Must Read Forum Rules

Discussion in 'Server Rules' started by Gix, Jun 1, 2012.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Use of and participation in GameSymbol's forums are contingent upon your acceptance of the following terms and rules. By participating in the interactive community, you acknowledge your acceptance of these terms. Please make yourself familiar with the rules and regulations before posting. The forums are here to encourage community building, and for gamers to congregate and interact by sharing information, etc.

    To ensure continued success we are posting these guidelines so that all participants of the GameSymbol forums understand what is considered unacceptable behavior and can result in a temporary suspension or a permanent ban from both the forum and even possibly the game.

    Respectful Conduct

    This includes respect to your fellow user and respect for GameSymbol staff. The Administrators and the rest of staff work very hard for the community, so please respect their efforts. Disrespect towards Administrators and Moderators will not be tolerated.
    • Not responding to or ignoring staff members' warnings will lead to suspension.
    • Personal attacks and flaming are prohibited. This specifically means any text/post that is blatantly attacking another person on or off the site, especially in a personal way. If you have an issue with a staff or member of the forum please contact the highest ranked staff members of this community.
    • Typing in all CAPS is considered "shouting". You will be asked to edit your post or it will be deleted.
    • Continual disregard for forum rules will lead to your posting privileges being removed or your account banned.
    • Creating multiple forum accounts is forbidden, the staff will take instant action without a warning in this case.


    • Please DO NOT post links to hacks, cheats, or any resources about this what so ever. Doing so will result in an immediate ban.

    Posting Rules

    • Spamming the forum is prohibited. We have a Off-Topic section for this, so please keep all the spam in there. You will be warned if this activity is noted outside of such section, and you may be suspended if you don't stop.
    • Any off topic posts made outside of the Off-Topic section will be deleted, as well as responses to the off topic post. Excessive off topic posting will result in suspension. Please keep in mind that there are some topics that are not appropriate for the forums period. The forums are not the place for individual conversations, please use the private messaging service for that.
    • "Relevant Conversation": Keep in mind when posting that there is a time and place for everything. Please do not deviate from the forum's main topic.
    • Topic "hijacking" will not be allowed. "Hijacking" is asking your own questions on someone else's thread. Please open a new thread if you have a question.
    • "Quality Content": Only post comments and content that is relevant to the community. Posts that lack any substance such as "nice" or "awesome" will be deleted as they will be considered post spamming.
    • Advertising is not allowed. Advertising of other boards is prohibited, any advertising of this kind found on these forums will be removed and an infraction will be issued.

    Personal Information

    • Participants shall not post messages containing personal information including but not limited to full name, home address, email address or telephone numbers in the public areas.

    Inappropriate Content

    Any use of inappropriate content will not be tolerated. This includes drama threads and attempts to cause drama. Any content that includes inappropriate content will be deleted. If deemed necessary by GameSymbol staff, the user in offense may be suspended or permanently banned.
    • Use of inappropriate language will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, statements, images, usernames, and words that are sexual, vulgar, obscene, profane, defamatory, abusive, hateful, bigoted, or otherwise offensive to others, thinly-veiled obscenities (using alternate letters/symbols), harassment and verbal attacks intended to belittle, humiliate, threaten, or cause embarrassment to another Member, and material advocating or discussing illegal activities.
    • Posting of pornography, racist or otherwise discriminating remarks, threats to cause physical or mental harm, extreme offensive language, material that breaks any law or otherwise totally unacceptable posts or links to pages that contain the aforementioned material will result in an immediate suspension and possible ban from the site.

    Moderator Discretion
    • Moderators are permitted to moderate as they see fit, which means they can infract, ban or delete for things not indicated by these rules if the offense in question is deemed not suitable for the forum.

    Signatures and Avatars

    There is no formal policy for the use of signatures but if a moderator thinks it is too big or distracting then you may be asked to tone it down. No one likes wading through signatures that are a page high. Similarly for avatars, expect distracting flashing and animated gifs to be removed. In order to prevent the forum deformation have in mind the following criteria for when you want to create a signature:
    • Signature Max. size: 500 x 150 (px)
    • Signature Max. lines: 5
    • Signature Max. links: 5 (cannot contain any form of advertising)
    • Avoid using large images or font sizes


    If you feel a post needs Moderator attention, please use the "Report" button next to the post date at the bottom. You can then enter details of why you have reported the post - but there is no need to include the content of the post as that is done automatically. The Moderating team will be alerted to the post and will deal with it as soon as they can.
    Finally, please do not enter into an argument with the original poster - that is why we have Moderators.


    Please do not react to spam in any way other than reporting it. Multiple reports are combined by the forum software, so there is no need to announce that you have reported the spam - in fact doing so only increases the work for the Moderator who deals with it.

    Administration Team
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  1. Gix
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