To the alliance of FATE

Discussion in 'Archive' started by calvi1n973, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. calvi1n973

    calvi1n973 Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    So what's the plan boys.

    Do you want another apology from me for pking you? As i said the reason i pk'd you is because either bandz or chev have been killing me every few nights for the last 2 months, but i never really retaliated. Then one Sunday night i was bored and bandz pk'd me while i was afk so me and ben ran around pk'ing everybody in FATE because we had ben getting killed for the last 2 months. After i did it i realized i shoulnd't have, so i apologized to Vengeance and told him I wouldnt't again. He said i would get one more chance, and if i pk'd him again a pk war would be on. The next day i guess vengeance changed his mind, and told me that him and his guild are gonna pk all of my members everyday for the one pk spree i had. Last night i was watching my screen and puresoul came by. It took him about 3-5 minutes to kill me while i was just watching my guy attack mobs. That's pretty sad but whatever. I still havn't attacked your members that are AFK since i said i wouldn't. And the thing that happened with ben/demona yesterday, i told ben to not be an idiot and apologize, and it was a misunderstnding as to waht had happened.

    So, here i am wondering what/if there is an end to this. Do you want another apology? Do you just want Saints to leave the server? Do you want us to stop reporting you guys for looting or swearing? Do you want me to post my nude pics (joking?)? Just let me know what you want me to do and i'll do it. My guild doesn't like getting pk'd and i'd rather it not happen. So tell me what to do, i am at your mercy.
    Xurbus likes this.
  2. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Nah, jokes aside, I see where your coming from, and both sides of the party have been wrong. I will speak to Vengeance and create a truce(spellcheck), but between bandz and puresoul, that is your own little war, and keep it like that so then we will.

    Xurbus likes this.
  3. calvi1n973

    calvi1n973 Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I agree. But what i don't understand is why PureSoul, Chev, and Bandz can run around pk'ing my alliance and get off free. But when I do it the atomic bombs come down and every1 is after not only me but my entire alliance (most of which are less than level 250 and can't fight back for themselves). I don't mind getting pk'd once in a while because it's part of the game, but when they come around every 1-2 hours to see if im leveling, that really sucks. Not much i can do about it since i need to sleep / go to school.
    Xurbus likes this.
  4. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    If someone PK's band or pure, we know the situation, and don't often get involved.
    Xurbus likes this.
  5. Vengeance

    Vengeance Supporter

    Feb 18, 2011
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    You think you're the only one in your alliance, Crus?
    Wasabi or Marathon, whatever floats your boat, is going around PK'ing us.
    And don't think being a smartass helps us want to hold back what's coming for you.

    Till this date, I've not PK'd a single player from your alliance. Fact.

    And Demona's killing spree yesterday, was easily provoked by Marathon nagging at him all day. Perhaps PM'ing isn't punsihable by rules, but do you really think dragging Demona's family in this, and calling them names are helping out? No!
    Hate playing with kids.

    Apologizing for every little thing you do, won't help out anymore either.
    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
    Better start taking cosequences.
    And yes, it wouldn't be fair to let the rage out on your low levels, so if you continue this childish play of yours, it's probably going to be you, Wasabi and Destiny suffering the consequences, and anyone else who feels like being a smartass like Wasabi.

    If that happens, we'll let the vengeance bestow upon you ;)
    Truce untill then.
    Xurbus likes this.
  6. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    What have i done? i have only reported 2 people that were obviously looting cause they cannot prove otherwise...i've only pked puresoul 1 time...and bandz after he's pked why am i getting brought into this?
    Xurbus likes this.
  7. calvi1n973

    calvi1n973 Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Just to clarify something, marathon was told by a guild member that demona had pk'd his entire party for no reason. That's why he was angry at demona. I have told marathon to stop being a child and if he pk's another members of fate hes gonna get kicked from alliance.

    I promise to not touch another one of your alliance members
    Xurbus likes this.
  8. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    I attacked you for 5 minutes , because when you have 2 account open, 1 with blizzard minimizer and the other with sandbox when you push CTRL , it lags so bad , 2nd of all i was trying to kill a pumped agility mg with a dsr set as mithrealis suggests you are wearing . Since you can kill the Great golden dragon.
    Either way , the reason i pk'ed you was because of a guild notice that said to pk you and destiny whenever i see you . I wanted just to see you more often.
    Now that it's over i got no problem.
    Now terrafrit what are you trying to say with that rather interesting comment ?
    That the reason i get pked is because i am the trouble maker ?
    As a matter of fact , i have my strong opinions *(autoloot), from your rather interesting comment i understood that it is something normal for me and bandzior to get pked.
    I never kiss ass , i repeat NEVER , i got banned 3or 4 times on this server for not giving a rats ass about people that are trying to prove to me that looting isn't good.
    Well here it is. Now i spend 5 hours a day in lot watching if a ancient item drops, i cannot loot and i got 1.5 kk zen on my soul master , which is lvl 319 at the moment . Great i gotta make a staff +13 where is the zen ?
    I am so fed up with all these things. I am really tempted to quit , so tempted because of staff ideas .
    Here Sephiroth do you know i have a guild member who plays aprox. 15 hours a day ? Obsessed ?
    I played GLOBAL MU online , the official one, even they allow auto-loot ! And they DO NOT BAN PEOPLE for it.
    I want that back.
    I will think well regarding this problem, as i am really sick of waiting in land of trial to get an ancient item .
    If you do not want to allow looting , make drops BIGGER ! People look LIKE WASABI ! ( understand ? ) no jewels no nothing. The 3 hour thing , makes people keep pc's on ALL DAY. Mine has been on for 27 blizz point , calculate that.
    And yeah marathon has big issues . REALLY BIG ISSUES . I would even make a petition to have him banned IP . I would pay 100 euro to never see him again .
    Xurbus likes this.
  9. calvi1n973

    calvi1n973 Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Alright i understand the pking. But sephi recently did increase the drop rates, yet you're still complaining about them being too low

    And i`ll take those 100 euros and i can promise you he wont be back ^^
    Xurbus likes this.
  10. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Increased the drop rates ? I am almost a lvl 320 soul master lvling in land of trial where zen drops are 500-800 zen. 1.5 kk zen . Mana pots arent stacked to keep you afking you gotta use the zen.
    Do you understand that people are playing to much online ?
    I don't really think it's a good ideea. ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA.
    It is a low exp server . I want my bots to work freely . Think about it sephiroth , i am reallllllly thinking of quiting , and i will be taking at least 2 players with me .
    I want to go back to playing a game of football but i can't i want my anubis set . AND DROPS STINK !!!
    Xurbus likes this.
  11. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    James, I meant that you and them have a rivalry which alot of us don't get involved in. Your thinking about it too much, I meant nothing more.
    Xurbus likes this.
  12. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    And i was curious as to why you didn't get in to it ?
    i should of understood a long time ago. You know when i told you that destiny is pking me and that i had trouble with saint members, if i sit well and think no one cared. but when it happens to the leaders, we all got a problem. i guess i was to blind to notice that it's every dog for himself pretty much .
    And bandzior is a true player, will help you with anything he can. As opposed to others, i am getting the main picture.
    Xurbus likes this.
  13. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    No James, there are different types of players. I honestly cannot be bothered going around PK'ing everyone. For what? Doesn't change any outcome at all. I havn't pk'd anyone for the leaders either for that case. And the only reason demona did a PK run was because marathon started being rude about his family. Who else does PK runs? When you had problems with Saints members, you caused the problem, that's why I didn't help. It's your own game, but if it was the other way around, I would of.
    Xurbus and calvi1n973 like this.
  14. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    I don't understand , do you know what a guild is ?
    And you didn't pk for anyone ? Wow you really don't care then . As soon as i saw notice in guild to pk all of them. Good bye charlie , i left server 3 and joined server 1 pked hermes and crus x2 . Anyway we won't really get to know each other so i don't really care, it is just a game. IF you don't even follow guild orders then think again of certain things, like what is it that you want from being in a guild ? And don't use the fact that you are in Faith .
    Xurbus and calvi1n973 like this.
  15. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    I know what guild is. But I also know my own emotions. If someone created a problem that I didn't have to face, then i'm not gonna face it. If Saints came and made a problem (Which happened and that's why there was a guild notice) then I would react. Not from silly games like "I'm KS'ing saints, and they are gonna PK me, what are you gonna do Liam?". Remember this? A guild is not just holding someones back in a PK war, I have given everything I have had to own to everyone in this guild. Who do you think created the first 4 pairs of wings on this server? Did I keep them? No, I never, I GAVE to everyone. There are OTHER aspects of being in a guild than being in a PK war. If I was too low level to PK, would you still bang on about me not fighting? I think you don't know what a guild means AS A WHOLE, not just one aspect.

    As I said, there are different types of players, PvM, and PvP. I take more pleasure in finding and HELPING people with skills and wings and sorts, not to run around and clean up something that someone else has created.
    Xurbus likes this.
  16. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    I seriously hope you are not accusing me of creating problems with saints in the beginning. It all has to do with Destiny being a back stabber *(yeah destiny was in FATE) and you gotta punish the backstabber. I never intended to create problems , but it all starts from someone else in my case. Anyway i had my problems no one intervened, ok i can fight my fight but do not accuse me of creating a mess .
    Crusadius cannot keep his members under control in a million years . I saw them in noria fighting with wasabi telling him to shut up . See terra who the real trouble makers are ? Demona got the picture yesterday. But as i noticed someone has changed his perspective .
    Here you were mad that the staff isn't listening to the "PAYERS" or players ( i have donated over 60 euro ) . You decided to leave outraged that players make a suggestion and admins don't give nothing except ban . Oh let me refresh your memory that crusadius was banned for opening the thread that was "Anti-blizzard standard" and after that He posted a "Kiss a** thread" in which he is really sorry will do anything to kiss you know what. So you should always be annoyed with these type of people that will change their mind any time they are challenged.
    I stand by my crap , allow auto-loot. People don't have free time because of this addictive server . Seriously , lvl 320 1.5 kk zen ? And sephiroth i play server 3 where ancients "DROP " not really my friend. Unless you want us all to stay 24/7 , zoned out in front of the pc ?
    To be honest i am doing this (well not really 24/7) and i have seen players online for too long.
    If people don't sleep 8 hours a night, their immunitary get's weekend.
    So anyway what i am saying in this part is sephiroth seriously think about allowing it , or raise drops in lot zen etc. ( i want free time) or i will just go .
    Easy to solve my problem , just say you don't care as usual, or close thread , ban me , with a retorical question that i cannot answer.
    But know that i am really fed up to see this.
    Xurbus likes this.
  17. calvi1n973

    calvi1n973 Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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  18. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Isn't michael jacksons smile beautiful .
    Seriously this is the problem.
    Xurbus likes this.
  19. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    Pardon my harsh language, but go talk bullshit somewhere else.

    90% of the banned users used autoloot, so get your facts straight, please.

    Just because webzen and K2 has sucky and lazy staff doesn't mean that they allow usage of 3rd party tools..
    Xurbus, calvi1n973 and StoneCold like this.
  20. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Well my friend , what 90 % crap are you talking about ? I NEVER saw anyone get banned for auto-looting. Get real . Obviously you don't know what you are talking about.
    That is beside the point.
    I want the word of sephiroth not mignons and that is not an insult unless you consider yourself equal to the top leader.
    Either way thank you for expressing your feelings.
    I will seriously think about quiting as i am addicted to the game again , as many others are , searching in lot for ancient items, getting zen etc. You need to afk sometimes ,but there is always that WHAT IF "X" drops while im at the toilet ( AN EXAMPLE TROLLS(wasabi etc)).
    So seriously i guess you don't ready the entire thread before comming here saying "OMG. Autoloot isn't allowed on global . OMG it ruins gameplay." Games ruin peoples lifes, let them afk loot.
    And to you "stonecold" you warned players in report section , including the one that is defending himself . Congratulations on not EVEN reading what the problem is all about.
    Do things RIGHT !
    Xurbus likes this.
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