Excessive PK

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Shine, May 19, 2012.

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  1. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    It's day third now, he is not stopping it and killing everbody in rakliony every 1-2 hours. we cant lvl anymore thatsd redicilious, when i ask him to stop it he just "says hehe its funny" pleeeeeease how retarded is that !!! and now if u dont close the thread u will see ppl will support this thread cuz we got enough Gixx ! he kills everyone, moves away, ppl goes back to their spots, and after 30min to 2 hours he kills everybody again. this is just rediclious and i dont think u want to keep such a player in your server. and lol, when i face him,. while im not afk, i kill him..and his excuse is, i use hack lol- (05_18-03_09)-0000.jpg (05_18-15_07)-0001.jpg (05_18-15_27)-0005.jpg (05_19-02_27)-0000.jpg

    do something gixx. and btw those are not all. too bad i havnt took everytime SS when he killed, but then u had over 20 SS here :)
  2. AppleX

    AppleX Member

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  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I've already told you on pm that you two need to solve your childish problem by your own.

    I've talked with that guy and he tells me you killed him first while he was afk on spot so he's doing the same now.

    I do not see in any print the RFVietnam name where it shows he is PK-ing except the print where you two are both PK LvL2.

    So either post some real proofs and not just ppl killed by who know who in raklion.

    So why didn't you posted them? Atleast those would be some better proofs than these 3 screens

    I don't think i would want to keep players like you either on the server that call players retarded and the admin ridiculous everytime he doesn't like something because someone stolen his candies and pk-ed him while he's in a war with another guild or member guild.

    Ppl will support this thread because you'll start spreading this link especially inside your guild. Also those ppl are your guild members

    So until i do not see a solid proof with his name involved there you can't expect for a ban. Excessive PK on your guild members because you also killed him? Heh, thats called a war between guilds and seems you wanna use that as an excuse.
    We are taking decisions by posted proofs here and in your above ss there's no proof that the guy you reported has done that.
    Also next time i want to see the mouse on those killed players also to see exacty their name

    And i saw you today calling his name on /post to reveal his location and kill him.

    Taking about being ridiculous ... (reffering to your pm words ofc)
  4. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    RFVietNam is a strange person :) Usualy i pk a player when i need a spot, or somoane ks me, but not him. He just pk with no reason, and not 1 or 2 time every day minim 10 time, and not just me or Shine...he clear 2 or 3 maps. Comeon ppl this is not a nice game. But RFVietnam is the only one who do this and that is good. Do somthing about this, Makaiavely complain Saxo complain about RFVietNam beheiveor.......all who lvl-ing in raklion 2 or kanturu core complain about RFVietNam. I tell u that is not a normal behavior, its not normal to kill every ppl small or big just that, and is not normal to do this 1 week or more. Its not about we are kids and complain about a player, but what he is doing is not normaly, and we ask u to do somthing about it.

  5. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    i will get you all SS give me 2 days ok? u will have tons offffffff SS ;) see you Gixx and i tell you this for the 123123 time i didnt killed him. just he says i killed him u dont need to believe it lol. and its not only me or my guild members, he kills everyone. see you. close it
  6. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    or do somthing else, make a pool and we vote for ban 1 day or no ban, and if ppl vote no ban i will not complain ever about a player.
  7. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    its ok Kheloo i will show him all SS and then he'll see.
  8. AppleX

    AppleX Member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    i have same problem , KirMG , HolyMoon , JarOo
  9. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    talked with RFVietNam he said he will stop. lets see what will happen in the next time.
  10. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    he will not stop :) I talk to him 1 week ago to stop pk me and he say that he will stop, and gues what? didn't :)
  11. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    we will see mate, we will see, if not i will take all SS and come back :)
  12. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I don't want other ppl to post here so don't backup each other with comments because thats lame. You call strange behaviour someone PK-ing in a PvP Map? Get serious !

    Shine this is the last time i'll be accepting these non-sense words from you

    Shouldn't you show us all SS from the first time? You do not consider this as a normal thing?
    That zzzz guy was banned for mass PK but those were solid proofs not like this one for sure. On the other side you come with some 3 pics made in raklion and telling that xxx killed everyone in that map with his name appearing no where and it;s like doing me trumendous favour if you'll post all ss which is something normal for a report in case you didn't knew.

    I don't know you personally, I don't know RFVietnam personally so listening to you for those 3 SS it would mean for you to be advantaged by the admin. Yea you are the one that know what happend there but for us and others that are waiting for proofs those are just words and we're not judging by words.

    3xtreme did you ever saw a server where ppl create a pool for banning a player? Geesh

    And yea Shine, talking with that guy was the first thing you should have done and not start crying because he PK-ed your members. As i've said... i've been told that you and your guild members killed him first and you are telling that he is the one killing you but none of you have solid proofs. It's funny how ppl keep their side by words only and admin should ban someone just by trust and no proofs from some players that do not know each other personally between

    I can't hate more when ppl come with some useless prints and consider they should rule the world. But they never and i mean NEVER think from other person point of you. Maybe you know what happend there but others that were not close to you have no idea so thats why we use screenshots or videos for proof. But a proof is something containing the name of the guilty one not just some ss with some ppl killed in safe zone having not a single name on a the ss.

    If it was you in this situation and RFVietnam the poster i can bet you would have told that admin is doing favors for him. I'm sure of this 100%

    Oh and for some players ... competition hurts. PvP should be opened for them and just for them not for the opponent
    While i played mu i have never complained for a single pk or mass pk. I simply minded my own business and i kicked that guy's a** later after i've made more resets or full stats. I always felt great when i was killing those guys who were hunting me on low rr
  13. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    first of all, he cant speak english. when i asked him " why u kill everybody " he said " its funny hehe " and bout 5min ago i asked him why you pk all maps afk players, he said " yes " and then i asked him again with the same question, and his answer was " i dont know " lol? think he is using translate, but nevermind. its okay now. we will se what the future will show us.
  14. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I know that personally because i talked with him for about 30 min but hey...u can;t blame that. Not everyone knows english

    Check pm and as i have said, if you get a solid proof then you have my word he's gonna get suspended but don't expect me to take a decision by listening to some empty words and only you and your guld know about.

    It wouldn't be fair and it would mean I'm doing favours. This is not called being impartial anymore
  15. wavetrex

    wavetrex Member

    Dec 3, 2008
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    I'd like to step in with a small side story somewhat related to this:
    I'm asking absolutely nothing, just reporting what I have seen. And no, I have no "proof of anything" because I didn't considered important to take screenshots for pk-ing... on an open-pvp server with no clear ks/pk rules.

    I have three characters which I play simultaneously ( 3 computers on 3 monitors which I can see simultaneously if sitting at the desk ), one is this "Wavetrex" which happens to be in the same guild as Shine.
    The others are in no guild, just random characters lvling alone or in low-level parties.

    So, back to the issue:
    Several members from RFVietnam's guild ( FINISHVM? ) do pk just for the sake of pk-ing. I think they simply do it for some kind of twisted "fun" or scores in the kill rankings... my elf was leveling alone on an unimportant spot in Icarus, "Dino" came, pk-ed, moved on... I went back to spot 1 minute later and continued my lvling, he wasn't there anymore, long gone. Same thing happened with others on the map, and I did see around 10 people sitting idle in Devi ...

    I'm not sure if this is ok on this server or no, and to be honest I don't really care, the "competition" for 90% of the players ended the moment experience seals and other methods of boosting experience were activated.

    However, what I'd like to understand is what kind of psychological pleasure this random pk-ing is giving those people... a 9-rr character stopping the slow leveling of a weak 2-rr elf... which is absolutely NO threat at all for that 9-rr character. It just doesn't make any sense at all. I understand guild wars (declared or not), I understand stealing spots for yourself or your guild, I even understand killing some random people which are around the same level as you are, to slow their progress. But murdering 0-rr or small-rr parties on low-level maps "just because you can" is simply beyond me.

    /end rant.
    Shine likes this.
  16. AppleX

    AppleX Member

    Sep 9, 2008
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  17. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Can you please make those pictures smaller?

    AppleXm use Fast, Free Image Hosting - ImageBam to upload. I can;t see anything clear there


    you don't get it because this game is boring with players having your thinking. That's why

    Some of you think that MU is about leveling and leveling only so a own server single player would be best choice here. Have you seen any massive guildwars or battlesoccer wars since the old versions of 0.97d?? I doubt you saw that. Ppl forgot about those things and are obsessed to reset all the time until full stats where they usually get bored and leave the game.

    This game is also designed for pvp and yes, there will always be such players that have no reason for pking others even if this guy seems so tell a different story like you did in your post accusing Shine killed him first and other guild members. But this doesn't matter. The thing is, why are you playing MMO games if you don't like the idea of pvp and pk?

    And the competition my dear friend is always active and has not been stopped from the moment of seals activation. Yes it's funny how ppl do not notice this on servers that got fo items on sale or 3 opt and exp seals for donations only while we do not sell any item at all and exp seals may be obtained through vote. It's funny how you got the wrong idea that all these things are free and we gonna pay few thounds of eur everymonth by our own with no help from the players. Funny isn't it? How about going to another server that does have all that and then come back and compare a server that sells fo items, seals for donations only vs a server that doesn't sell any item at all and exp seals are available for normal players aswell (us) then find me a server with no donations at all, online for over 6 years and having a high number of online players not hosted on a personal computer. It's easy to speak when you are playing a free game, not being obligated to donate or pay for anything comparest to use that always need to make sure that servers are online and flawless for everyone but amazingly these things cost and do cost pretty much, things that most servers do not afford to pay

    Now read my post and think again

    Are you ready to split the network or atleast one server payments with me and my assistant every month from now on? Imagine the monthly free is probably 2x/3xof your full monthly payment if you got one and that's just for host EXCEPT server files 70 USD monthly, main editings 200 USD, webhost 30 USD, website 70 USD every 6 moths and other soft licenses such as sql which costs 200 USD+ monhtly, etc. So add all these + host and you'll get a sum per person which i'm sure you can't afford :) Say thanks that i'm not like other owners that open and close servers just for money and as soon as they made some they simply delete database, buy a new domain and change the server name for another run. As long as i see everything paid for the server i don't care about any money involved here. I got myself a good work place and a quite high monthly payment so i'm not complaining at all and i don't care about anything else except that since i am able to have quite everything i want.

    Oh would someone ever donate with no reward involed? Probably... 1/1000 players :) Infact there are such players that are already donating for no rewards but of guys like you would never understand or do that.

    So don't forget you are not obligated to donate anything here and you may get the things available on donations as a normal player unlike most servers out there. Also seems you are forgetting that you are playing a free to play gameserver that costs us money not you. Even official servers need donations and got cashshop, gold channels and even more while you got another thinking. If official servers that are the real thing can't survive you think that a private server will? just because that's how you want it? This is either funny or pathetic, i can't decide.
  18. Makaveli

    Makaveli Godfather Supporter

    Apr 2, 2008
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    I'm not complaining about him, I just hunt him whenever my help is requested. It's a pvp map guys like arena, kanturu, everybody knows that pk is allowed in any form of it.

    There are also other ways to lvl up fast - Blood Castle and Devil Square.

    Personally, I like RFVietnam it reminds me of some good old days when I had time to do that killing spree.

    P.S. I don't want to offend anyone in my post! You are many, he's just one.
    Gix likes this.
  19. AppleX

    AppleX Member

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  20. wavetrex

    wavetrex Member

    Dec 3, 2008
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    Thanks for the long answer Gix, but this thread really wasn't about the server costs :closedeyes:

    However getting back to the subject:
    So I understand that basically this server has "jungle law"... aka, no laws at all, the bigger creature can pray on the small one any time they wish. And all posts related to pk-ing are pointless.

    From now on, at least from me there won't any more post, screenshot, etc. related to pk, ks, whatever...

    Guess it's time to make sure there are free spots all around the world.

    EDIT: It wasn't but you are the one that opened the subject about that
    And that jungle law is called a PvP server. You can't whine and cry everytime you are getting killed. D'oh

    A massive PK without reason like the zzz guy was reported is something. A war between two guilds or a member and a guild becaue they fought each other is a different story
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