Discussion in 'Archive' started by 3Xtreme, May 31, 2012.

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  1. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    Makaveli if u play just to help other ppl very nice of u, but not every one ply in this whay....for ex me. I play for funn for pk, for items for socket......etc. So i agree that full set +13 is a lot. But how many GR do u thint a player will make? If think max 2 or 3 =300 rr....

    I'm just say that GR shod be special. If u ask me i whant cloak lvl 3 +13 lk ign refl ...this is special item now, and i will be glad and i will feel; special with that. I'm sure that after 2 weeks it will be a lot of wings lvl 3 +13 or more, but for now is a special items for me. A gold fenrir its a special items.......somthing like that, somthing is hard to do. Come on is 100 rr.....1 exe items +15 +3 opt? If i am lucky i can do it in 1 day with some help of a this is not special. I don't whant more, but i whan't somthing special.....

    Finely let Gixx to decide what it shod be, i just ask what it will be.

  2. Makaveli

    Makaveli Godfather Supporter

    Apr 2, 2008
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    I agreed a cape or a wing lvl 3 with 3 opt it's a special reward. I don't agree it's the same thing like a piece from a set.

    My point is, u don't have to make many gr to get the set +15. I for once have already 3 set items lk + 3 opt which I like, including my cape. Many I will find along the way, maybe all the set lk + 3 opt. I just need to get them +15 and it's done.

    What u don't realize it's that u can succeed to do that, if u have talisman of chaos assembly, which can save an item from the hands of the goblin :) U must kill Balgass for that.

    My goal is to make a socket set +15 seed full.

    I rest my case ^^
  3. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    Unfortunately this is a costum setting by Gixx then, cuz its normal to take GR item which ANY Character u want. and also u never did a GR so u dont even know how the things are going. and you state things which u even dont know lol.

    and about Machine, KraMer said that already.

    Also a message to KraMer. VIP membership is not a must be, everybody is free to buy it. so u cant compare vip with non pvp. if u want to lvl faster u have to buy vip or coins, thats just how it is. VIP's and NON VIP'S will be treated same, read rules. :)
  4. kristin3l

    kristin3l Supporter

    Apr 15, 2008
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    What's so hard ppl, we need only 800 rr's + 45 more for full set + wings + weapon + shield + full stats =)
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    First of all the +15 items trade it's allowed. It was just a testing option that forbid trade but it will be disabled on this sunday after CS since we will have a weekly reboot so ofc you will be able to trade any item no matter the level

    Next ...

    Bozzy and KraMer, this won't ever happen so you can simply not do your GR if you don't want to. A FULL set +0+3 opt is too much + if the player will loose 1-2-3 items from that by making it +15 it will ruin it's whole day don't you think so? And KraMer, 4 items for a GR? Get serious, you're asking way too much

    Kristin3l, what's so hard to keep your RR and not use the GR then?

    3Xtreme i have already said wings lvl 3 are available as well and i want to see a print of you making items exe +3 opt in one day :) Ofc you have some 3 opt items but they are weaker items.

    Btw last DB there were around 10 GR made by players

    Also i don't quite get it why ppl start speculating when they have no idea about ITEMS prices and GR reward? Be patient and wait or simply continue reseting if you wanna get to the top

    At the moment the trade of Webshop items won;t be forbidden but probably they will be in the future. And Shine, i doubt you've trained a character class to build items for another
  6. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    On server which has GR rewards i always play BK / SUM, SUM for making GR to build my set and use BK as my main char.
    if u doubt that i cant change it. but it is how it is. also i made another acc, to hunt item like jwels, gemstone or event tickets. so i do have 3 characters. another acc char IS ONLY for hunting.

    my main account will run run with 2 characters RF main , NO GR , BK for GR and also to max him. if u will keep allow the opt, to trade GR items, i will make TONS as i can. i promise that to u ! :)

    regards :)
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    GR is now activated

    Depending on what item you will buy you can get 1-2 items for the first GR and the more grand resets you will have, the more items you can get up to even 3 items on a GR
    kristin3l likes this.
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