I go to baraks to lvl up my dl with horse i bug my agylity there i find 3rd spot with elf who dont kill i start kill sone after that elf is wake up i w8 him to lvl up 2 lvls he was 398 and he leave spot to lvl up i go to outside to release my racing pigeons to trane after i come back this bk is ksing me in normal situation this is not problem for me but i bug my agylity and lvl up with horse and this is piss me off houpe this SS will be sufficient to prove my words,in other ways may ask elf
This is not KS, since you left your computer to play with your pigeons, you were away from your keyboard, and when Akapunto came, you were not there to answer him if he asked you for party, and after Adapunto went AFK, you came back and the same story repeated. In concordance with our rules here you both made legal KS
in my case is not ks but here is ks http://diablo-network.com/forum/showthread.php?t=107341 and have bann,maybe i need to me in other guild to someone take this for ks?p.s. if i wont i easy can tell :here comes akapunto and make ks like in this post
batejelo i suggest you restrain your self from stupid comments such as this, learn to read english properly before posting something completley out of purpose. If He was AFK how could he have seen IF Acapunto asked for party? Are you blind? Didn't you read what Jimmy wrote? He didnt ask for party, read the rules before crying like children without a proper understanding of the order on our server.