Darek that's not fair , i was in pt with that kersei minutes earlier but he d/c , HyperStorm asked for pt and i told him request on , he didn't want to ... i tried a few times and nothing , eventually i went afk . PS: a spot is empty till ocuppied by a full pt , what are rules for ? if we dont respect them.
It's not considered ks if another player / non-full party comes and attacks on a spot if the player / non-full party that is already there refuzes to join their party. what more can i add ? :-"
First of all, that print you posted doesn't prove anything, so i can't really understand the use of it. Second, the report is done respecting the report rule. Third, you should read the rules more than once, since i see you didn't really understand them. Ban remains until proven otherwise!
spot was free when I took, you came right after lvl 133,and you left afk, ps: you do not have any bit of respect for players that many of the guild complains
doesn't prove anything ? it proves i tried to party him and he declined . or should i say (refuzes tp join the party) i have read them enough , i even have them on copy/paste atm , but i dont need to subliminate your authority by printing them here. if that's you'r call that the ban remains i have no further things to add , have a nice evening.
Champion i sincerelly don't care what u say , i've never dissrespected anyone. that the guild has u`r back i can understand that.
You cant use that screen to prove your innocence. Why? We cant know if that screen was made before or after ks happened, because you dont have time/date in ur screen. However he has ss alone on spot which prove that he were there before you. As Darek said read again the rules and try to understand them!!! Have a nice evening!!! Topic Closed!
As Jimmy said. That SS should have been useful only if you had the time and date listed. Since there is no time or date on that SS we can't know when you asked him for party while he refused Yes, you are allowed to KS him even if Champion was first on the spot, as long as he refuses to party with you, but again your screenshot has no time and date on it