Hello Amigo! See you will not get you banned for scam ... you want to fool admins? you think they do not looking at the first picture were you are alone and I time where I was? So there was no way to sit at 6:20 p.m. to 11:20 p.m. (5 hours) for a restart! can you think here you can fool anyone but is not as you thinkeace:
18:20 i have 200lvl after a while we had party, can I have a time of 100 hours from the first print,in regulation says nothing about the range of prints
and thats a flaw in the rules in my opinion ... normally you had to press C to show server (so also could see level when you were solo) now by only having to press G you could take screen right b4 reset...go reset come back on spot if someone is afk and get them for ks...just my 2 cents on this rule and how it should be modified back to what it was before...or maybe have screen solo with c and g so we can see level at time of that screen and for all others (2 screens for each part... solo on spot, trying to party the kser, then 3 minutes later) would be 6 screens and would be able to show if someone went to reset and lost spot or if person was actually there for that time...
Beowolf banned 1 day for ks. It takes more than 5hours to do a rr. If u say that the spot were empty when u came, next time when u go on a empty spot make ss alone on spot(G pressed) to prove it.
Wa jimmy...nu prea ma inteleg cu engleza asta si tocmai deaia cred ca nu ai inteles ceea ce am vrut eu defapt sa zic....deci ideea care este...spotul cand m'am pus pe el era liber...am lasat afk ca am plecat cu treaba...si cand ma intorc el era langa mine...i'am zis sa plece ca eu eram primu si el cica...are poza facuta ca e spotul lui...ma...pai nu se face asa jimmy-cool...uita'te la poza aia cu el singur de la ce ora este??e de la 6 si ceva...uita'te la poza aia cu mine si cu el...de la cat este??de la 11 si cva...practic 5 ore ...si gandeste logic ca nu ai cum sa stai 5 ore in tarc sa dai rr....asta zic...poza era facuta dinainte...s'o fi dus sa dea rr...si eu am prins tarcu gol...m'am bagat in el primu...el vine peste mine..si cica...ai poza?ca eu am...mda poza facuta de acum 5 ore...pai jimmy asa fac si eu o poza dimineatza cand nu e nimeni in tarc...infine mai plec mai vin si daca e alt cineva acolo ma bag si eu peste el si ii zic ca am poza ca am fost primu aici...chiar daca asta se intampla peste 5 ore...mda e o balarie... Mod Edit: +1 Warn for miss use of language.
I don't need other opinions except the one that reported and the other player involved. Anyway, the first screen is useless indeed. The is a difference of hours between first screenshot (alone on spot) and the next one so this simply can't be used as prove and it's impossible to report/ban someone with that. If it was 1-2 hours then it would be fine since you asked for party according to rules but 5 hours between two screens is just too much. And no you can't have 100 hours between according rules and you'll never find a report with such a big difference. Some of you are trying to abuse such things and i won't allow it just because some of you think the server is gonna close tomorrow and you need to reach full stats today and as fast as possible. Remember there is no rush in doing this You guys need to learn to share a spot as we haven't created 1 spot per player even if there are a lot of them empty where you can train alone just fine. Scenario here could be interpreted like this: Player 1 is afk for hours ; Player 2 comes after 2 hours and asks for party etc then according to rules he can ks ; Player 1 comes back after some time and notices Player 2 is KSing so he is asking him to party as well according to the rules and then report him because he's on req off. Even if you are right or not HyperStorm, this is the scenario that some will understand here with a 5 hours screenshots difference. Ban lifted for the remaining hours
Gix aka. SephiroTH, I had party, it so hard to go lvl, RO: sa inteleaga si KABEN, eu aviam party, de asta asa greu cresc, eram cu HuperStorm in party si cu Ledy, dupa un timp ma sunase Hyp zicand cami face ks unul, eu nu eram acasa, cind am venit atunci si lam postat...:thumbup1: ps: kabeen you have print on spot alone ? ro: ai prin pe spot singur ca sa comfirmi vorbele tale ?( daca ai print pe spot singur, gm/admin sa ma baneze)
Regardless of each side of the story, trust has not much worth without physical evidence, proof, a proper report. The rules insist on how to make a report, examples are given, such posting is expected from everyone. The decision was made, dont be overwhelmed by it, have a better report next time. HyperStorm, kabeen +1 point warning, only english is expected outside the foreign languages section, those who do not poses enough capability to understand can use http://translate.google.com. //TC to avoid spamming conflict