Avalon, Vengeance, Survivor, Merlin x2

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kratos, Nov 14, 2011.

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  1. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Well it seems by these videos that this is not true.

    First two videos were taken the same night as the third...just the third shows the time stamp...(the same day as Avalon posted that quote)




    So Avalon can you explain why it is that this happens? That when i come on normal character nothing is looted not even zen...but when i come with disguise ring zen disappears?

    Please don't spam here, just Avalon, myself, Arabella, and sephi need to reply here.
  2. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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  3. Arabella

    Arabella Member

    Oct 16, 2011
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    After talking it over with SephiroTH
    We decided the following :

    Avalon,Vengeance,Survivor,Merlin banned for a period of 2 days

    New MuGuard will be active soon with our own integrated autoclicker
  4. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    So, I am not allowed to sit by my computer, loot when you are here, then loot while ur so called "hiding"? And again, if my inventory is full, then I don't pick anything other than zen! And as I have told you before, I got no reason to answer you. I just never thought I had to prove myself innocent all over again! I am sick of this witch hunt. Have fun doing whatever you want with this server. I am sick of beeing accused of shit from you Kratos! Do you really think I would rule the "only" ally on this server if I was a cheater? I don't think so. People would have left me a long time ago!

    I am out of here, I got better things to do!
    jamescicio likes this.
  5. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    So getting caught once by you Arabella and then these videos...so you're saying that i can get caught twice with specific looter and only get a 2 day ban? but yet sephi has always been against it...so why such the short ban after being caught again?
  6. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    I haven't got caught doing anything wrong! Look at your so called evidence! It would not stand the 1st day in court! It does not prove a squat! And thats because it aint squat to prove!
    jamescicio likes this.
  7. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    It proves 1 of 2 things: You were active and should have taken a screen like you did with ben and crus early on or that you are using selective looter for zen...because a space bar looter doesn't do what is seen in the video and if you were active, i know you are smart enough to take the photo like you did when ben and crus tried to catch you early on...so since it seems like either you weren't active, or don't have the proof...and zen was getting looted while other items were around it (multiple items) and zen disappeared as if nothing was there...how do you explain that?
  8. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Tom , here is something funny , Demona was banned for "advertising" you should of seen the images , they were not advertising , i was banned also for adding a SS which apparently "Proved i was using elite" , you are banned again and again . Know what i mean ? Watch the outcome , if only i kept the screen shots in which kramer said he has influence over Sephiroth and kratos have a hard words to say, makes you think why kratos is around ( i might add that kratos was the looter on the server ;) ),i added screens in which kratos didn't report me because i was partying him , so he is just full of hate, but when i saw those crappy words from kramer i said i quit the server and deleted it all , but somewhere in loggs they stand . What's funny is that kratos has a black fenrir in one video , and he sold me a black fenrir , or how did he get them ? makes you wonder right ?( i mean neta was banned for dupe , twostarjy was banned for packets or whatever :) ) wouldn't mind to see if they were duped .
  9. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    fenrir=the one i had and sold to him, which he upgraded

    and "influence" would be pretty much at times asking my opinion of drop rates, exp, events, updates etc privately and (as far as i know) having them as an alternative opinion to his own opinion and comparing which one works better.
    if admin asking players opinion of these things is wrong then yeah, sephi is quilty, but i view this more as a quality and caring for the server than anything else.

    anyway enought with the offtopic.
  10. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    the fenrir i sold james was one i got from chaos card and upgraded...the one kramer traded me i upgraded to blue...
  11. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Well, yeah I am smart enought to make SS', But at the moment I fed up with the shit you are doing to my people! So I didn't care! They banned me for no reason 1 time, and then again, both falsly accused. I don't see the point. If you want to take a look at my chars, then you are welcome, but if I really had that fancy bot you are talking to who can pick selective items, then why the hell aint I rich? Go ahead, check it, check all my vaults, my chars, all chars I accessed with my IP, or all I ever traded with. You will find that I am the poorest of the high chars (Ofc I got 4 chars with sets, but that would be the same as any if 4 people owned them since I play all just as much). If I have selective loot, why is this the case? I even have 1st wings on one of my lvl 370 chars! Thats imbarrasing! a 370 char with 1st wings.... And still you believe I use that looter?

    So do whatever you want, I don't give a damn about this ****ed up server. It's a shame that such a good promising server can be ruined by a owner that can't make it function properly, and a GM who clearly favours the "weak" side.

    Look at the banning rate... How many do you ban for minor things? That you can't even prove? I have fired some guns and did some shit to undermine Kramer and Kratos, yeah I have. Because I feel like they are just trying to satisfy their envy to the superior guild by making them quit or get banned. And the admins are taking the bait. kratos and Kramer practicly runs the server. For instance, Kramer got a full GD set +dd... Would he have gotten that with the BoKs he hunted, probably not, so why not just say you had 10000s of BOKs and then get the GD set for free from the owner since he likes you so much... Well, thats what happened. Would this have happened on a pro server? Hell no. Would they have added a GM char on a normal account? NO, that could mean the GM could affect his normal char with the GM equip.

    I give up, I really thought this server could be a great one, but no, your admins ****ed it up! So good luck! I am leaving unless I get an appology! And no I won't ask for a compensation like Kramer did last time you guys made a mistake!
  12. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    The GM doesn't favor the weaker side...he is impartial and goes by what he sees...you had a chance to prove your innocence...because by what i posted it seems to anyone who sees them that you were using a specific looter
  13. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Your mind is deceiving your eyes so that you think you see what you want to see!
  14. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    twisting my words ^_^...btw how can it be possible to loot zen if inventory is full and you had pots that i drop all around Vengeance?...fastest space bar looter doesn't even get zen like that...
  15. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Actually it does, have you ever tried to put a spacelooter to max speed, that means like 1ms appart each click (Which is really fast) then you will pick like that, or if you are sitting by the pc and click fast as hell, then it works like a charm :p
  16. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    first of all GM character wasnt on my normal account, it was on a separate account, sephiroth just had the accounts mixed up and deleted the gear and levels from my normal acc when he should have done it to the GM acc.

    what goes for the gd set..i had 3 parts already and the 2 parts i didnt have before losing everything were to compensate my loses and if you keep on going about how hard it is to get those 2 parts i can prove it to you that it isnt very hard, because at the moment im collecting gd set+dd and i already have found those 2 parts i was missing(armor and pants), both with luck!

    and if you dont want to be acused of looting you better answer when asked to or you'll be reported like this and decision is made BASED ON THE EVIDENCE

    actually here.




  17. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    I understand why Lucid left the server along side his wife , i think i'm taking a long brake as well since i see to many excellent items dropping , items like dark soul with luck, or dagon items +luck (regular have no value ) , hearts of love = vine +12+12 items , moss = grand viper staff+13 , bone blade+13 . Dsr bugs , 380 lvl option (+200 dmg) not working . I say fix the many bugs , drop rates and lets make it global like . Whatever, i'm out for now , will return if called by guild master or the server thinks seriously about reseting.
  18. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    The only reason you got those 2 parts now is because the drop rate was rised a lot -.-

    There is nothing that should force me to answer anyone! Maybe you noticed that last time you got owned? Why do we even have this war? Have I done anything that makes me a potential cheater? No I haven't. I got even less stuff than others (Except ancients, but I spendt 6 months in LoT 12 hrs each day....) So why do I have to protect myself by answering to you guys if I don't want to? If I want someone to go away or not to pt them I act as if I am afk, and so do you! So why do I have to make evidence to prove that I am not guilty when you don't have to? If I ran around with you I might have seen the same thing.... So what the hell is wrong here ? And why am I prejudged!?
  19. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    actually no, its not because drop rate was raised a lot, pants+dd are from pure and i beluieve he got them BEFORE THE RATE WAS RAISED.

    pants+luck+hp+dsr and armor+luck+dd are from theturks, who returned AFTER THE DROP RATE WAS RAISED! and as far as i know he had found the items before he left.

    so? its not that hard to get gd items if you know how to trade things around with right people.
  20. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    kramer GET REAL and stop annyoing me this subject . Regarding your crappy items you would never of found +L+dsr that yougot , so CUT THE CRAp .Understand , you got pants from me and i got pants AFTER UPDATE as i got most of GS items +L+dd to +11. how dare you lie , whatever at least stop lying kramer.
    If you have 4 piece GD +dd , it gets harder to find the last one trust me . And seriously theturks had those items from DEMONA ! who gave him . so get over yourself and demona hunted like crazy , did you know demona was banned for "ADVerTISING " , this makes me so mad that i feel like going on a swear bezerk mode on the forum . DEMONA only STATED WHAT HE FELT ABOUT THE SERVER .
    You want the truth ?
    Mob hp/attack/defense rates = CRAP , EXP = 7 x + 200% seal = 14 xp , dsr on some items doesnt work , 380 opt +200 dmg doesnt work , chaos machine rates are high ( have 2 x gs items +11+dd+12 WITHOUT LUCK ) moss = gvs +13 bb +13 etc etc , Hearts of love = +12 items , game d.c in chaos castle , Game master that gets items , New game master that bans on proof of "Screen shot = ELITE AUTOLOOTER " ( it doesnt prove it , i admited to make it CLEAR !!!!!!!!! <--- understand ? ) . you lost a bk lvl 317 - Lucid which had a X GD SET , you know what options ? + CRAP Kramer and his WIFE which had the same problem but where REFUSED to be helped BECAUSE no one here GIVES A beep about regular players. To be honest , you and kratos should be GAME MASTERS and in no WAY players , and server should be 100 % rate STABLE . Lol let's get serious , what's the point of sticking around when kramer says " I have great influence over sephiroth " ( i tell you i'm sure you don't ) , but i'm sure sephiroth takes your word and kratos for whats going on in game , and you guys TRUST ME want your own BENEFITS , want me to post kratos saying he won't report me for autolooting just because i partyhim ? Sounds like he cares about server , NO .
    Reset this MESS . Make it clear 4 XP , items from hearts drop le crap +6+Luck , jewels can drop better if items are rare , so we SEE PLAYERS WITH +13+L+16 REGULAR DRAGON . At this rate , whatever . i don't care , i am playing another server that has everything i said , but doesn't have a sephiroth around that knows what he is doing. That's why i say , this server has already 35-40 ppl online and only 5 exp -.- WHY? Because items drop rate = STINK ! people are buying legendary items +Luck for 3-4 bless per item , lvl 1 wings = 30 bless . Sounds fun ??? YES , and jewels drop . Might i add that admin allows ANY BOT you want except the move you back to spot one .
    I know what good work sephiroth is doing , but he is getting bad info from your bunch (kramer kratos ) . Server is dying and will die bcoz of high items , fenrir from chaos cards .i opened a thread about restarting server . think about it .
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