Hello everyone We invite every player who wish to join our guild, to join us and be part of our Team. The guild was established on 11-21-2008. Each guild members (or soon to be members) are expected to uphold these rules: 1. Play fair - Using cheats/hack in any form to take advantage over the game or abusing a newbie player is strictly prohibited. 2. Be polite - Your guild/alliance mates are your family, rudeness or insults are not welcome here. 3. Loyalty - If you are joining this guild just for the fun of it and will leave anytime - forget about it. We need members who will grow as the guild grows. Once you leave there's no going back. Requirements for joining : 1. Any character of any level and a minimum of 5 resets are welcome to join as long as there is still a vacancy. If the guild is already full, we will keep your application and will notify you for any vacancy soon. 2. Inactive characters for a month will receive an email to reply to us, failure to reply for 2 months will give us an idea that you will no longer play that character and we will remove it ASAP. If you are planning to take a rest please leave a note here or PM the Guild Master, the Assistant Guild Master. Criteria for Assistant Guild Master: 1. Capable of uniting the guild in the absence of Explossive. 2. Able to adhere to DarkArmy's aim of promoting loyalty and friendship without compromising guild strength. 3. Must have good gears (set and items). 4. Able to recruit and screen members. Criteria for Battle Masters: 1. Capable of uniting the guild in the absence of Explossive. 2. Able to adhere to DarkArmy's aim of promoting loyalty and friendship without compromising guild strength. 3. Preferably with full donated gears. 4. The number of resets must be more than 80. DarkArmy will be a part of Masters Alliance. Note: I will be putting up a forum soon, there we could discuss and share some ideas about our guild/alliance. This site will be exclusively available to guild/alliance members only (password protected). So, if you think this guild is what you are looking for post your application here or PM me in game (Explossive) or any guild members. We are waiting for you. Regards, Explossive
explo my bro, left us to make this beautiful guild.... Gratz mate... wish u all the luck, seriously.... a suggestion if u dont mind.. : lower te inactivity period for kickin...in 2 months u`re waisting precious space...make it like 2 weeks if he didnt noticed you in advance
.. nice one explossive.. anyway, can I suggest this .. no trading within guild, sharing of items .. goodluck with your guild.
hehe nice Rules bro!! Good luck whit your Guild Anyway Moooorrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello people Let me present you our first guild event: The funniest love declaration Here are 2 screenshots before event started: And now let me present the winners and their declarations: 1. First place: Sadecutz 2. Second place: DeadLegenD 3. Third place: eNCORe Thx to WarKing and Xanadu for participating, they got rewarded even if they lost. WarKing: Xanadu: And now the prices: For first place: Exc. Dragon Knight Set / Exc. Ceremony Set. For second place: Two Exc. Bone Blades. For third place: Exc. Daybreak and Exc. Pendant. DemonDL (Assistant GM) and Yunna (Battle Master) helped me to host the event.Thank you. DarkArmy is still recruiting romanian players. Who want to join us post a reply here or pm/mail me ingame. Regards
Gratz Explo for your nice guild and people go go go ...si acum as dori sa fac o mica adaugare la regulamentul tau pe care o vei lua sau nu in seama...tu hotarasti...ma refer la datul itemelor mocca...sunt perfect de acord cu asta cu un singur amanunt de adaugat si anume, da ,dam iteme si alte chestii moca la cei din guild/alianta dar la cei ce au dovedit ca merita si ma refer la timpul petrecut ca player activ in guild pt ca am observat(am uitat sa precizez ca acum fac parte din guildul Masters)ca toti noii playeri cand intra in guild incep sa ceara iteme/arme...eu am intrat in Masters cu 2 seturi complete si 2 arme destul de bune zic eu si de cand am intrat am dat cam 8 iteme exe la altii noi si nu am cerut nimic...nici nu cred vreodata sa cer ceva pt ca am "prostul"obicei sa pun mana sa imi fac singur ce am nevoie...deci ideea este ca da iti dam dar petrece ceva timp cu noi,demonstreaza ca meriti si vei primi...dar na...cum spun englezii...it's up to you this rule Bafta multa si spor la ce aveti nevoie