Bye all Guild PunKs disbanded

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Sleepless, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Sleepless

    Sleepless Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    Why ... ?

    1. Lies... to much lies ... things like (no more fo sets... aha )

    2. All events bugged ...

    3. Now ... the donations are FO ... and all boxes drop zen... very very nice...

    4. Guild Vault - again ... closed without any anounce ... i lose like 25 gems...& some items ... ok ... again ... respect for this ...

    5. 1 day maya is free pk ... next day is non pk ... kanturu remain same thing... why ? because there are losers who don't know how to play and they are crying ... i don't let them on maya ...

    6. Let me tell a story ... -> On s3 a friend donated 1 BK set ... now the set is for RF (wtf to do with this set)

    7. Ok this is the best -> 65 fail on wings lvl 3 and 8 succes ... 25 feather fail ...

    Oh and saxo hf on maya :dance: :thumbup1:
  2. saxobeat

    saxobeat Member

    May 1, 2011
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    DSR does not work and set + dd + ref + hp I think that you have already ....(if not, im sure u can make it) or better..ancient set:)
    events is a problem for everyone .. .. and of course it will be solved
    wings lvl 3 .. I saw that you have already
    Guild valut.. we all lost something but maybe that can be resolved ....
    Maya .. is funny have to fight to get to the gate ..
  3. GunitHH

    GunitHH Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    2 bad :-\ u didn`t have to delete your char though ...
  4. Rapstar

    Rapstar Supporter

    May 5, 2007
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    LoL mate no plsssss.

    Who care event only use pk and cs this for fun lol your guildmate dont have fo items guys who care mate lets playing plsss
  5. Anthoney12

    Anthoney12 The Childish One Supporter

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Dont Blame You SleepLess Its Unfair In Many Ways Admin Should Have Done That But You Cant Win With A Server Thats Not Your Own To Be Fair They Change Things To Make Them Selfs Happy

    Gonna Miss Ya Tho SleepLess Good Time Tho :)
    See Ya Around Knuckles :)
  6. Sleepless

    Sleepless Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    saxo ...when u lose 30 40 gems and venoms set and 380 weapons etc in guild vault me , wings lvl 3 i have from thamuz... i need to give them back... and no i have only 1 item dd+ref+hp ... how to make a good set if all time drop zen ? all time something changed ... every day a new thing... a bad one ...
    saxo the good part is this u can win the CS :cheer: go go saxo ...
  7. Dannyc

    Dannyc Supporter

    Apr 19, 2011
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    I was sure it was going to come to this, and many people left(& will leave) because of this(things that SleepLess said and many other stuff). I understand that you tried new things but it's not working mate(SephiroTH). And because i care i tell you this, because if i didnt care i would just leave like many others do... I understand IT'S YOUR server and you can do whatever you want, but if you aint gonna listened and respect other people's opinions and suggestions... more will leave. And i doubt you want that.
    Like i said, i tell you this because i care!

    SleepLess we'll miss you mate! ^^
    Who's gonna pk me now? :D
    Wish you all the best! ;)

    P.S. You could have given me some jwls ^^
  8. NightBlue

    NightBlue Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
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    :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

    Rapstar likes this.
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You haven't lost anything lol. Guild vault has been disabled during the refunds and it's now it's enabled back. I've told you in another post if it will be disabled for good we'll announce this but your ignorance is big.

    All events bugged? Are you sure you are playing on this server? There is no bugged event and the imperial thing just needed a server reboot and works just fine so don't exagerate on this.

    The rates of boxes dropping zen won't be 100% so you can get 20 items per day, you aren't playing on high exp server boy. Invasion every 3 hours with about 20-30 boks and you want a 100% rate? You have to be crazy on that. Rates from 95% to 55% are more than enough for such massive ammount of boks per day

    The maya thing is pathetic. Crying because you can't be a jerk and pk all players inside the event. Since bc, ds and other events were already non-pk it was obvious that all events will be like that so you won't pk ppl there and get everything.

    About the set, get over it. There is a new season, new char, new db structure, and a lot of other changes ; sets had to be ballanced and some were disabled. Keep the set and play RF when you are sick and tired of bk

    About the wings, thats since season 4 so it seems you don't know anything about mu. If you can fix that then you are my guest because till now no server ever did that and not even coders. Go ask webzen nicely to change their client files for servers with exp higher than 1x

    I personally won't miss such player, your ignorance was present even on the teamspeak3 servers.

    have fun on any other server and hopefully you'll get hundreds of jewels and tons of items

    PS: You're talking about the guild vault like it was all yours, shame on players like you. And if you deleted your character you are just another guy who take this game too damn serious so my advice to you ... quit online games, they'll totally ruin you

    And lies? The little crybaby is sad because donators got their items back as they were? 3 exc opts items are not enough for a player on the server? Wonder how you've played the last seasons. Seems except doing lot of resets you got no skills on pvp at all

    The thread is obvious created to get some attention and yea ... some ppl love to do that especially since it's posted into general discussion.

    @Danny, you got to be total blind. The other events where pk was possible are now non-pvp so everyone get a chance not only 1 player and this was a suggestion
    - bc prize was changed and was a suggestion
    - sky event prize was changed and it was a suggestion
    - invitations mix rate was increased and was a suggestion
    - refunded items are fo afterall af they were in the first time
    - an we even increased by 20% exc item drop from boks being a 95%, 85%, 75%, 65%, 55% rate but as i've said, making them 100% would be pure stupidity since you get about 20-30 boks or even more if goldens are not killed every 3 hours. So imagine 1 item for each bok and let's say you get about 5 boks per invasion then you'll get 5 items every 3 hours only from golden invasion except other events so yea .... this is not a 9999x server. We don't want to wipe after 3 months just because everyone is overfull with items, jewels and everything else right?

    You're starting to post again some things that you told some days ago you won't gonna do it again but seems you do that just because "you care"

    And the new things are really working because more and more players are attracted everyday as we needed to increase server slots even more and seems soon we'll have to launch a second subserver

    Oh and sleepless waiting your answer over the 2nd notice " All events are bugged ". I wonder if you even know what "bugged" means because i have to be totally blind because i can't see any bugged event except the imperial glitch which was caused by multiple options load without any server reboot for over 1-2 months.

    PS: Lots of players consider you a total selfish player ment to be really a jerk, but i never thinked that of any of the players even if the facts prove this is so true, not to talk about the rude language on PMs and i see now why your ex guild mates and even actual ones never agreed with you as a guildmaster, too bad the exgm was too bored to create the guild personally. Bad news ... you're not the king of this world :)

    PS2: No one deleted his character. Some ppl are stupid enough to do that because such game ruins them mentaly, but in the end everyone regrets that, especially things that are said when kids are nervous like the case we got here.
    BIiZzArDK, NightBlue, sayfar and 2 others like this.
  10. Sleepless

    Sleepless Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    I made another guild only for me ... to use guild vault to transfer from an account to another and for extra space

    Yes they are...ask any player ... and u will see... imperial (sometime move u on lone...some times crashes the game ...some time 1 2 mobs are not respawn...and if u can kill 1 2 mobs from event u can not get to the next stage ... ) - or some times u can not enter but u lose the ticket ...
    Medusa (swamp event) - visual bug (ok is acceptable when u have to kill 50 mobs and shows u that u have to kill 250) - but what about this... the medusa boss ( are 2 ) some time are not respawn ... or if u get lucky respawn only 1 ...bad part is this ... fro 20 box on medusa event i get 16 zen ... ok how u can make a set ? the same thing on imperial
    goer event - same like imperial crash ...move to lore ... boss not respawn ... every time drops zen (90%) u get zen in there ...
    invazions - 40 box +5 and some +4 ... 30 zen
    Maya - is the only place where u can find items :rofl:
    BC - i destroy the statue and ... onther player stole the wep ... ok... i destroy the statue and i can not get the wep...because is not mine ?

    - bugged items - lilium armor not working for any class , magnum helm etc ...they w8 for 3 4 weeks to make something about this... and ? nothing ...:doh:

    Yep i don't have no skills thats why last season ... i was standing alone to 3 bk with donated items wings etc...

    Look here suggestion ... get CM on sv 2 where is CS nad set xp1 and CM will work fine ... - u can put CM in LOT ...only for CS winners ...

    Try to play on ur own server 2 weeks ...then i thing u will change the settings ... until then u can say anything because ur not playing to know how it is in the u ask on TS some players ...and they say "oh that event is working very good" but they wasnt there to see ...

    Didn't see anyone new...and i`m 1 from the most onlyne players... or they come and they play 1 2 days... and then they leave. .. why ?

    I want to see who are those ... who sayid those things ... ? Renu ..doom ? sunrise(who sayis ... "****" instead of "salut" ?)

    Oh thats why ... after i disband the guild ... and i announce that i`m not playing anymore, some of them are do the same thing ... because i`m a jerk and selfish(if u know what is the meaning of this word) ... i`m selfish with players on server not with guild members ... think more less pls >.. bye bye
    Rapstar, enm4nuel and Dannyc like this.
  11. Sunrise

    Sunrise Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Well first of all I didn`t say about you and about being selfish...You are not so important for me to discuss about you so don`t consider you important because you aren`t.
    And what is the problem in how I say Hi?If the guild members have somes obiections then I will say in a different way.
    So don`t be a childish boy and throw with false accusations ok?

    P.S:When created this thread you expected that you will have only posts"Goodbye mate...all god in life"?....
    Well it seems that you are not so important for the players from the server as you expected.
  12. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You got the teamspeak kiddo, you could have asked why we disabled it and this would stop you crying. The guild vault would have caused problems with normal ones during the refunds script was running so you didn't died waiting some hours.

    These are two events boy, not "all events".

    The imperial glitches were already reported and it's already said the reason were multiple reload options of gameserver so we won't reboot it everything we would do that. Since the server wasn't rebooted for more than 1 month seems this caused the error but once it was rebooted everything got back to normal. Why should you even bother reading the forum? You may only post what you don;t like right?

    Goer Event - again if you stop being lazy and start reading the forum you'll see sometime the latest boss spawn in the latest 2 minues and that's because the events and MU is created for 1x exp boy, not for private servers. Wezen doesn't give a fk about any other server and the event lats till the very end on globalmu.

    Your BC story is damn funny ...welcome to MuOnline. You probably destroyed the priests, the statue is one different story + he last hited. It's same as ks-ing goldens or other strong bosses.

    Medusa event - dude you are totally unknown to season6 and new events. You got no idea of these events and i realize that now. Medusa event got two stages. One where you need to kill mobs in Portal A B D and once you did that you'll need to kill "Bad" (new mobs) from portal C and there are 250 mobs there, not 50 and only bad killed mobs count, not normal ones!

    Medusa may spawn in the second event chamber which of you got no idea about it. You only know to go in the first chamber and start killing without moving too much.

    Now the funny party ... "cry me a river". It was everything ok if SleepLess would have got 20 items won in 2 minutes from a single event. Well done young jedi, well done.

    I also suggest you to drop boks in lorencia, noria and not directly into swamp, arena, etc because every player that knows the game will never do that. dropping boks, boxes in other maps and outsite the safezone would decrease their success rate. Don't ask me why since it's been like this since 0.97d.

    So where is your report ? You want me to make something without even knowing? Do you ever think ?

    Lmao, CM for cs winners now this is the most stupid thing i ever heard :)) Gratz, you made me laugh


    Sorry to dissapoint you but i was testing this server while you just stand and played mario online + i'm not a crybaby and i will never complained because i haven't got 20 items in few minutes from an event or because i'm not getting 10 exc items per day.

    Why should they say everything is fine if they didn't even wen't there? Relax, they are not ignorant as you are ... if they were and something is wrong or it's fine they'll tell me ... if not they'll simply tell they haven't been there yet.

    You are one of the most online afkers maybe :) Admin got some nice invisible skills that i can follow players and it's so funny to see some things.

    Some ppl don't stand competition that's why they leave and i could say one of the reason is even you that always pked players in events. I'm fine with arena pk's , etc .... but pking into events just to be the only one getting the item turns you into a jerk and ppl will leave because of that.

    As i've said ... you are not king of the world :) Your attitude made everyone think you're a jerk. And if they are not players then you think you are one ? I would doubt that ; you should see through yourself first of all then judge the others.

    Infact "think more , talk less" should totally go for you because you are not doing any of these. Some of players you say ? Why not everyone ? You may see why ... not to mention that those who about you've told did that just because you gave them items ... ofc after everyone gave all items and jewels just to get some wings lmao.

    Trust me ... your ignorance is the one that makes you like you are now. You don't know aspects of MU and thats a big - and another thing is that you lack communication. Some things that were never reported just because you were too lazy to do it are told to be unfixed bugs when infact they are unknown so that's why we got a report bug section and aslong as we can take care of those reports and fix them we'll do it.

    Ppl like you are looking for owners that will please their needs whenever they want and this is something i'll never do. Mature ppl are online mostly on this server and thats because they are sick and tired of owners that help friends and consider them better than the rest of the players, or they just given them a special attention. The same thing you are trying to look for but unfortunately it won't happen. I don't care about you more than the others at all, everyone is a valuable player of this server and as always everyone is free to choose to stay or to leave but even after more than 5 years ppl are still returning here and they're pleased. Wonder why ....

    And what's with all coloured childish font? red blue, green, etc You really should grow up as you're 21 already
    BIiZzArDK likes this.
  13. Sleepless

    Sleepless Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    i like colors ... :dntknw:

    I think ur not reading ur own forum ->
    enm4nuel likes this.
  14. StoneCold

    StoneCold Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    On few things I agree with both sides on others I dont.

    Sleepless yes, some of the events are bugged and yes you might not get what you want but that's how things are. Some items are bugged ... agreed. Make a report on forum and if those are not fixed yes then you have all the right to scream about that. That's on what I agree with you.
    On what i disagree is that I feel this whole thread is like a last hurray. Another thing that i do not agree with you is that you are writting names of players and making them take a side. It is you that do not like something so you should be the only name/reference. You either win or you leave. Remember that it's just a game.

    Sleepless I met a lot of ppl on this server, with most of them I keep in touch outside the game. Many of them are not playing anymore. I do not drag their names as reference point. Even if they agree with me or they partly agree with me it is up to them to speak up and not up to me to make them speak.

    Sephi to a certain point I agree with you that if bugs are not reported you cant do anything about them because you are not aware. But i think that's why the MuMasters team was created, they should help too. I agree that players should be treated equaly. On what i dont agree with you is I feel like those suggestions that you listen to may be the wrong ones. I tried many times, I suggested many things but none of it was taken into consideration. I still believe that my suggestion on Donated Items refund was that damn middle way to keep everyone happy. You did not like it and I have no problem but you never said anything. Maybe you never thought about it. The 3-options set thing.. Yes it was very very nice because that would balance the server. 80% of the donators agreed on that. After a month... Items are full option again... Why?? Both sides (Administration team / Players ) are right and wrong but at this point it is all over. Items are back, WebZen made the rage fighter and fked up everything. Few of us ended up with items that are useless now but that's life.

    If there were better communication on a higher lvl than the " I " and the " if you dont like it, you can leave " between players and admin team things would have been a lot better. That's why season 3 was so nice. Back then players and admin team were actually talking and listening. Today... both sides are partially listening and partially talking like none of them gives a fk on what is going on.
    Sleepless, sayfar and Dannyc like this.
  15. Sleepless

    Sleepless Member

    Apr 16, 2011
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    Because he is lazy to refound every donator diferent set options... its taking to much time read every mail to se what op what set etc... There is not any only sephiro ... because if it was a team on refounds ... it will work faster and now will not be fo items ( to make lag and to unbalance the server )

    but is not my problem here...because i understand u can trust anyone with a "mu editor" ... or giving acces to donations etc
  16. Dannyc

    Dannyc Supporter

    Apr 19, 2011
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    +1 to what StoneCold said
    I'm happy that there sill are moderators that can see the both sides and not only suck-up to the "boss".
  17. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I've refounded fo sets because i was lazy to give 3 option sets and because it's taking too much time? Lmao ... dude you suck on the MU game , there are so many aspects that you don't know ingame so i'm sure your skills in server side is 0%.

    FO or 3 Options requires the same damn time so watch StoneCold post why we refunded exactly sets that ppl bought instead of 3 options. + didn't i was that came with the idea and the pool? Gosh ... asking you to think is just too much!

    Since you are not a donor you won't understand that. Others do, but not you. You are not supportive in any way and you never was so you ;ll never understand that.

    This time i personally specified in the news, the ones you never read that it was only me who took care of refunds comparing to previous db refunds since the ones that helped me with this are in vacantion and ofc i can't tell them to get back and refund just because i want so.

    So i've worked on my own for about 200 hours but wonder why do you comemnt on refunds since you don't ever donated. Oh ... and such things aren't done through editor because bugs, errors and other stuffs can show up + editors got only normal items, not our server items so we're doing this through sql query which ofc you got no idea what's all about.

    Ofc handling a big network for more than 5 years is tiring even when the team helps or even when i need to do it myself so sometime i need a break but scumbags lilke you would never understand, though i was never lazy to do something i've always enjoyed even with stressing ppl like you are and if i were probably i would have closed this network long time ago.

    You are just the mommy boy that never had permission to get to a meeting with mu players from your town. If you would knew me personally i'm sure your opinion would have been totally different, but pretending to be smart you just speculate you know everything a certain person and gives you the right tu judge him which ofc is a pure hyocrisy.

    Even while i was taking care of some personal problems i kept in touch with everyone and even explained through news which again you didn't gave a sh*t and never read them because "you are not lazy" and i doubt there are many ppl who would ever do that.

    Speaking about others being lazy when you are the word definition ...even a few seconds vote for the server is boring for you kiddo.

    Wonder why you still comment here? Feeling sad, eh? Farewell, you'll get back as soon as you'll figure nevers won't ever help and hopefully that time you won't be a douchebag and acting like a jerk with players (not to guild members ... just a bit of sarcasm)

    PS: FO items don't make lag thats the most stupid thing i heard today as for unbalance, it doesn't unbalance the game at all since we always took that into consideration.

    You said few posts ago on previous season you were fighting 3 ppl same time and last season the custom sets had better stats comparing to now when we even ballanced them more so it seems to me you don't even realize your own words from couple of minutes ago

    Another stupid post of yours will bring a permanent ban. I have my limits and offending my work is already crossing the line. When you'll do atleast 10% of sacrifices and work i've done here then i'll allow you to make speculations, but until then ignorant ppl like you make me sick.
    Get some fresh air and leave the gaming world for few moments, it will help a lot ... and some extra manners would help a lot if not you'll become the first exception that will get a ban by talking like a jerk with so many ppl through PM.
    It's obvious this story made you suffer a lot so relax for a while, I don't want you to step into depression.

    Dannyc, one more useless comment and you'll get a forum vacantion. I've never asked anyone, but anyone to be an ass-kisser towards me and i never liked such pathetic thing so don't make any undercover acusations because you'll end up by getting banned.

    All our staff members agreed with the one that was right every damn time, but when someone doesn't agree with certain kids they are called ass-kissers or as you say sucking-up with the boss (stupid expression even if you gave the urban deffinition, it's still stupid ... but i'm not surprised at all since it comes from your side). Some of you only see your point of view and again if the owner would pleased everyone, maybe why not some free items , like would have been coloured in pink for some of you.

    As long as someone keeps his cocky attitude away i've got no problems, but starting to pretend his too smart for this world and adding sarcasm at each and every step would be a bad move for him.
    BIiZzArDK likes this.
  18. Sunrise

    Sunrise Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Dannyc you say that staff members are ass kissers?
    We are ass kissers because we care about this network?
    We are ass kissers because we are trying to improve the game play for our players?
    I expect a damn good reason for you`re accusations.
  19. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You are a kiss-asser because you don't agree with the player everything he wants (irony). Don't worry ... some ppl usually think like that, just ignore them and if they get worse ban them. They can't see anything except them so it's fine
    BIiZzArDK likes this.
  20. Dannyc

    Dannyc Supporter

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Since i was asked...
    I never said you told some people to be ass kissers. But some people are like that naturally.
    For exemple, when SephiroTH is right you can see moderators backing him up.
    But when SephiroTH is wrong you wont see that many moderators telling him: hey man, you might be wrong there.
    That might happend on PMs but rarely publicly.
    You could argue that SephiroTH is never wrong but i have some doubts about that.

    @Sunrise your 2nd and 3rd question are just wierd. Where in my post have i stated such things?

    P.S. And i'm out of here.
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