BlizzardMu Future - Suggestions & Changes From Everyone !!!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Since i have created a simillar thread for our other server it's obvious enough that MU is becoming a dead game and not reffering to our servers but to entire MU players since everyone seems to be moving to games such as L2 or WoW

    This thread is created in order to discuss about changes that we should do and other things that will keep players interested to play MuOnline so each and everyone is welcomed. This includes server version, experience, spots, wipe and everything else

    The only good thing i saw in Season4 is the master skill tree which give you more time and interest to levelup your character, but as i thought for DiabloMu we all miss all those good old days from 0.9x versionsSo all suggestions are welcomed and make sure you are not flaming. Remember that a server depends a lot on players support on top of all

    PS: It's sad to see that tons of mu servers choosed to go for 9999x exp
  2. Saxnot

    Saxnot Member

    Apr 23, 2008
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    Why not bring back the good old days? Offer the people nostalgia.

    I can't remember a mu server more fun than Frienz Mu Evo back in the days.

    Season 1, no spots, 20-25x xp, 400 max level, decent jewel drop (frienz did not have this). Jewel drop is everything in a survival for a mu server. No one enjoys being level 250+ still wearing scale from medals, or dragon +3+4 set. The main reason I still play this game, is because of the option of upping items. This is what makes the game rather unique, atleast it did when it was launched. Pretty common now I guess.

    Either way, decent jewel drop, nostalgia (season 1 pvp), 25x xp, low excellent drop, few invasions (to keep excellent items top notch, "need to have" objects). My 2 cents.

    Edit: And let's not forget, no one enjoys spending 4-5 months collecting ancient items, not completing their set.
    Kratos likes this.
  3. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    agreed...nostalgia and making it harder to get exc and stuff would help to bring people but will hopefully get them to stay and play because they want to get items etc.
  4. Vengeance

    Vengeance Supporter

    Feb 18, 2011
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    I agree with Synderen.
  5. Lucid

    Lucid Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    my thoughts

    I think having something useful to spend zen on would help the game economy. Nobody opens their shop, and zen seems pretty useless except for potions at the moment. Its too easy to get zen with pcpoint conversion. Itd be cool if players had a reason to leave their shops open, and idle chars in lorencia selling equipment so they could gather zen.

    I like low xp server. I only ever played mu before blizzmu when there was no buff elf. lvling was slow, and i liked challenge of levelling.
    Just my 2 cents, since a lot of people seem to want a higher multiplier. When i chose initially between a 13x low lvl server and blizzmu, i decided on blizzmu because of the lower multiplier.
  6. niks

    niks Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    There are still people who enjoy playing Mu with low rates (call it nostalgia). The main problem of this server is the few players. I suggest you join up together with other low rate servers. Here are several servers which try to run on low rates and have players: (Russia) (Moldova)

    Why not get them to join Blizzard Mu as separate servers this way there will be more players (which means more trade and of course more fun).

    From good old days I remember that we played in teams always going to Blood Castle and Devil Square and on Goldens. People would come to BC and DS gates 5 minutes before just to get in.

    Also please make the devil's eye and key drop for devil square invitations.
  7. Rad

    Rad Member

    Oct 19, 2011
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    partnership with other servers is a very smart idea but really hard to be achieved,
    unless the rates of the servers are the same.

    btw i rly like the version of the server thats why i chose it, xp rate rly good, jewel drop rly good,i hope the pvp system is balanced too at max stats because it will my first time at 32k stats. the only problem for me is the ancient hunt, which are really hard to find. 'yeah it should be hard to find some items' but not that hard:D. unless im extremely unluck on this server.%_%
  8. Rad

    Rad Member

    Oct 19, 2011
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    partnership with other servers is a very smart idea but really hard to be achieved,
    unless the rates of the servers are the same.

    btw i rly like the version of the server thats why i chose it, xp rate rly good, jewel drop rly good,i hope the pvp system is balanced too at max stats because it will my first time at 32k stats. the only problem for me is the ancient hunt, which are really hard to find. 'yeah it should be hard to find some items' but not that hard:D. unless im extremely unlucky on this server.%_%
  9. tsrxwow

    tsrxwow Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    Season 6 what do you think about this :

    So if u not like s6 change maybe open new server / subserver where all can play from 0. This is good idea.
  10. Legion539

    Legion539 Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Its hard to update to new season due to too many bugs...:closedeyes: Season 4 seems okay to me..^_^
  11. tsrxwow

    tsrxwow Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    Yes yes good but server must have new update. Season 6 update. I see many servers have good files. Maybe buy it administration :)
  12. Legion539

    Legion539 Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Good files =) but maybe too many "bugs and glitches"'=/..
  13. Meguru

    Meguru Member

    Dec 7, 2011
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    Well if I give my own toughts about a good server everybody will complain but its like this anyway.:
    1x exp.
    1% drops.
    REALLY rare medals, hearts, jewells or anything that helps yoy getting items more than+5.
    No Elf Soldier buffs.
    Season 4.
    Moss price per item should be 20kk or more.
    This is the only way to create an active trade system and i know that some of us still want a old time rates server.
    I would like to play a server with old 0.9x drops and exp, that difficulty made GMO be full everyday on those ages.
    Reset or reborning system should NEVER exist on a server.
    Box of Kundum should have a 30% exc item drop.
    All jewells must be really hard to get so as zen (If exp is 1x lets keep zen that way too, even in party)

    Well thats my opinion i miss old days but I love this version so if anyone is on my side tell me :D.

    PD: I will never play a server more than 10x its way to easy -.-
  14. Legion539

    Legion539 Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    I like your thoughts:smile:.. but if the jewel rate should really be LOW then the success rate for upgrading items should be high(just what I think):D. Also keep in mind the lower the Exp the more AFKs we will be having which is what if more new players come, we won't be able to notice or pay attention to them because all of us will always be busy AFking try to hit 400 and the game would look like no one is playing because everybody is AFK mode(for other people who have different timezones)(Like me:(). For the zen i think it should stay the way it is(my opinion). The elf soldier should stay due to the fact that it is already hard to level up in the begining. For the Moss I could careless because it doesnt give us Exe items..=S . I agree with the medals boxes and cherry blooms boxes....etc. One last thing, lets keep in mind, "This is not GMO, It's BLizzardMu.:D

    I don't know..This is what I think.:tongue:
  15. Mounchiez

    Mounchiez Member

    Apr 15, 2011
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    hmm seemingly a lot of suggestions are being made imma make mine :p

    So if u would make new serv first of all make the exp something like 5x without marriage crap and make seals 150% or something as for drop make items+ luck and +opt be rare as f*** (why? i'll explain in a sec even tho i know that almost everyone is gonna flame on it and it wont get implemented... anyhow) as for goldens and the boks they drop make the lorencia dragons drop only 1 bok and also make the goldens harder then what they are now, then lower the bok exe drop chance so the whole server doesnt run about in exe sets.
    Now this leads me onto what i mentioned at the beginning, making normal items +L+opt from mobs drop rarely, u could mangle with bok drops so that the maximum set exe obtainable would b dragon, legendary, guardian, storm crow etc. (thats when everyone starts hatin but oh well...) reason being?? noone ever uses items like non exe GD or DP set anymore, they rather just get scale or plate from hearts and then just get dragon and higher exe sets. And before u all start flaming on this idea just think bout it when was the last time u actually went to ica or kant to drop DP+L or GD+L to make a set from it?? Trust me it works i've seen it on couple servers already and it works perfectly plus u actually use what the game has to offer from normal drops i mean when was the last time u seen someone in lets say BD or DP arm +9+12 and though "wow"?? This would bring a lot more variety into the market, people would start buying off a lot more items.
    (same idea would be applied to weapons as well i.e. top exe being lighting sword, leg staff, silver bow)
    And last but not least the lovely ancients... i dunno what happened on the server while i was gone but when i came back i found out that getting an ancient set is a joke now... back when the server was still 3x and had crap drop fate who was in custody of the lot took month to drop just few ancient ITEMS not SETS and now i came back bout a week ago after over 6 months brake and what do i find?? People whining cause they cant get they're hyon or anubis in under 2 weeks or so... serious?? think bout what the old players had to go through to get those and now it all is loosing on its value ;/ its just sad to see that happening.
    Next thing is fix things like dsr on gloves for example (apparently ppl say there are more bugs but i dunno what are they now) this would make things more enjoyable.

    As for jewels drop and goblin machine well let me put it this the harder it is to get jewels the better for the economy and se of zen between players, and the goblin machine?? make it into the nightmare that it is being cursed for so that its gonna take some time before ppl get +13 and wings lvl 2 or lvl 3...

    So thats it for now from my essay... now if u got as far as to this then take a while and think bout what u just read ppl instead of pointless flaming...
  16. jasoncicio

    jasoncicio Supporter

    Mar 26, 2011
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    My 2 cents , jamescicio here btw .

    Get a better staff , change the rules regarding afking and auto looting. Lower server exp to 1 exp , with seal +150% = 2.5 exp . Keep decent spots. Master level . And just generally take in active forum staff. Lower in game shops since money is a objective in keeping a server alive.

    And think about what you want sephiroth , money or players , keep it as low as possible. Jewels drop doesn't matter since there is chaos castle , and energy elfs to help farm etc .

    People are attracted to a new start, a fresh beginning .

    NUMBER 1 RULE - Don't let castle siege open untill there are 4-5 major guilds or at least 4-5 months after launch , mention this in the server opening "You guilds have time to prepare" , because this way 3-4 guild will always have competition.

    I played other server and k3 rates were a bit high but not that bad either. Keep bok drops to max dragon , and raise ancients to drop the good ancients.

    Blizzard mu was epic either way you look at it. Biggest problem between normality was rules and arabella to me at least.
  17. Opapa

    Opapa Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    season4 its good ! season6 its too mach ... and reset will never happen there is some guys thet made hard work on theyre players !
  18. tsrxwow

    tsrxwow Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    No reset noo. But more exp events for new player.
  19. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    I'm not sure if this thread is still legit anymore as I think it was directed at the most recent server update. Although saying that, I will give my opinion also.

    Nostalgia effect does not appeal to me, sure it's great, but I would not want to go back to old versions. I like skill tree, I like new items, I like having more options for me to choose from.

    Exp wise, I think in my head "yeah I definatly want 1x exp, 1% drop and make it as hard as possible!", but then when I play it, I think "Nah, 10x exp would of been much more fun." Also, although we are hardcore mu players that are posting now, not everyone likes that. There is only a small popularity of people who still think like us.

    Items wise, having sets up to dragon exc is a good idea, and it obviously shows as the majority of PvP servers have their configs like that. But it's so common. I like the fact that people are wearing high end equipment and look good, rather than everyone wearing the same set. Also, when people wear the same set, the demand becomes higher, thus the prices become higher to buy them. You may not like the fact that everyone wears full sets of GD etc, but the item itself is not the problem, the problem is that a dragon will drop 5x bok. Drop rate of BOK should stay the same as it is, if you get 1 bok per invasion, I would be pretty angry that alot of the time, it dropped zen, never mind an item that you may need, and then thinking about it's options. Hearts and medals should be lowered in drop rate, and also in item +++, +7 max for me I would say (Old GM on Kidz Mu, was perfect for me). I think the Nightmare event to gain exc 380 items is an amazing idea. But for that, I think you should boost Nightmares and maya's stats. Becoming the "ultimate PvM goal". Also, the reason why I like it so much, is that it compares to having someone in a ancient set or socket set (Need to talk to you about socket set Sephiroth). You then might say "what is the point of having castle if you don't gain a advantage." Well it's simple, it gives players who do not have castle a better chance of winning castle. But, a Nightmare event compared to gaining ancients would be much harder to finish. This, makes the CS ownership change very often, so the same guild does not have the castle for too long.

    Jewel drop rate and BOH drop rate should stay the same as it is now. I don't know what fun I would have without thinking about the NEAR future, and not the later. I know it's a low exp server, but that doesn't mean the jewel drop should be low too. Don't get me wrong, as you probably know, right now the jewel drop is actually quite balanced if you think I made that out that I wanted a jewel every hour. Besides, chaos castle will be there for jewels too. Also, it would make more attraction to events (GM events AND BC, DS etc) .........(By the way, anyone noticed that illusion temple has never been announced?)

    Ancient items should be put back to basics, I think it was 3x drop rate to begin with? As Mounch said, the server is flooded with both anc and exc items, anc items because of lot drop rate, and exc items because of 5x bok+x dropping from a dragon. Oh and about golden mobs, please make it so that....goblin: bok+1, Taiken: Bok+2, Dragon: Bok+3, Lizard king: Bok+4, Tantalos: Bok+5. (dragons spawning in devias, noria or lorencia, as when it spawns in lost tower, it is a small map area, and very easy to find. If you are a lower level player, you still may have a chance of getting bok because a higher level player has not found the dragon yet....)

    About wipe: Well, people don't really understand wiping a server. People usually just see the "good" of a server wipe, with no negatives. These people are usually cheaters or new players that have fallen behind due to joining late. As a player, I know that if I saw a Mu Online server advertised that was low exp but had been online for quite a while, I would not join. Maybe that is my personality, as I am quite competitive and absolutly LOVE the beginning of servers (Everyone tradin rubbish items and requiring much more parties. Also, everyone looking different because they have had to scavenge whatever they could find off mobs). If you wipe the server, and start fresh, there is a good chance that a large number of players will join to begin with. whether or not they stay, I don't know. But you forget the bad points of a wipe. People who play now and have gained so much, they may leave. Also, it's not a garuntee that lots of people will join on day 1. Saying that, nothing is ever a garuntee, risks are always taken. Also, think of all the players that have donated for coins/points etc. Unfortunatly, you cannot backtrack all them processes and give them back the points that they have used. This is easily solved by everyone agree'ing to start fresh, but that is unlikely to happen. I am leaning slightly more towards a wipe, but at the same time, I don't want it to happen. I guess you could say i'm not too fussed.
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