Blizzard MU Petition part II.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Saxnot, Mar 22, 2011.

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  1. Saxnot

    Saxnot Member

    Apr 23, 2008
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    PS! Listen to Guano Apes - Open your eyes, while you read this thread

    Since you closed the first thread, when the discussion was far from over i'm making a new one.

    First, castle gates. You DON'T need serious ingredients to max out the gates, just zen. And guess what, zen drops alot huh. That said, gates are stronger than before at this time.

    Experience rate. It's low, and some people like to spend 2 years getting max. Well, on this server you can see just how many. yesterday it was 10 people online, maybe 3 of them was not in FATE. Guess we'll have awesome castle sieges. Increasing the xp, with not much, lets say to 6x. Now it's 3x and with the 200% seal it's 6x. So doubling the xp will still keep it low, but make it alot more playable. 12x xp with seals. Now, that's liveable. Increasing the xp will attract more players, no question about it.

    Drop rate. We've hunted LoT for 2 days, and 1 ancient drop.
    I'm not sure exactly how many ancient items there are, but my guess there's about 70-75 items. Now, now im not exactly sure how long it would take to get 2 ancient items, since we need more than 1-2 items to calculate the average drop/time. But lets just say 1 ancient in 3 days, that's 210 days to get "all" the ancient items. I've not even included the duplicates of 1 item then, so it'll probably take about 300-400 days to get 1 ancient set. Since I started here I've found about 2b1s, and got a 10 pack of souls from Chaos Card. I've played for what, 1,5months? You'll use about 2-3 years to get a ancient set, and then it's probably just +7, imagine +13!

    Advertising. Stop telling US to advertise, we're the players. We're here to enjoy the product, our job is not to advertise for it. That's your (staff) job.
    Avalon and Terrafrit like this.
  2. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    You know my views on this.
  3. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Along side the truth , allow auto-looting :) .
  4. Saxnot

    Saxnot Member

    Apr 23, 2008
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    Auto looting = off topic.:eek:fftopic:
  5. mordi91

    mordi91 Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Seems very reasonable. This will hopefully be open longer for discussions.
    You know my view on this case as well!
  6. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    ^_^ , come on xD , i agree with everything you said, but how will you get the ancient in 400 days by standing at keyboard :)) ?
  7. Saxnot

    Saxnot Member

    Apr 23, 2008
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    I hardly afk, so times is taken from active playing. not AFKing
  8. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Point is , we want to be heard , not banned or get our topics closed -.-'' , come on even gadaffi will fall soon ... Bring some democracy
  9. Saxnot

    Saxnot Member

    Apr 23, 2008
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    With posts like that, no wonder threads get closed.

    Remember, many are paying for your product, and then they expect you to give something back.
  10. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    1: yeah castle gates need different then just zen cause it will be no point for Saints/sunshine to even try when they are maxed out because zen is just needed.

    2:Exp was chosen for a reason, you can get your 6x exp by using a seal, so there is no reason to up the exp...just because its slow doesn't mean we need to raise the level, try go planning on gmo with or without seal and see how low that is at a perfect level right now, so we should leave it.

    3:Yeah lets raise drop to 1000% in LOT and why not just put jewels in shop while we are at it...make it easier to finish sets and get +13...that is absurd to increase the drop rate...low exp servers are suppose to be hard...if you really want an easier server, go and find one...because everything right now...(for what you are suggesting) is pointless

    on a side note: there are a few bugs that need to be fixed...and they will be when sephi and his coders will get to it...they have more than just Mu to worry about.
  11. Vengeance

    Vengeance Supporter

    Feb 18, 2011
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    Well, you're all wrong about the castle gates. It requires zen to upgrade them to their 1st stage, which I suppose they were at this CS.
    But it requires alot of Jewel of Guardians to up them further, which at this drop rate, will take alot of time to find.
    So I don't think it will be necessary to do anything regarding the castle siege, seeing we could break the gates and statues this time, with an hour to go.

    2. Of course the EXP was chosen for a reason. But when it's this obvious that the majority of the players want the EXP to raised just a bit, to attract more players. It should be taken into consideration?
    Or are you not of the belief that raising it a few notches would attract more players? If not, explain why.

    Of course low EXP servers are supposed to be hard, we're not saying otherwise. We're merely suggesting a slightly increase, so that we will not have to devote our life to actually get decent equipment.

    PS: Notice the word SLIGHTLY. Which means I'm not talking about 9999EXP or whatever floats your boat.
  12. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Impressed, one of our oldest players finally understood

    Totally agree with 2) and 3) ... About 1) Vengeance is right, thats why i told you to wait for the next Castle Siege and see yourself !

    2 and 3, you can take kratos post as my answers

    About 1) You are right.

    You will need zen to upgrade to 1st stage but the first CS contains fully upgraded gates until someone conquers it !

    For further upgrades castle siege owners will need jewels of guardian and these ones are not really easy to find. They can obtain them by staying online as well though ...

    Still , wait for the next CS first of all

    About others ... don't you ever bring auto looting into discussions. Find yourself another server that will allow that

    MU + autolooting is just stupid! It's already enough that Mu has the afk system comparing to other mmo games

    Someone said he killed 2 days in LOT and only 1 ancient dropped. I mean LOL ? You want 10 items per day or what ? There are even lower drops on 50-100x servers for LOT so 1 item for 2 days and supposing you were afk as well it's really good

    You should google search us and see that we are doing this from the first day so don't be cocky about this ok ?

    A successfull server has a lots of players supporting it , all you do is whining about exp which won;t be changed and being lazy.

    A 10 per day posting on some forums is a crime isn't it ? Well imagine we're doing this for more than 5 years.

    PS: As for your comment seems all servers out there mu, wow, l2, etc are just stupid for asking players to advertise and for doing advertise events. Well i invite you to check their forums and see such advertise events yourself .. these are the ones that bring the most players. The staff is alredy advertising, we bought even google ads but any server needs to have some supportive players which i can't see for the moment except some of you

    As some ppl do here and i'm reffering to the "ignore player x" situation, thats the reason why you saw only 10 players. We'll there are more than that trust me .. and a low exp server like this needs time to grow. As Kratos said .. exp was chosen for a reason and we won't change that reason, we'll manage in becoming a popular by being unique and a long term server
  13. Saxnot

    Saxnot Member

    Apr 23, 2008
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    I was of the understanding it was just requireing zen, so sorry about that then. I still do think it should be lowered, atleast temporarily, because of the lack of players. Remember we were cooperating with saints on getting statues/gates down. But can probably wait til next castle siege before doing anything with it then.

    I do not get some people here at all. I'm not talking about making this a max xp/max drop server. Why are you reading what you want to read?

    I'm talking about upping the xp to a more comfortable level, 6 aint high at all. (PS! I've played global, which is 1x xp per now (+seals) and it was ALOT easier than this. I'm not saying that's the way to go. The XP ain't everything that makes leveling easier. Please remember more players = level faster. Through look further than the text please.

    Seems to me that every suggestion here either get exaggerated, ignored or the thread simply closed for no apparent reason, other than a complete missunderstanding. Please sit down, througly think it through and then make a reply.

    Edit: Saw your reply now, and it's as ignorant as ever. So good luck with the server, and good bye.
  14. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    banned for being just a kid and started advertising, get a life seriously

    So are talking about suggestions but you were using autoloot before and you never read the rules + advertising another server. Move on to another server and tell them to change the exp, the most stupid thing i ever saw ... trying to change a server entirely after you joined it already for it's rates.

    Remember at the begining your words that you love the server, bla bla ... well it was nice and sweet for 1 month because it was easy till now ... but when you saw the hard part started you just wanted to make everything easier again. This is a no rebirth server got it ? 400 is a max level, you won't start over after 400 so wheres the rush ?

    Anyway grow up, what you did ingame just shows off how imature you are

    Just to add ... you were telling that players shouldn't be the ones who advertise , yet you did this. gj

    Read the following threads and see that afterall most of you realized our point of view

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