What can I do, I am waking up early on mornings now... But is not that bad, a really cold shower is ideal to keep me awake!
guys join our group in fb just search DiabloMU Asgard Guild... facebook : jerrand_j@yahoo.com post the email add that your using in facebook so that i can invite you.... ASGARD Rocks!!!
where is this damn asgard group on fb ) i wanna spam spam spam Elther.. is there any way that you remeber my username and pass for Tito?? I am coming back on DiabloMU from next week
ASGARD is now trying to organize the fellowship of the 3rd Wings ^^ we must succeed..... failure is not an option
Done! But I "hit and run" on FB! :tongue: So there are more chances to find me on forum and game than there!
Tito I knew your pass, but you nab changed it! So you must make a new char I guess or arrange it with admins or just try secret question (if you remember it)... Yes wolf, we will gather our forces for lvl 3, goblin will not eat more items, we will put it on fire!
I changed it? when ? possible.. under the influence of beer... anyways... i will have few beers and i guess i will be able to remember it .. if not.. im doomed ^^ secret question? was that on the registration as well?? I'm bribing the goblin xD he is eating items for me.. so i can gear up xD