step in yourself and created some videos on youtube like Cristi did and posting on tens of forum or bumping the threads made inside of popular forums like we do almost everyday.
    Active professional staff members: So current ones are not professional enough for you? Or we have again this wrong idea that staff members are some people we found on the street and not actual ingame players that have to apply for this status? Because staff members are ingame players.

    What you warned me about was mostly for your own interest: increase this, increase that and all kind of stuffs reffering to jewels drop, more items and others that will probably be good on a fun servers. They were definetly easy to get here as well but not that easy like on a fun one. As a proof, people got almost everything they want.

    Other than videos on youtube, premium membership on topsites, forum posts, MU has no other advertising methods but probably I am mistaken here so you are more than welcomed to come up with suggestions. And remember we are in top #5 on most topsites which is great but unfortunately 99 of servers out of 100 are the 999999x servers with fo in shop and everything needed with 0 effort.

    I am opened to suggestions but if you are here to throw all that negativity on me then please move on. Your suggestions are the nothing but the things that we already do on a daily basis since the server started.
  7. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Ice i know full well about 9999x servers, they have been around for 6-7 years already, you dont need to lecture about them to someone who has been around far longer than since they first appeared

    I know this well, instead you seemed to miss the critical word MORE.

    I was referring to quantity, not quality, although in case of the previous staff members happened exactly what i was worried in the PM "managing the servers" (look up from your inbox, i dont want to post it publicly) which is the post I initially referred to with this topic, not the things of my own interest.

    and with advertising i was more of going towards mass advertising such as advertising competitions and getting people to bring their friends here. those things worked before.

    the biggest issue here in my opinion is that players lack sense of being part of the server and the network, they never were as much community as players playing on a random server.
  8. Ahura

    Ahura Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Well i was writting something else than i delete and re-think..

    The server need more population yes.
    The server need more loyal players yes.

    But the past and actuals players receive a lot help either by lvling or with items/zen.
    Also we are 2 gm`s active on server and each one stay at least 1 hour daily online to support players.
    I`ve tried to make events, for fun, nobody want to join because the prizes were a joke! Many told me they want credits as rewards not boks and jwls (...) and for that i stopped doing events, at least for a while, because i cant offer credits and even if i did, i never use it as event rewards!

    Now the advertising, yes we/i did a lot "spaming" on tens and hundreds forums/websites.
    The bottom line is allmost everyone like/want/need fo wings, jwls etc in shop for free.
    I am not saying the Eternal is the perfect server, no is not, this thing is an utopia, there is no such thing like "perfect server". But offcourse small things could and will be improved over time.

    I saw on many servers that the owners not listening to players needs, oh well here we beg players to give us suggestions, but the truth is they don`t give a sh...

    Have a nice day and enjoy EternalMu.

    P.S: it`s possible iam not a "pro" member of the staff but if you want i can offer you my position and see if you can make/do more.:smile:
  9. Putress

    Putress Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Hey Im really new to this server and I dont play it as much as others do but when I remember old servers I cannot remember one as fun as this one, when you wanna lvl you just use muhelper and when you want to play for real you have always something to do, hunting goldens, bc/ds, castle deep, chaos castle, wizard hunting, etc. I personally like it, its quite fun, but the fact that the game is old and havent improved anything at all in all this years is a fact and I think thats why they have 2 other servers and multiple games.
  10. Ahura

    Ahura Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Guys really the 999999x servers are nice if you want to see/test/enjoy high lvl or fo items for short period. But when you want a long term you can`t ask the experience or drop to be like on those fun servers.
    So i think Eternal is perfect, maybe the experience to high, but then again the lazy ones would complin again/more if IceHeart make it less than 1000x.
    Also i know many of mu players played on a lot servers that go offline after 1 week/month and the problem is we/you don`t trust another new server when you read "long term...beleive us...blabla".
    Another thing is boringness, the one that you feel when server doesn`t have enough players and another when there is not too much changes on game server.
    MckenzieG likes this.
  11. Sasuk3

    Sasuk3 Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    Eternal Mu is one of the most enjoyable servers I've been a part of, to be honest. It's easy to point out the flaws one sees in a server, but it's a whole other matter to deal with it efficiently, Kramer.
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