no vote points = no votes ?! or <-->

Discussion in 'Archive' started by brain, Jun 1, 2012.

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  1. brain

    brain Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Originally Posted by Gix
    Shooter, as wavetrex said, the website points are obtainable when you grand reset your character. So those are not vote coins

    Vote Coins may be seen only ingame by pressing X inside safezone and no, you don't need to be redirected back to diablomu after voting

    Read above!!!



    wow Jimmy ... do u really think all ppl are so stupid? i KNEW i have to push x in a safe zone to see my "vote" points!! Yes i overread the fact that u dont need to be redirected to DiabloMu... but still.. NO there are NO points after 7 or 8 votes ... tztz .. close = easy / looking for the problem = waste of (ur) time and to hard? guess so...

    have a nice day and thx for .. um.. nothing
    Shine likes this.
  2. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    its not my business, but he started with that so i have to agree with brain. JimmyCool your are definitly closing threads to fast. at least wait one more post from the thread opener or for a post/suggestion of forum members.

  3. JimmyCool

    JimmyCool Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    Yea as u said is NOT ur bussines, let us do our job. I closed it since shooter's problem was solved and if brain has a problem he should open his own thread.

    So stay away if u can't give him an answer for his problem.

    Now back to brain's problem. Before voting access the Mu Wallet inside ur acc cpanel, if you didn't accesed it at least one time from when you did the account. After that vote and check ingame if u got the Vcoins.

    Let me know if this works.
  4. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    shooter's problem was solved, go check the thread and stop arguing with me!!
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Your opinion was not needed here Shine so pay more attention next time and do not interfere into subjects that do not concern you.

    And brain aren't you a bit acting like a jerk right here? The fact that you received an explanation on how voting was a bad thing? Or if you know it already should we guess it?
    In case you still ask then the answer is yes, there are a lot of players that asked and are still asking how vote works because most of them are too lazy to read simple things so that's why Jimmy camed with that as a first explanation because it's his duty to do that.

    And as long as you will keep this attitude and you will open a new thread acting like a jerk instead of using search or get some manners like a normal guy you can be considered a waste of time. Go try out the jerk attitude on your own friends, not with us

    If you put the problem like this and no vote points = no votes then don't worry we won't need your personal votes. I hate ppl that have this thinking anyway and act like you just did.
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