The Ingame Economy Problem

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kratos, Jan 12, 2010.

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  1. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    KraMer and i have been talking in game at how out of shape the ingame economy is and how it could eventually lead to less and less players on our server...

    looking at a couple of KraMer's suggestions...the dm point voting reward is one thing that is aiding in the problem...along with the dm points in game...all people have to do to get their sets / get 1 reset, sit in lorencia town and make sure to vote every 12 noone is actively trying to find items to make their own set and therefore ruining the people can go about their daily life and just need to make sure to keep their character online (easily done with auto-reconnect bots and anti-playsafe bypass) and then just they set it up so they vote when they wake up and before going to bed...that way they don't have to worry about leveling until after they get their set...and once they get the set/wings...then you see them only afking in spots to reset...and normally afk solo...

    we need to figure out a way to make this so it isn't an afk server...which can be seen by going on at almost any time of the day...

    KraMer and i also talked about how if something doesn't change with how the economy is going it will inevitably lead to the server going down or only a small group of people sticking with it...

    this really isn't a suggestion...just my views of what is happening in game...and what needs to be changed in my opinion so we can increase the amount of people on our server...

    Good Luck,

  2. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    i would also like to add that if no action is taken there will be massive loss of players,an economy crash(even more than it already has crashed) and if youre not lucky server sponsors might just send you an email of leaving due to unprofessional behavior

    also something i feel need to mention is that we are #52 in xtremetop100 when a year ago we were 4th,this already should ring the bells and tell you "something`s going wrong"

    and why has this happened?administration has focused way too much on secondary things such as media,google ads and unnecessary removation of all other support forms beside TS3(i agree ts3 is a form of support as well but offering support msn,yahoo etc etc should of remained as well(more the beter))
    when they should have paid attention whats going ingame

    note:this shouldnt be taken as an insult towards the administration nor dgn,but it seems it was required in the situation we´re currently facing to wake up you who are making the decisions

  3. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    D3vilish, u need to understand that the changes that have been done to the srv in the past months were made with carefull thinking and advices from all the staff members.

    reason for getting DM credits when voting: the reason is simple, players dont bother to vote, they like playing having everything fine, complaining, but in return few of them give something back to the server(advertise and vote), so the DM credits are given to influence lazy players to vote(witch btw we need voting)

    reason for ing-game DM points:
    when new players join our srv, what is the first thing they do?....they ask for zen
    from who do they ask? when lorencia is EMPTY...... so they reatch the conclusion that our srv is lame, and that no1 plays it
    -here comes the DMpoints system, it influences players to stay in lorencia to get htem, so new players will not go away from finding no1 there, they see the ppl standing there, maybe someone is not afk, and the talks begin

    LE: KraMer the xtreme top is rigged, and cheated by all the srvs u see in the top5 there, btw the first 3 srvs belong to the same owner, and that MAINLY is NOT ALOWED IN XTREME TOP 100, but money(cash) influenced the Xtop holders and thats why there that way,........other srvs CHEAT the top with voting bots/voting programs, amd get thousands of votes in just minutes,....... so Xtreme top is not what it used to be, its CORUPTED,
    we on the other hand have a clear contience and we are a fair comunity, in my opinion the best out there, that dosnt ask a lot from our players, only understanding


    A srv dosnt run on air, its not an Apartment Server witch a loser administrates, Our server has been recognised in many ways, we have official sponsoring,...have u any ideea to whom our sponsors are? how many are there?

    u receive sponsorship when u are succesfull, when u convince the sponsors to give u their trust, WHEN THE SRV GET TO BE PRETTY WELL KNOWN, with no voting, no advertising on different sites/forrums like SpehiroTH struggles to obrain, we would loose sponsorship, and the srv would close down. Would u like that? U say u ejoy the srv, ok well i see u are trying to close it down,.removing these implemented things will result in people stopping to vote, no advertisement=no1 knows about the serv's existence, no one joins, activity=bat srv, bat srv=no sponsor ship,.......resulting in closing down,.....witch by the we DGN was never in that position anytime!

    ----- as i sayed, the decisions are not random they are talked through the whole staff, and made by all the staff members not just by 1 person with a few opinions, but by all, with multiple angles and opinions so the upsides and the downsides can be observed, and everything done correctly and for the best
    L4Dy and HaoS like this.
  4. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    infact only GMu and ZMu are owned by nocturnal,deadrabbit(=his brother) owns FMu,
    (you dont need to tell me that as i used to work in gmu years back)

    yes xtremetop100 might be corrupted and all but server with this much players has ~200 votes 11/12th of month tells you everything isnt fine

    No,bots and voting programs have been disabled but the corruption of xtremetop100 has lead into getting in top5 by giving 50$ to corrupted individual worker of xtop100

    anyway exi i agree with "fair community" as i like the servers,community and whole dgn as concept(if i wouldnt like i wouldnt bother to worry about it)
  5. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    well SephiroTH showed me since 2-3 maybe 4 months back, some srvs on XtremeTop that have been completely banned for different reasons, and in 1 or 2 days the Completely Banned srvs were back in the top, their bans being removed, by bribing,....for money,....

    ur care is appreciated KraMer, so is everyone else's, let me just asure u, the decisions of our srv's way of running, have always been done for the better of the community
    vedalken84 and L4Dy like this.
  6. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    i know that the decisions are made for the betterment of the community...this was just my opinion showing that this server has turned into an afk server for the most part...mostly when gm's come on there are very few people to join in on events...because the prizes (jwls and bok) really don't interest them because they can get better items from dm points...and the jwls don't interest them because they can get them from selling stuff they don't need from boxes...if we hope to get more people on the server...(my opinion) we need to figure out a way to make dm points more of an active it was before...killing the bosses...but then also have something for staying in lorencia...just not so much ... because like i can get your set / wings pretty quickly without doing that much...or even being around your computer too often...don't get me wrong i love this server...but not when there are a few people on...when last season it was so active...
  7. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    Kratos, i agree with some aspects of what u are saying, the guys in the staff are always thinking of improvements, and there will be more changes,... but for now we need these systems as they are.
    vedalken84 likes this.
  8. Karamatti

    Karamatti Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    I like your diplomacy and interest in the server, but correct me if i am wrong, you are suggesting that we are giving too many DM points / hour and that fact is increasing excessively the amount of exe items on the server.
    We are giving 25 DM point /hour for now, we were thinking to stimulate players to use Lorencia too due to the fact that most of the new players need to see that the server is inhabited :))
    We are concerned too about the high AFK status but we do not want to take drastic measurements, if you have any suggestion we are open to ideas.
  9. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    i'm saying that the dm points should be giving like 10 per hour maybe in lorencia...and a certain amount for killing certain that you can gain about the same by being active for sometime but also allowing people to sit in lorencia also
    vedalken84 likes this.
  10. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    it will be discussed among the staff at a future conference
    vedalken84 likes this.
  11. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    Mu is a game of afk.

    The afk thing is little different now than what it was in Season 3 due the drastically lower exp. It takes longer time for people to reach max resets which means that all they do is staying afk in leveling areas instead of afking in towns like in season 3.
    akkken, L4Dy, sayfar and 3 others like this.
  12. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    well first of all the boxes from DM Shop have a lot of items in it ... + mostly have no luck so you ll need to gain a good number of items so you can turn a set into a +13

    25DM/h i would say is pretty good since there are ppl using lvling char and DMP char...and some that use either lvlchar or only dmpchar when they sleep etc.

    About xtremetop ...we were on #1st place and in to 3 for about 2 years ...i was a moderator here and i was reporting cheaters after i quited that job. That staff is corrupted till bones as other tops are aswell ... and yes I do have vote bot programs but I m just not that kind of guy who cheats. I've always hated such actions and I ll always do even if years ago i was part of one of the best hackers community around the world ... i rather preffer to keep professionalism and honesty.

    Also just you to know ... only 20% traffic comes from vote tops. As soon as our wow server is launched we ll start mass advertising on some new promotion domains that i m experienced in.

    PS: Check xtremetop for d2,sc,w3 ... we get about 600 votes per months there but only 1-2-10 votes are listed ... their vote system sucks aswell since only about 10% real votes are counted

    PS2: Suggestion number for DMP excepting 10 ? Also....we won t have any DMP per killing bosses anymore ... this goes for MephistoMu only
    starco13, L4Dy, akkken and 4 others like this.
  13. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Okay i am not trying to argue with your decision on postponing events or anything but just sharing my point of view as a player...

    the ingame events are "for testing skills not only for prizes" (Jeriko)...but if you would ask anyone who hasn't donated really only joins the event for the prizes so that they can get items to complete their set...not saying donating isn't good or anything but only the ones with pro skill normally are the one's that donate...and are the only ones that join the events to "test their skills" having BOK+4/5 and Jwls for prizes really doesn't entice anyone to join in event if they want just the prize...because they can easily find them in atlans or tarkan...and also can get better items by just having their dm point player sit in lorencia...

    i know this is low exp server but you (the admin) need to entice the afk players to come from upgrading the prizes to something else may entice them to come from afk...or maybe randomly dcing the people you see online 24/7 in lorencia / training to show that they just can't afk in game without being dced...

    another thing you could do is just throw out the small ingame events and do more events that people sign up for with larger that you will know how many people will be there before hand...

    this is just my opinion about why people don't join events...and maybe how to get more people to join...feel free to share your opinion also
    akkken likes this.
  14. Jeriko

    Jeriko Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    first of all .. we don`t disconnect the players in game just because they are afk

    second of all .. i already told you the events are made not only for prizes but to have fun not just lvl 24/7 and to test your skills , there are not just pk events , there are alos alot of events that anyone can join .

    this si a low exp svr so we cannot get prizes like 20 jwls and 10 box / winner but we give prizes according to the complexity of the event . i think for a low exp svr to get 3-4 jwls and 2-3 boks by winning an event is enought and like all of you can see if i do an event with 6-8 players even if a player comes last place he still get 1 jwl or 1 bok or a small prize just for the fact that he try his best ! no offence but if a player thinks only about lvl and items and jwl then where is the fun of playing the game ?
    akkken and L4Dy like this.
  15. akkken

    akkken Supporter

    Nov 7, 2008
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    u got the fun with making a set on +13+2 good opts by ur own i mean by droping box from dmp from goldens or events... in pking as well... sure from time to time ppl are joining events only for fun to not being rutine...
    but as for now the first place is to get max stats and hv a nice set... sure most ppl if hv enought rr (they are only thinking its enought) and good set they are joining events only for fun... but those i can caount on my hand atm :).
  16. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    1.) fair enough

    2.)if you read my post it did say that already...i was just pointing out that there are people out there who want max stats and a good set and that is all they care about...

    which leads to...

    3.)i'm not saying raise it to packs of jwls per event...but maybe do less events with different prizes...that the player winning gets a choice from...or have a scheduled in game event with several different events that span a couple hours with the prize being something like lvl 4 wings or 3rd wings or something very good...just like a forum event...but in game...and have people sign up for it in advance with a sign up fee so that if they don't show up they are out that sign up fee...this idea i got from GMO and would be like a pk event or something that could be split into 2 groups of people...high reset and low reset...i am just trying to give you guys ideas of ways to entice people to come from their afk state so the server is more active...and then eventually we could go back to the little events with 1-3 jwls/bok when people are waiting for the big events...
    starco13 and akkken like this.
  17. Jeriko

    Jeriko Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    be serious , again this is a low exp svr so we cannot give lvl 3/4 wings for a 2-3 hours event . you can get lvl 3 wings or cool items by voting , lvl 4 wings are prize at ilusion event if im not mistaken. what you say here is what they do on high exp svrs. diablo mu already gives the players options to do their sets (dm points and vote). if a player will join a event just for big prizes then is his choice, there are plenty players who will join for prizes that are more then enought on a low exp svr just for fun and test their skils and i realy apreciate that type of player who doesnt think only about how to get more and more things. yea if we did not have the vote and dmpoint sistem maybe then i would have understand the players who asks for better things.

    and i already told you we gonna do from now on just 1-2 or 3 ( 3 in special cases) events / day more complexed and with better jwl & bok prizes .
    akkken likes this.
  18. akkken

    akkken Supporter

    Nov 7, 2008
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    to be honest if the most toplists are corupted i dnt see big idea in voting after all... there is no fun in voting for wings... seriously im too lazy to vote to get wings in 2 months secondly i think its lame a bit i prefer to make them by my own or buy them from someone who made them... cause .e / him gets fun from making those wings much work etc some risk... the forum is more active then our server... i agree with devilish... he got "da" point i dnt think that if u will make 1 big event per week or month with such prize will make our server from pro low exp serv to lame serv... activity of our players will be bigger... fun will raise on better lvl... etc... i just think u guys should talk a bout it in a dgn stuff conference.. not saying NO before we started with talking... we i mean players... we aren't here newcomers who just wanna make this server same as others... this serv is something that we cant find nowhere else.... and coming bck to those votes.. as we have dmp i gues dmc isnt so needfull after all... make votes for 5 lvls it will be better and server will gain more votes as well... i know what u gona say same thing as earlier "its a low exp serv blablabla" tell something new more creativ about this whole idea...
  19. Jeriko

    Jeriko Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    you said " . seriously im too lazy to vote to get wings in 2 months secondly i think its lame a bit i prefer to make them by my own or buy them from someone who made them... cause .e / him gets fun from making those wings much work etc some risk.. "

    so if you like to make them and work for them how come you wanna get them from an event that last 2-3 hours ? work for items not get them easily
    akkken likes this.
  20. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    i was thinking 1 big event over a couple months (3-4) so maybe 2-3 big events for the the server won't be overpopulated with them...and if this was a low exp server why is it so easy to get lvl 3 wings+13? or any item+13 without doing much except for voting...but as you said their really is no point to vote because of corrupt voting page...but whatever i am done with this issue...and i will be watching this server still be afk full server except for those who always join events...even after full stats...good luck with the afk peeps on server
    starco13 and akkken like this.
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