Jesus Did we hv to wait for such thing so long^^?? Anyone know something more about it or hv something to say about it?
Well it looks very nice. I just hope they will preserve the feeling of the present game, and not ruin it by addidng to much stuff, then it will become just another MMORPG. And a very important thing will be the system req, if its not a leecher then it will be succesful/
old is normal mu ^^ ;D almost ancient heheeh this is "new" version of MU if it was launched 1 year ago probably it hast still many bugs and it hasnt got many servers if heard yesterday about it ;D
i heard about that about 1 year ago to... but i dunno any servers...probably because like u said of the bugs... i just hope its not too much like wow
old thread indeed but in case of some news about this game ppl can put it here causwe it would be useles making new thread about it aren't im right ;D? - new video about this game ;D
:thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown: lame! nothing cooler in this one, the first one is 3 times as better, and whats with the GodZilla sound on the mob??:rofl: