Conflict in Ancient-Exe Refund

Discussion in 'Archive' started by sayfar, May 27, 2011.

  1. sayfar

    sayfar The Reunion Guild Master Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
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    In regarding to the ancient exe sets that we bought in season 4, Sephiroth in the following thread stated” i guess we'll split them in two separate sets”. It’s certainly unfair if the administration follow the procedure to break up the exeancient set we have paid 100 Euro for in season 4 to be broken into two separate sets. Instead we should have the option to choose items or sets in season 6 of equivalent value from the Webshop we had on season 4,( I am pretty sure the administration have the records). I am stating that we need to be allowed to get +15 +3 option sets same as the donators.
    As a fellow player and donator, I am stating my opinion to the administration to action of breaking up ancient-exe opt sets. Ancient-exe opt can’t be allowed in season 6 so I think the players who paid for it needed to be given a much better option than breaking it apart. “Donated items are allowed to keep lifelong” isn’t that GameFobia’s statement.
    I do not need a flame war on this. I would like to see opinion of the fellow players in the same situation I am and ofc from the administration.
    Thank You
    vipi_j and Fullmetal like this.
  2. StoneCold

    StoneCold Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    Well... I am not in the same situation that you are in but..

    We the simple FO donators will get sets + 13 + 3 options.
    And you Exc - Ancient sets donators will get 2 sets. One exc +15+3 options and 1 ancient set.

    There are few things that needs to be clarified because as fars as i can understand... there a number of ppl (like myself ) that even though we will get all our items we wont be able to use them because now they are for classes that we dont play.

    I am Sure that SephiroTH will do the best for the donators that supported the server and ofc maybe there are a few things that we are not informed of.
    vipi_j and sayfar like this.
  3. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    I am in a similar situation as you guys. I have an item from last season which was for bk but now for Dl. I don't plan to play a dl just to use the shield and since the item is donated its not for trade, in the end just becomes a useless space consumption. As stone stated i am hoping that seph take the best decision for the supporters for the server.
    sayfar likes this.
  4. StoneCold

    StoneCold Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I'll bump this one due to the significance of the subject.
    sayfar likes this.
  5. sayfar

    sayfar The Reunion Guild Master Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Still waiting the opinion from the administration
  6. Rapstar

    Rapstar Supporter

    May 5, 2007
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    It True sayfar me and bro payed 500 euro or more money and losing all set and all weapon more option but this is situation .
    i think is too not fair more donator but ....

    Pls Vote Every 12 Hrs for Diablo Mu .
    sayfar and Fullmetal like this.
  7. vipi_j

    vipi_j Supporter

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Not cool

    Hello all,

    I don't want to upset anyone but I see these decisions pretty unfair regarding the doners. People supported DiabloMU how they could with their money, some made big efforts, they voted for DiabloMU, they brought friends on the server that brought competition or even donated themselfes, and so on... Take my example for instance, i donated on Season 2 strongest set + weapon + shield + wings + rings + pend, all full options for SM. When Season 3 came, DiabloMU refunded me with a weak set + weapon + shield, etc but FO for the BK i had back then. Ok i tried to understand the new season brought new stronger items and so on, so i just went with the flow at that time. But what about now? I already have a 100+ RR DL on witch i play and i waited for DiabloMU to keep its promise and give me the refund items, but... surprise! I can't get the items for my current char type! Why is this policy now? Why weren't we at least told of this from the begining of this db? Isn't it unfair that after we spent hundreds and hundreds of hours lvling our chars, waiting for the promised FO items, we get 3 opts items for a char type we don't even own? This is outrageous. I trust that the DiabloMU administration will come up with a solution to please the players in situations similar to mine, because right now i don't even know what to think anymore...
    sayfar and Fullmetal like this.
  8. Rapstar

    Rapstar Supporter

    May 5, 2007
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    Any Body know when back Refound System.
    Tomorow last timed , he tell in website 5-7 day and i think all dont have any items lol .
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    first of all Rapstar, i'm kinda getting annoyed the fact your english sucks and you never understand what i'm saying...or you just understand what you want. Ask your brother to read the news and don't do it yourself. He was the one that sent the refunds emails always and alteast it's english knowledge is a lot better than yours.

    Huh...say what?

    You get back the EXACTLY SAME SET you donated for and it's always been like that so don't be pathetic. If the set you bought 5 years ago (lol) was the strongest are you expecting to get back the strongest set of season 6 or what? You will get the set you payed and it's always been like this.

    Rapstar you also posted in the wrong thread, you don't even got an exec+ancient set so why replying here. If you think it;s not fair then you won't be refunded and that's it, simple as that. I've already explained the situation of fo items and 3 opt items that there isn't any big difference between at all and especially on weapons where +8mana & +8 life recovery per mob are total useless options for all servers having over 10x exp, but as your english level is low you didn't even read that.

    sayfar, you bought those items in season5 and thats previous database, not season4 :) Our statement is right but as you can see i've made a poll over this and over 70% agreed and i mean donators. So i haven't taken any decision on my own but i've asked you first.

    My main interest is to get more and more online players here so you will not get bored .. right? So i've decided to take off the ancient + exec customs since they were overpowered and closing sets donations and refunding the same exact sets would be totally stupid as it will make you totally overpowered compared to others.

    As for those items where classes changed you will keep them for the future characters you'll start building because i doubt you'll play only one character on this database. We are not responsable for webzen item changes or addons and we stated that clear enough many times.

    Our main statement is that all items are returned on lifetime period, thing you won't see on many servers out there, but it's about items you buy and not any equivalent just because you'll play another char next db or because the game by default changed items, new character showed up and some item classes were mixed up.

    Other servers decision is to start with a new server name, forget about refunding players and carry on like nothing happend. From my point of view seems this is a better decision comparing to ours that we refunded players that donated 5 years ago coz it seems ppl are more happier to get nothing and buy new things on a new server (which infact is the previous one ) instead of getting what they payed for.

    Anyway i'm still thinkin on some other player suggestions probably we'll bring back the sets donations but it's an unknown decision. Till then use PM or contact us on teamspeak3 for any questions

    PS: If we'll stick to 3 option items refund then everyone will be able to trade their sets in case the class has changed!

    FullMetal, FO items trade is forbidden not donated items so it's quite a difference. There are donated items that are not fo and they are tradeable
    Lion likes this.
  10. vipi_j

    vipi_j Supporter

    Apr 19, 2011
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    1st of all you shouldn't offend people as i see it's in your habit lately weather they are doners, low reset players, high reset players or whatsoever, it just doesn't suit a C.E.O. to talk like that

    2nd of all... i donated on Season2 (and got GS set + Kundun staff + etc) and on Season3 you refunded me with something else (Bronze set + BK weapon + BK shield), but unfortunately i'm not sure if i can find the screenshots to prove that. If I would`ve been told that i would NOT get "similar" items for my actual char type i would have played SM all the way. I'm not the only one in this situation, so please, find a solution to please the ppl that supported you in the past, don't turn your back on them.
  11. sayfar

    sayfar The Reunion Guild Master Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
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    U r right it was in season 5 :)

    yeah u made a poll about "CHANGES - DISABLE FO Items Donations - WE NEED YOUR OPINION !!!" not about breaking anc+exc opt sets :

    yes, SephiroTH, some of the donators did agree to those 3 points that you did post in the following thread (link) but in that thread;s first post you didn't mention anything about breaking up ancient into two sets.You mention it as someones reply way later in thread, after most of us have been voted. So its not fair saying that 70% of voters agreed to breaking up of exe ancient.

    I understand your decision to take off anicent-exe sets, and if you refund the exact it wont be balancing server pvp. But you have to understand, only few people bought those set, and we payed a good amount of money too, 100 Euro for just one set. You wont refund the exact set fine, but you should give the option of letting us choose another set/sets worth the cost of ancient-exe we bought.If the administration refund me with two broken up sets for the exe ancient set, i will have 2 useless sets for my bk,because i already have a DK set from past donation - having 3 sets for one class is useless. you should let us choose set/sets worth exe-ancientYou should know that we wouldn't have payed 100 euro if it wasn't for those sets.
  12. Makaveli

    Makaveli Godfather Supporter

    Apr 2, 2008
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    Hello there, I'm in the same situation like you vipi. I for once played a DL in the beginning (season 2) and after wipe, I started a different character and still receive a FO set for it, but weaker. I agreed with that too instead getting none. Sephiroth you said we will receive the same donated items, ok I want FO. Now you say : nobody will receive FO items, but only with 3 options. For me it is ok, I want balance in this server but remember equivalent to FO sets it is a set with 4 options (dsr + ref + dd + hp). I sense a little contradiction in your decisions. I still want a set equivalent to which I payed long time ago for my actual character. I know you can find a way to make us happy instead blaming your policy. It is not cost you anything to give me a set for a different character I chosed to play. I close my eyes to bugs that still exist in server, not to mention the rate of success on vip accounts at goblin that still not function. That is another matter. You have to make us want to play and be with our friends instead of determine us to leave. I think a good CEO knows the solutions to our problems. A man of honor always keeps his promisses.

    "Don't hate the playa, hate the game"
    Good luck
    saxobeat likes this.
  13. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Pathetic isn't an offence at all so don't be a drama queen and i'm waiting for some proofs of your statement which ofc you won't find it since it isn't true.

    We never gave other items than the user donated so again don't be pathetic. I see your attitude didn't changed even after 5 years and that's bad news.
    Also i'm already thinking on suspending you for your accusation of giving you a bronze set instead of gs (lol) so as i've said i'm waiting for proofs and you may ask any other donator if he ever received other items as a replacement of what he donated for.

    Same goes for you makaveli since you are close friend with vipi. We never gave weaker sets so don't bring all that bullshit words with man of honour and stuff. There are hundreds and hundreds of donators and everyone received same set every single time and you two are not an exception.

    Both of you got time to share the proofs until tomorrow, if not i'm gonna personally look for all emails and suspend your accounts. As i can remember but i'm not sure though one of you asked for two weaker sets instead of the one you donated, not sure which one of you or if you are the ones that asked for that though i remember someone mailed me some years ago with that

    The only reply i wanna see from both of you are the proofs, nothing more!

    PS: The set you donated for, back then was +13 and equivalent to fo is only fo not 4 opts set (d'oh). Getting a + 3 options is the decision that was voted by the donators not by me. I'll probably upgrade the sets till +15 but i'm still thinking on that if it's gonna happen or not.

    ----- sayfar, i did mention that when i've said there won't be exe+ancient sets anymore and it's logical since exe+socket have been splited as well as default. Socket opts is a lot better than ancient and keeping default separate options would be a total overpower so you can keep the exec+ancient sets, not to mention that the custom ancient+exec sets were disabled since they got too much dmg (critical dmg+250%)

    The splited sets are custom new items and they are ofc better than DK (don't compare your DK set to that) + they'll mostly be +15 while on s5 they were +13 and the difference is quite big.

    Give me a good example of switching the ex ancient+exec set with a set that you say it has the same value. What set should it be?
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