Suggestion (complain

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Duffnexter, Oct 7, 2011.

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  1. Duffnexter

    Duffnexter Supporter

    Sep 19, 2011
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    I got 4 suggestion .... or should i say complains to ur new settings. first of all i have to say your forum suck it times out all the time at night and i had to make that posy on word pad just so i can post it on the morning before i go work.

    1. no item drop on pk?!?!?!?!? ok well.... the idea of pk its: if u think you strong enough, than u can try urself on others but u take the risk that you wont just die but you also can loose an item, other wise y wont u just take a duel??? this is the main idea of pk so please dont ruin it!

    2.grand reset 2k credits?? are you serious?? you spend 80 resets that might take a month just to buy an a regular exc item?? i got the point of it... you can choose the item, but y would you GR to get item that you can find by killing golden mobs??, add to it one item free chose with 2 options +13 +l/+s any item, and please dont add other items to web shop that option should be special , only for people that makes GR,look how many people left the server right after they find out what they get for 80 resets.
    by the way each reset takes 3 h and im talking about my self after 37 resets + 500 dmg power and 200% increase experience on vip spot,

    3. make 64k max stats if someone choose to keep playing and not to make GR than that would be the strongest character.

    4.i have no idea y your forum time out but if thats the case of server lagg than remove some of the spots that no one use, example dungeon1 there is 2 spots, we need just one, ask your self how long you goin to exp on it? another ones: atlans1 no one exp there at all davias 2 davias 3 behind the castle davias 1 atlans 2 there is like 4 spots, tarkan another 4 spots with mutants,aida2,tarkan 2... im sure you can find more of them, and i know ppl would be more happy to play on server that doesnt freeze for 2-7sek
    PussyCat and NightBlue like this.
  2. jimini

    jimini Member

    Feb 10, 2009
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    on 65k stats almost imposible any pvp balanc between all chars.
    drop items on pk? u sirious ? sooner or l8er all ll get good opt items and u think someone ll pk if he can lose any of them? Most of players pked naked cos of this...
    also afk on pvp ser someone kill u and when u come back u naked ...^^
    If u want make phono special ask for expensive pk clear, not item clear!
    enm4nuel and NightBlue like this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    There were some ddoses over the forum for few hours last night and 2 days ago and using words like suck and stuff once again will bring you a permanent ban on forum.

    1. No PK item drop crazy guy. We never had this option enabled on any of our servers and it's a total stupid thing to do that. Also i haven't seen any servers that have this enabled. This was a system error which has been fixed or better said fixed. I have already told that some ppl were abusing that and two players are the perfect example that they lost their set while they were afk during the night. So if you will loose your site while you are afk don't expect us to do something. I can add the pk item drop for you only if you really want

    2. newbie players don't know how to fast rr their char and as you see you can do 80 rr in less in 1 month but yea ... 2000 credits from GR + credits from online hours + coming credits from vote reward allow everyone to buy 2-3 items per month so hell yea, that's enough.

    3. As always, you never read the forum and the explanations given why 65k sucks and 32k doesnt.
    1st of all there are no agi bugs for 32k on this server and no visual ones such as for 65k. On a normal server if you wanna use ES you'll have max 28k agi and rest to 65k while BK can have a 65k easily so what's the conclusion? Overpowered bk, totally imballanced pvp, agi bugs, visual skill bugs.
    So no...32k is the best option around and it will always be

    4. Server is on separate dedicated, forum on separate dedicated and website on separate dedicated so the server can't influence forum timeouts. I won't be surprised if you got no idea of what ddos mean but that was the main reason and really the fact that we are ddosed while the hosting company work on this to stop it so the forum may be unavailable for few minutes or hours doesn;t bother me at all. Being popular is always a risk and for a short downtime in years i'm not complaing about that. It's funny how you brought the forum discussion here while you asked some things that had their answer in the forums already. Yea right, you couldn't read it because of timeouts but it's funny you could create a thread instead

    PS: Check your connection too, except the timers i've listed upwards there was no forum downtime or whatever and stop suggestion to remove spot x and y. Don't like that spot then don't level up there. Probably is useless for you but not for other players

    And huh? The server doesn't freezes at all so check your damn connection before making false statements. From the 8 players i've just asked none is having a problem and two of them are from kuweit. We're not responsable for pathetic clients connections at all.

    Hope you noticed that your words were kinda of innapropiate showing the lack of respect from your side but I'm sure you're aware of that just that you don't realize it
    saxobeat and NightBlue like this.
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