KraMer`s Review/Suggestions

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KraMer, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    okay so there`s few things i have been curious about and partly dissapointed to

    here`s few of them

    ventura set only for summoner
    *heck its like sunlight set vol2.

    aramid/magnum plate only for bk
    *it used to be one of my fave dl set`s
    *its listed as mg item under grand reset items

    Red Lord Set only for dl
    *yeah just as i said,it was originally set for dl and bk both,not only for dl.
    *personally i like the set very much and would like to keep using it on bk
    *listed as bk item under grand reset topic

    arena`s warp level requirement
    yeah,its 280 and in my opinion maps aida and arena should have 20-30level lower warp level requirments,why? you may ask,my little brother started playing again here but due to not being able to levelup enought to make it to arena in week on his first reset he just simply gave up on it a.k.a its too hard to get in arena for newbies

    no levels by voting
    okay i know there is reasons why this was given up on but it was huge succees in season3ep2,now im suggesting bringing it back with little less effect,as everyone who use vote system as it is know we have 12 voting links to 6 site`s,1 in each for both diablo and mephisto.
    im suggesting every click would give you 1 level,that means 12 levels/12hours which is how many you get when you levelup all day in high levels

    correcting what is claimed
    theres messages in game such as enjoy the triple exp in blood castle but the thing is when i last time tried bc7 i didnt get one single level,i was in level 331 when i started and 331 when it was done,so this should be corrected

    as D3m0N already suggested;more spots to highlevel maps
    its rather boring to train that 30-40hours in arena just to reach 331 (when you can get to kalima6) or 60-90hours(when you can get to barracks) so how would be adding spots to kantru ruins,kantru remain,crywolf and such?

    dm coins vs dm points
    we have dm points now and staff has been claiming dm coins are coming back,in my opion if this happens dm points should be disabled due to potential of dm coins and dm points together causing explosion of 2opt sets

    sollution to this would be removing dm points before re-activating dm coins

    new ancient sets and their weapons(credits to D3m0N fornotifying me about this)
    well right everyone i was and am excited about these new sets but something is holding my excitment back,what would it be?its the weapons!
    old hyon set has lighting sword,that was and is best possible weapon for dragon set but now when new ancient sets were added the weapon choices should of tought more carefully,heck poseidon dp set has blade which is worse than lightning sword already,just to think about what bd set has

    sollution to this would be simply re-thinking throught the weapons choices carefully and correcting them

    my suggestions for the weapons would be these:
    bd - sword of destruction (sod was designed for bd set originally)
    dp - archangel sword (pretty much only sword suitable for the job together with knight blade)
    gd - knight blade (last sword to choose because boneblade would be too good as ancient as on it you could add pink opt,besides it belongs to dk set)
    thefox and akkken like this.
  2. akkken

    akkken Supporter

    Nov 7, 2008
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    hmm... i agree with few of ure points as well with:

    1.Ventura set
    5.correcting what is claimed
    6.;more spots to highlevel maps coins vs dm points ancient sets and their weapons (i want to add to this that opts of new ancients should be better or at least same as the best of old anc sets)

    as to other points:
    3.arena`s warp level requirement - its not such big problem with that arena is on 280 lvl solution for it could be lvling not only in Icarus or Kalima due 280 lvl but in Aida (and i think the exp from mobs there should be a bit higher cause lvl requirement is bigger than icarus:p) specially with making spots with those red demons (i know there 2 as i remember but with onl3 mobs.. make its atleast with i dunno 6 :p...) levels by voting - hmm as we hv happy hour (only for 2 days per week but alwyas something) we dnt so much those lvls for votes especially we got dm credits and as well its "pro low exp server".

    Thats my opinion but good work there KraMer:).
    thefox likes this.
  3. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    Ok once again players dont understand: DiabloMU is a low rate srv, its supose to be hard!

    easy life is on MephistoMU, if u want what u mentioned above ull get it there

    BloodCastle works fine, i allwas go there when im lvl 50, and make 200 lvls easy by the end of it, sometimes more (250 lvl+, when it ends)

    u get lvls by voting in MephistoMU(lvls on MephistoMu char), high rate srv, easy life there

    about the sets, webzen the creators of MU made them that way, and for those characters (from season4)

    again, DiabloMU is a lowrate srv, its meant to be hard, and not easy(hard to make lvls, hard to make items)
    u want easy, play on memhistoMU

    DiabloMu is a professional low rate srv, if u cant take the heat guys, play MephistoMu
    akkken, HaoS, felixroby and 1 other person like this.
  4. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    dont understand me wrong ex,i like hard servers as well as moderate exp servers but leveling a week or more for arena on first reset is bit rediculous
    thefox likes this.
  5. felixroby

    felixroby Supporter

    Sep 28, 2008
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    omg kramer... i suggest you try MephistoMU...

    btw i agree with the dmpoints vs dmcoins part, will be to easy to make a 2opt set+very good some from shop...

    3x exp is no claimed, i got 100k+ exp in bc/dc, and also when i have 390+lv i got 2 lv in 12min there...

    lv for arena is good how it is now... if u explore the game a bit more u will see u can reach 280lv in max 40min...also u can lv up in aida 2...or when u reach lv 140 u can go kanturu...

    we have enough sets for all classes...and in my opinion its better now...different classes different sets... what u want all characters in same set???

    more spots???<<<<<is already discussed ...on s3 swamp/baracks(especially swamp) many spots are free:p also i agree whit what d3mon said in other thread..we need some spots for bk...coz we have a lot of spots in kanturu/lot/tarkan/vulcanus, but all is for sm/mg...we dont need more spots just make the already existing spots for bk
    HaoS and thefox like this.
  6. Lion

    Lion Supporter

    Jan 19, 2009
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    as existenz already said ..this is a low rate server and those sets are Webzen creation for Season4
    Blood Castel should work fine

    DM coins system is unavaible yet...when will be avaible, we'll see what we do :glare:

    about spots..dont be lazy and search the maps :rolleyes:
    thefox likes this.
  7. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    i wouldnt like it,i dont like servers with more than max 5000x and if the exp is high the drops shouldnt be high

    eh...what else triple exp is if not 3x exp?
    ingame one of contantly popping up messages is the one for blood castle and it says triple exp

    yea but low reset players cannot use those spots in kantru due to lack of strenght and besides any bk`s cannot use them either as theyre for mg and sm.
    aida...well theres 3 monsters in those 2 "good" spots,in spots in beginning of aida the exp is just low(6-8k)
    and yah i know about icarus spots as well but again new players with 0 resets cannot use them either as most of them dont have wings

    the point is those mentioned sets have been portrayed globally as for example magnum plate for mg,dl and bk not only for bk

    and those levels for voting,that was just an idea i had to include,i personally am happy as it is right now but this is just to get few more players to server
    thefox likes this.
  8. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    rediculous KraMer? my first rr took me 3 weeks on VIP

    on normalsrv took others a lot longer, after u make about 8rr, u can rr in just one day 22-26hours

    +there are better ways to get fast exp,..happy hour for example
    thefox likes this.
  9. thefox

    thefox Member

    Apr 19, 2009
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    ...yep! I agree with Felixy--and we need more bk spot becose this server becomes a sm server!

    all players make sm cose is easier to grow a sm like other character-it have free entrance to arena cages and always have free spots somewhere cose 90% of spots is for sm
    In rest i think things are good as it are now!
    felixroby likes this.
  10. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    we are trying to have a tight united srv, not a monotone one
    the ideea is to make partys, talk have fun and enjoy playing, not stand on a spot afk 24/7 and alone

    u see only sm spots, why not party with a SM? or even more characters?
    HaoS and thefox like this.
  11. felixroby

    felixroby Supporter

    Sep 28, 2008
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    3x xp = faster spawn of mobs, so u get more xp/min...

    yeah it`s true...for low rr players it`s a bit hard...but the beginning anywhere is hard, especially on low xp servers

    kanturu tower have 2 spots, 1 with 3 mobs and one with 6 mobs

    about sets, DGN create some costume sets excellent+socket(i mean excellent whit green name and better defense than the normal socketed sets)(magnum, dark emperor, dark blue storm and 3 more)each whit socket and for only 1 class...that`s the reason why dl can`t wear magnum plate

    and about lv for vote...many of us know what we can do if we got lvs for vote:wink:
  12. thefox

    thefox Member

    Apr 19, 2009
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    Exi i agree with you :)--is a lot of sm afk-ing on server--but again i think a few bk spot is not a bad ideea:p
    vedalken84, HaoS and felixroby like this.
  13. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    as i sayed to akkken in another thread, more spots will be added when the srv will be more populated, when the need is great

    right now there is no need, just lazyness from a lot of players
    vedalken84 and thefox like this.
  14. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    awwww yeah,i had already forgotten about that

    anyway im happy if even some of my suggestions would come to reality
    vedalken84 and thefox like this.
  15. JimmyCool

    JimmyCool Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    that's why we are (we with 5-10-15 rr) to help the new comers ... about "SM spots" , anytime a pt of 2 BK can hold a SM spot :wink:
    vedalken84 and eXistenZ like this.
  16. felixroby

    felixroby Supporter

    Sep 28, 2008
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    than go and hold the phoenix spot in arena whit 2 bk:p:p it will be interesting :) and funny^^

    and whit 2 bk u get half of the xp that the sm get alone...
    vedalken84 likes this.
  17. JimmyCool

    JimmyCool Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    I have referred to the SM spots from lt7, icarus , aida , barracks, kanturu etc....not from arena cages
    vedalken84 and eXistenZ like this.
  18. felixroby

    felixroby Supporter

    Sep 28, 2008
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    vedalken84 likes this.
  19. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    and that is called spaming, u get warns for those, ending winth a temp ban
    vedalken84 likes this.
  20. pp00pp

    pp00pp Member

    Dec 27, 2009
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    If anything of this is possible, then most of it i like that lvl reward for voting.

    1 lvl per vote, is wery good stuff.
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