[INCOMPLETE]Big BlizzardMU guide

Discussion in 'Archive' started by PingPong, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. PingPong

    PingPong Member

    Feb 8, 2013
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    Table of contents :

    Getting started.

    First things first:
    First thing you need to create an account here

    Then download the game here
    Don't forget to download the patch, you need it to play.

    And then of course vote here

    Voting gives your points, that you can spend ingame on exp boost, items or more space in your vault. You can vote every 12 hours.


    First you must pick your character. You can choose from Dark Knight, Elf, Dark Wizard or Summoner. There are positives and negatives with all of them. Other 3 classes require a character level to be created. The 3 are Rage Fighter(Lvl 150), Magic Gladiator(Lvl 200) and Dark Lord (lvl 250). The strongest class in BlizzardMU is considered to be Rage Fighter, atleast in the endgame with full build and master level.

    First in the game you should get your wings from shop in Lorencia(bar), Noria or Elbeland.
    Little wings come cheap in BlizzardMU. You cannot upgrade or use your wings in Chaos Machine.

    Next thing you should do is find a Shadow Phantom Soldier, who will buff you until you reach level 220. The buff is strong and will help you greatly. The buff duration is about 1 hour. It wears off when you enter Blood Castle or Devil Square or any other minigame.

    Then you're off slaying monsters.

    Basic controls:
    Left Mouse Button: Move, Attack, Lean, or Sit-down options
    Right Mouse Button: Use spells or skills
    [Ctrl] + Mouse Button: PK Attack
    TAB: Opens map and shows your location.
    F1: Help
    F2: Dialogue toggle
    F3: Toggle whispering on chat mode
    F4: Adjust chatting window size
    F5: Toggles MUssenger chatting window when receiving incoming message
    F6: Hides MUssenger chatting window
    Enter: Open chatting window
    D: Automatic Commands
    M or /Move: Move between maps or worlds
    C: Character statistics
    I or V: Inventory
    Q: Default shortcut key for healing items
    W: Default shortcut key for mana recovery items
    E: Default shortcut key for curing (antidote) items
    F: Toggles MUssenger
    Shift: Hold character in position
    [Ctrl] + Number: Bind Spells/Skills to #1-#9
    Number #1-9: Select bound Skill/Spell
    [Alt]: Display item names on the ground
    [Alt] + Left Mouse Button: Individual selection of items on the ground
    Spacebar: Automatic pickup of items on the ground
    Print Screen: Screen capture /Take Screenshot
    /<Item Name>: View item information (case sensitive), F1 toggles window off
    /Request <on/off>: Toggles requests for deals, party and trade on and off
    /Duel (pointing at player): Challenges the other player to a duel

    Chat functions :
    Right Click on message: Capture whispering ID
    Up and Down Keys: View chatting history
    Page Up and Page Down: Scroll message
    ~ <message>: Send Party message
    @ <message>: Send Guild message
    @@ <message>: Sends a message to the alliance
    # <message>: Make message appear longer
    /filter (word1) (word2): View messages with specified word(s) (case sensitive) *
    To turn off type /filter without any words attached

    Official MU helper:
    At level 80 your will be able to use official MU helper, which is a great tool if you want to get some farm, but are too lazy to click a lot.
    Does not basic attack.


    Golden Dragon Invasion


    When the golden dragon invades our lands he sends many golden creatures into our lands.
    These creatures are hard to kill, but rewards are equally great.

    First creature is Golden Goblin, that spawns in Lorencia or Noria.
    Drops BoK+1,

    Second is Golden Titan, spawns in Devias.
    Drops BoK+2, has escorts.

    Third is Golden Draken spawns in Devias or Noria or Lorencia
    Drops BoK+3, doesn't have escorts, but 5 spawn each invasion.

    Fourth is Golden King Lizard spawn is in Atlans 2 or 3
    Drops BoK+4, has escorts.

    Fifth is Golden Tantalos, spawns in Tarkan 1 or 2
    Drops BoK+5, has escorts.

    6th is Golden Iron Knight spawns in Lorencia

    Drops 4 BoK+5

    7th and last is Great Golden Dragon, spawns in Lorencia
    Drops 5 BoK+5

    Few spawn maps


    Blood Castle

    The Blood Castle is separated into Level Restrictions:
    Level of Blood Castle Level Restrictions (-20 LVL for MG and DL)
    1 15-80
    2 81-130
    3 131-180
    4 181-230
    5 231-280
    6 281-330
    7 331-400

    Blood Castle Rules
    - Warping command will work in Blood Castle
    - Only a maximum of 10 players are allowed per each Blood Castle level sub-server
    - If you die in Blood Castle (you will not lose experience, lose zen, or drop items)
    - Specific skills can be used in safety zone of Blood Castle ( Attack/Defense buff, heal, soul barrier, swell life)

    Reward for survivors
    - Jewel of Chaos
    - Exp

    The Devil Square

    The Devil Square is separated into Level Restrictions:

    Level of Blood Castle Level Restrictions (-20 LVL for MG and DL)

    1 15-130
    2 131-180
    3 181-230
    4 231-280
    5 281-330
    6 331-400

    Devil Square Rules
    - All buffs will be lost upon entering.
    - The warp command can be used after entering Devil Square.
    - Other players are not allowed to enter after the 10 slots have been filled.
    - When the character gets killed in Devil Square he will be warped back to Noria.
    - PK is not possible in Devil Square.

    - Members inside of Devil Square can keep all items dropped in Devil Square.
    - Depending on your score which is based on how many monsters you kill your character will gain a experience bonus.

    White Wizard invasion

    White Wizard comes with orcs from Blood Castle

    Orcs drop Ring of Wizard (10% Wizardry dmg, 10 attack damage, 10% attack speed)

    White Wizard invades Lorencia, Devias and Noria at the same time.

    White Wizard drops Jewel of Bless.

    Red Wizard invasion

    Red Wizard comes with Chaos Knights.

    Invades Lorencia, not sure about other places.

    Red Wizard drops Jewel of Soul upon death.

    Creating wings
    To make wings you first need to make a chaos item. You can do that in Noria.

    Creating Chaos Item

    To create a chaos item you need to put in the Chaos Machine 1 Jewel of Chaos + Items upgraded to +4 (or more) with option +4 (or more). The more upgraded items you put in the machine, the bigger the chance of success. A successful combination produces a Chaos Dragon Axe, Chaos Nature Bow or Chaos Lightning Staff.

    Notice: * If your combination fails your items will be downgraded.

    Creating Level 1 Wings

    The next step is to upgrade your Chaos Item to +4 with a +4 option (or more) and place it in the machine with another Jewel of Chaos. Again you can use upgraded items to increase your chance of success. After a successful combination you will recieve Level 1 Wings. Note that the type of Wings does NOT depend on the type of Chaos Item. (Jewels of Bless, Jewels of Soul increase the success rate)

    Notice: * If your combination fails your items will be downgraded.

    Creating Level 2 Wings and Cape of Lord

    To make Level 2 Wings (or Cape of Lord) upgrade your Level 1 Wings to +4 with a +4 option (or more) and place them in the machine with another Jewel of Chaos and 1 Loch's Feather (Chrest of Monarch for Cape of Lord). This time if you want to increase your success chance you cannot use normal upgraded items. Insead you need Excellent Upgraded items to get a better chance of making Level 2 Wings. After a successful combination you get a pair of Level 2 Wings. Again note that the type doesn NOT depend on the type of your Level 1 Wings.

    Notice: * If your combination fails your items will disappear!

    Creating Level 3 Wings and Mantle of Lord

    To make Level 3 Wings (or Mantle of Lord) you need to create a Feather of Condor.

    Creating a Condor Feather

    To get a Condor Feather you have to make a chaos combination with the Chaos Goblin. Place your 2nd Lvl Wings+9+option, 1 Jewel Of Creation, 1 Jewel of Chaos, 1 pack of 10 Jewels of Soul and 1 Ancient Item+7+option. The Success Rate is 60% and if the combination fails you lose everything. On success you receive a Feather of Condor.

    Creating your new Wings
    The last stage is to finally get the wings. Place your Feather of Condor in the Chaos Machine with an Excellent Item+9+option, 1 Jewel of Chaos, 1 Jewel of Creation, 1 pack of 10 Jewels of Bless, 1 pack of 10 Jewels of Soul and a Flame of Condor (dropped in Barracks)

    The success rate is 40% and if the combination fails you lose everything. On success you receive your 3rd Lvl Wings.
    Please post your suggestions on what you need a guide on next or any mistakes that I've made. Or new infomation
    Raspberry likes this.

    DARKSEID Supporter

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Hi, i have some information that might help your guide. I know that the golden lizard king can also spawn in atlans 1. There are a few golden mobs that spawn in lorencia that arent on your list: Golden Devil(not sure what BOK he drops+2 or +3), Golden Rabbit(dont remember what bok),Golden Golem(dont know bok), and also Golden Satyros(bok+4). I'm not sure if the images you have of spawn maps is just an example but i believe the spawn of white wizard and golden invasions is completely random, meaning they dont have set spawn coordinates. BTW, thanks for this useful guide! many new players can benefit from this. :)
    PingPong likes this.
  3. PingPong

    PingPong Member

    Feb 8, 2013
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    Golden Goldem drops BoK+3. There is also Golden Twin Tail BoK+4, Golden Alpha Crust +4, Golden Thunder Napin BoK+5.

    However I don't know if they spawn with or instead of the GGD and Golden Iron Knight?
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