The story goes like this, i came to Raklion 2 and the fist spot was kinda free, an elf was there but didnt attacked, so i took the spot, after she came back or so she said no ks ?! And i explained her she wasnt attacking so she cant say the spot belongs to her. nevermind she said i shouldnt ks and the spot is hers. She asked me for pt but i refused it (so she is allowed to ks if iam right). Next a friend or so came and said hi to the elf, the elf moved on and the SUM started to KS me without asking me for PT or anything else. Warned her like 2-3 times but she didnt listen and said things like Shine is ksing hehe SS down there . SS 1 : SS 2 : SS 3 : SS 4 : SS 5 : PS: See SS 2 its like the elf called the SUM to KS me, cut she after the SUM is saying hello to the elf, she saif TY ( for like coming to ks him )
Hello, this is me (Anesthesia and Katlan) This guy obviously wasnt asking for a party, I was talking on guild chat , doesnt mean I am afk. I wasnt attacking for approximately 1-2 minutes, while still there, waiting to see what this guy is going to do (Asking for a pt? or just starting to ks?) then when I started attacking back he was just saying "You're not attacking I report you". So I came with my summoner to help my elf.
1. You have no SS so there are no proofs. 2. u cant say the spot is yours when ur not attacking. it would be the same like when i go reset come back and say yo this is my spot i just went to reset. 3. your summoner is not involved to it, so u have no right to " help " your elf cuz now your ksing with your sum 4. its not my fault when ur afk on spot without attacking. 5. this is not true what your saying. ING you said you were adding points on Master Tree and writing on Guild chat. u didnt wait for me to see what im going to do. better tell the trueth SS to point 5 : BTW u dont need to stop attacking if u want to add points or write in guild chat. its just your fault
Report is inconclusive, read again the report rules.[read]-report-rules-390374/ Topic closed!
i did read it, so whats wrong with my report? edit: ok i didnt press G for server , damn. I red it only in Rules but not there..
The most important, you forgot to keep G button pressed, to prove the server you are in! Read the rules again to make a proper report the next time.
I bet that you have not even read the KS rules. You have nothing good in this report: - SS alone on spot( or in this situation how the elf dont attack) - NO - SS warning the KS-er that did not asked for party - NO - SS when the KS-er refuse the party - NO - Time interval between screens MUST be at least 3min - NO - G button must be Pressed in all screens, to see in which server KS happened - NO So how you read the ks rules, when everything is wrong in your report??)