about pk

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Bozkurt, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. 2pLs

    2pLs Member

    Oct 2, 2011
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    I playing on this server for a long time, 6 mounths i think and i never complains when i got pk in Raklion 2 from Extazy, SonGoku or another players. This is the game... When i started to play DiabloMu was 2 servers, one for pvp and another for lvling (non pvp) and was so boring because the non pvp servers was always full and all players stayd afk, and on the pvp server was like 10-20 peoples who was online...Now with only one server what have pvp maps and non pvp is great, a lot of players on, u have what to do. I understand the excesiv pk is sucks but thats why have non pvp maps, to go and make lvling and stay afk. I know, u don't get so much xp like on Raklion2 but thats why is pvp maps, if u wanna to make fast lvl u need to suport the consequences.
    PS: Please don't pk me :))
    PS2: Sorry for my bad english ... Kuky's here :dance:
    Extazi, JimmyCool and Lion like this.
  2. hanamhyzy

    hanamhyzy Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2007
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    In my opinion as a player, PK is a part of the game but it is written in the rule that excessive Pk is not allowed because its a harassment. Now, as I see some of the guys used to do PK/harassing player/guild because they hate them. Why? because its the only way how you express your feeling towards them, to show that you hate them. And some used to do it for fun only, they will pk you and leave :). One piece of Advice to PK haters, just go to non pvp map and you can stay safe afked there. Trust me :D
    JimmyCool and Lion like this.
  3. romanul

    romanul Senior Member

    Jun 2, 2009
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    Like hanamhyzy !
  4. Bozkurt

    Bozkurt Supporter

    Feb 27, 2007
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    :) so u guys say we gonna pk every1 afk in raklion. good game. do what ever u want. btw im going vip map to lvl up. so im not talking here for my self. i just try to make few guys leave low rr ppl to lvl up in any map they want. we allreaddy pk each other and its fun. before u do somethink put ur self to them. and dont tell me that u get pked when u had low rr.

    btw teach me how to speak if u know. im allways open to learn.
  5. Universe

    Universe Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Then it makes no sense that the map where u lvl up faster you can get killed anytime with no consecuences. And don't say that you kill someone because you hate him. I got killed many times by the same person on my both chars for no reason because i don't know many ppl yet.
    Why you support pking on low rr? Gix has said MANY times he's going to make raklion a non-pvp. See what u guys did? The whole server will end being non-pvp.

    THIS IS A SLOW SERVER. Just because you have full players with f.o sets and wings doesen't mean everyone is the same. 85% Of the server is making resets and lvling up. There are about 20 ppl that are just bored doing nothing killing the others. You can make another GR, quests, go to BC and get talismans, hunt for items. There's no point on killing someone that has a normal set, wings lvl2+0+no opt, with few rr trying to make some lvling while he is maybe at work or studiying. Why you guys do that? It's fun to ruin the game to the others? Everyone was a low rr with no gear character, you are just creating a community of ass***** that will pk newbies when they get full. Why don't you party them instead of killing them? It's really cool to see someone you helped on the first 1-2 rr become a full char with good gear. A lot of ppl should stop being selfish and put yourselves on the other side. Everything that goes comes back, do good things and good things will come. Killing newbies, being a D**K, thinking you are the best because u killied someone afk, or even another full player like you.

    Why make this community to stop growing by killing newbies? Worst part is that this is taking this road too fast, and nothing good could came from this. Want to kill someone with f.o gear, wings, that killed your members, friends, or even you, do it, but don't kill completely new players that you don't know, they are new and need to see the good things of the server, but if newbies only see discussions, pk killing them for fun, that's not a good impression. Help the community to grow by helping, not killing, the low rr players that try to make progress.
  6. Elther

    Elther Supporter

    Jan 24, 2009
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    I believe that the real problem is not the pk itself but the attitude of some players... I think we must help the new players with pt not pk them. For example while I was partying some low rr today one "smart" player was coming and killing us, I don't care for me I have all classes max stats but why to ruin the lvling of the low rr players? So as I said before the problem here is the attitude of some players, fortunately they are few but still cause problems... Also why don't you like Devias for pk? When the char you pk isn't afk you can continue your duel on Devias not on Raklion 1, I still see players calling for pk meeting on Raklion1, we said it 100 times, Devias is the new pk meeting point now! Finally, I still can't understand why is funny a max stats player pk a low rr...
    Universe likes this.
  7. romanul

    romanul Senior Member

    Jun 2, 2009
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    If u help some ppl go with this in KC or Arena these players learn to speak properly and don't care if u have 10 chars full stats !
    When I want to have fun when you're sitting in lorencia come on in Devias to kill you Ana ! and come with ur nab Guild ^^
  8. Raikan

    Raikan Member

    Oct 28, 2012
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    Learn to speak properly? Do you even see yourself talking sometime? Check your grammar mate.

    Since this topic is a bit sensitive, why don't set up a poll? What are your thought about this Gixx?

  9. Universe

    Universe Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    NO. Full players think they are more important than the newbies, and you are wrong, if there must be a difference it is that the newbies are more important. Because the server depends on the newbies to grow, not on the old ones.
    A poll will be nice, and i think a good solution for this would be that when you warp stadium you warp right on the entrance, not on the safe zone. Its a direct move to the PK zone and on stadium it's fine to kill whoever you want. Or what about the battle circle in lorencia? Although this is a slow server, there are quite a lot of players that like to pvp and have full everything.
    Bozkurt likes this.
  10. Bozkurt

    Bozkurt Supporter

    Feb 27, 2007
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    uıniverse right. why we dont go arena for pk? we made it for a long time. why not now?