Suggestion that has been discussed with many pleyers.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Terrafrit, Mar 21, 2011.

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  1. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    In the past month and a half, this server has had approximatly 10-15 active members. Some left, some came back etc etc. I really do enjoy this server, but I fear the worst for it.

    Nowadays, people who are hardcore players such as myself and my friends, enjoy servers with rates like the current state. Unfortunatly, there are not many hardcore players in the community of MU anymore. We have tried to advertise it everywhere, and I and many others have voted as much as we can, but the active online count does not rise. People try it, and leave because of low exp.

    I hope I don't dissrespect this server in any way by saying this, but comparing phobos to this, (23x exp, 50% drops) 250+ online.

    Just think, if you had around 200+ online, think of what would happen to donations and server community.

    Well just my 2 cents, in my opinion, the server exp needs to be raised otherwise, the server costs and such will fall under so that the server will not be able to exist. I know how hard it is to run a server, and I know you will always wanna have server configs the way you want them to be, but you have to think about the community too, and what they want.

    Any type of backup would be appreciated.
    Aaape likes this.
  2. calvi1n973

    calvi1n973 Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I do agree that raising the rates would probably attract more people. If this is not an option that sephi is willing to do then we need to brainstorm some ways that we can get more players to this server!
  3. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    I think the server just needs time :) , on phobos you can speed hack , anyway , i think that if auto-loot wasn't allowed although most of us wanted it , nothing will get changed :D. I would like there to be a raise , probably would attract new players .

    Mean while check out new justin bieber ^^ :
  4. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    This has been by far easily the most common reason people've left BlizzardMU. I personally enjoy low exp servers the most at around the rates of +-20x (plus minus 10x). I've played several with such rates, and leveling is just simply way more comfortable at those rates. The fact is that leveling is boring as hell at any rates lower than that, and it can surely be seen from the amount of current online players.

    Many people will surely think smth like this: "Well you just want it to be easier." Well doh, hell yeah I do. I don't want to spend 1½-2 years just to reach level 400. Grinding is absolutely the least enjoyable part of MU, specially since the leveling system is so simple and boring. I can't really think about nothing as boring than just to level for 12 hours straight to get 1 bar at the higher levels, above 350 I mean.

    LE: Also the server Terra mentioned is managed in a way poorer way(shiet man, the admin runs all the news and announcements through google translate and barely knows any English. It always cracks me up to see the news page :rofl: ), has way more worse host than here and is populated mainly by PL people, but yet it still manages to draw people in even with such flaws.
  5. calvi1n973

    calvi1n973 Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    For pretty much the last month straight i have been afk in lost tower 7 / atlans 2 / tarkan. As you can tell from the player rankings im not even 300 (and that is with 2x exp seal). As combo pointed out, i twould literally take the next 1-2 years of my life to make 400. It's a great server, but a little modification might be needed.
  6. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    dude, take into consideration you also made a 220 soul master :) . I say lower map lvl entries allow auto -loot so we can get some jewels while afk, keep exp the same, raise a little the land of trial drops, we have arena GREAT but no one can level there gotta make em sets , but active hunting is every 4 hours , max 3 bless from white wizard ,if we get a couple of strong players to enter in raklion, we can get good sets. At least allow auto-looting , even global allows it :), = better defense , higher maps , faster exp , people are happy. .Keep 3 xp maybe make it 4-5 , 5 sounds safer . Better drop rate = stronger players , stronger players = more help to guilds new comers , we can do it. :)
  7. calvi1n973

    calvi1n973 Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    We're talking about tinkering with the rates, not allowing for auto-loot...

    Also CS is going to be impossible. With gates having 1.5 mil life, and highest character on server hitting them for about 60 dmg. Theres not enough time in cs to get through them.
  8. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    phobos doesn't have 200+, trust me on that + it has 10x higher exp, 70%+ cm rates and stuff so this is already a low-med server which i bet it won't be here for long + it has a lot of downtimes

    and we got around 30-50 active players

    This suggestion won't be taken into consideration ofc. We started with low rate, we'll remain on this rate
    There is a 25x server in my country + resets and trust me reaching full stats is kinda fast.

    25x rates servers already include spots and turns it into a low-med server. And yea ... 25x rates w/o resets it sucks even more coz you get to 400 in no time 1-2 months at max

    We need time ofc ... low rates server will never develop fast like 9999x ones. Oh by the way, this thead left a bitter taste into my mouth since there is THIS THREAD >>> and seems most of you don't care about it.

    So how about spending few min a day and start advertising by following that thread instructions ?

    // Yea, higher rates attract players, but isn't the 3x rate and low exp concept that attracted you? Each exp rate attracts different type of players

    Crusadius ofc it's gonna take around 1 year to get 400. You're talking about not getting to 300lvl after 1 month .. well it would be stupid to do that on low rates

    Trust me ... if everyone would stop being lazy and start reading this thread, there are thounds of forums and sites where we can advertise BlizzardMu together and it doesn't take forever to do that.
  9. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Regarding the event prize , i worked very hard to advertise on 11 forums and i realized i will never reach 20 urls + for 1000 coins , at least i did my share . i posted on all sorts of forums.

    Think ABOUT letting Auto loot be legal, it would help all new comers.
  10. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Phobos does have 200-250 players online. Try it, and find out for yourself. Trust ME on that.

    Only ever see around 10-15 active players myself.

    Yeah, it may be "kinda" fast, but as others said, grinding is not the plus points of mu.

    25x exp servers don't HAVE to have spots, there isn't a right or wrong in how you layout the server.

    YEah it was 3x exp that attracted me and others, but 20x would attract even more and include your players you have now too. 3x exp does only attract the smallest amount of players.

    Honestly, I don't wanna grind until a year passes by to reach 400. The fun starts at 400. at the moment, i'm listening to music while afk on dev 3 spot, nothing else much more to do really?

    Already advertised alot, and so have others, we are not being lazy at all. We all intend on promoting the server at best.

    FATE will own castle for about 2 months, noone will ever be able to get past gates because of low player count. I have never saw a CS with 15 players in it.
  11. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    that is not going to happen...think about it...let autoloot=castle owner go lot and afk all day get maybe 1 ancient a day that way...instead of actually trying to do stuff...autoloot will worsen the server because most people will find a spot...afk and loot the items which also will affect market for any such items
    Gix likes this.
  12. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    hard to advertise on 11 forums ?

    the hardest part is to register. It took me like 10 min to post on 40-50 forums, just opened everything in new tab and made the same acc and password

    If it's hard for you to search forums...just type some other server names even if they are high rates such as zhypermu ad and so on...and you can see a lot of forums and sites ideal for posting our server too
  13. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    lol ^_^ , but if i post on zhyper mu regarding blizzard i will get banned and when you log on to check , you will see that the post doesnt exist and i did nothing , i mean it's a worthless post if it gets deleted ,i made sure that where i posted it wont get deleted in sections such as , hobbies , spam zone , etc.
  14. mordi91

    mordi91 Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Sephiroth, you seem to be rather ignorant about our suggestions and ideas regarding alternating server rates and/or rules.
    My biggest concern for this server, is that you're gonna start losing players, and when a few leave, the rest will leave, considering you got around 15 players active at most at the middle of the day.

    You will have to start taking these suggestions into account, at least try it, consider it, don't just run us over like that. You'll eventually find that we do not like your dictature ways of running this server.

    People do not join a server because they look forward to all the fun (read: boring, tiresome, not so much fun really?) leveling. No. They look forward to when they actually are able to hunt their own items, when they don't have to waste (yes, waste) 2 years of their life leveling up, to actually become independent, strong players.
    And the fact that there is sooo many players online just makes the whole leveling up experience so much more fun! Doesn't it? No.

    By slightly increasing the experience rate / drop rate, or/and legalize autolooter, you will see far more players joining your server.

    So Sephiroth, listen to those who play it, those who know what the game is about, those who have to grind, again and again and again and again, and don't "suppose, think, guess, maybe, hope" that you can make it better by doing what you "think" is best for it. We are the ones playing it, and we are not here because it is fun to level up.

    So I ask you, please consider any of the suggestions.

    (This post is not meant offending by any means, it is pure constructive criticism.)
  15. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    to be honest i noticed as soon as we make a suggestion , it doesn't even matter . Think about it we are not asking for mucho.

    Communism will fall in Libia, we are starting the Revolution like in 1989 :D.
  16. Vengeance

    Vengeance Supporter

    Feb 18, 2011
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    I also think the server would attract more people with a slightly increased EXP.
    After all, I think we can all agree that the fun part of MU is not the leveling, but the hunting and PvP'ing etc.
    Just look at how well Phobos is doing. And that's with an illeteral admin, who writes "Javel of suls", yeah that's supposed to be "Jewel of Soul".

    So you've got all the basics for this server to be a flooded server with players from all over. Have a second and listen to our opinions. Or atleast explain why you are so against them?
  17. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    if you make a suggestion it doesn't mean it will be 100% accepted. There are suggestions taken into consideration and those who aren't

    We disabled VIP, we increased drop, we increased Elf Buff ... and i remember just telling in an older thread that you ll ask for even more exp after and seems i was right
    These are some of the suggestions we changed so it seems we didn't ignored but changing even the exp to 5x-10x higher it's just too much

    jamescicio , you didn't even read my post ... i was reffering of searching that zhypermu word on google and the result will be a list of websites, forums, etc where that server was advertised ... or any other popular server you are writing in google search

    9999x server is for you dude, you get max lvl then you can hunt for items and start pking

    Legalize autoloot?

    Here is your post
    I can't see the fun in using cheats and this includes autoloot and everything. So let's all just stay afk using autoloot right ?

    I'm not ignorant to suggestions, but to suggestions of changing the srv entirely , adding 5x-10x MORE exp than it is now, accepting hacks and stuff ... this is not going to happen.
    This is a pro server and ment to be long term meaning it will be here tomorrow, next month, next year and so on without wipe! These are the rates we are offering and this is what we wanted from the very begining.
    If we would want to change the exp we would have done it from the first time
    I don't see any fun or the meaning of low rate for a 25x server w/o resets thats already a low-medium or just medium to say it better

    It's just a hard server so get used. The satisfaction will be higher by time passing and once everyone realize it's a real long term servers while your 25x servers will just shutdown

    @Vengeance , once the server exp would be increased, after few months , 1 year you'll ask for wipe and if it's not gonna happen you ll get bored anyway and stop playing ... thats the player thinking
  18. Mithrealis

    Mithrealis Member

    Mar 15, 2011
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    imo current rates are more than enought.

    anyone remember old gmo?there it took WHOLE DAY,24 hours to get from level 56 to 60

    anyone coming from old gmo would consider this place a paradise,dream come true.

    like SephiroTH said you guys need to start continuously advertise and vote for us and
    like i said earlier,the more vote increasing i see between events when i start making
    events the better prices there will be.

    as for autolooting i believe we have made the point clear several times now,in rules,in several topics and even in ingame warning mails sent to the ones caught looting.
  19. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Someone was telling about that pohobos server, in case you didn't knew everyone uses polish so that's why they got players atm ... because there are no mu polish servers using their own language and you can check that. They'll close their doors soon enough though and there is no sense in getting 200 online players if the srv shutsdown fast :)


    PureSoul you are already warned. I'm being a noob admin (as you said) because we don't want to increase exp to 25x ? Thats way too stupid. So watch out for the language

    Read the following threads and see that afterall most of you realized our point of view

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