Alone on spot: Mr. Frusciante arrived and starting a nAAb after few minutes... and one more 3D,just for fun Respect and u will be respected!!!
??? Since when its restricted to ks 1 player....I know ksing full pt is considerated as banneable..but let me citate: ,,The player alone in one spot can keep the spot for himself and not have to party other players. It's not considered ks if another player or party (not full) comes and atacks on a spot where a player or not full party atacks if the player/party(not full) allready refuzed to join their party.,,
I didnt. But its not hard for someone not to include SS picture when i try to pt him, so its more about trusting ppl then real proof. And its anoying to SS everytime if i come to spot, but nvm. Sorry if im wrong, but this part of rule should be more specific or changed. thx
why u need more specific like this 12. KS-ing players on a Party (Rule available only on NoN PvP Servers) Party full = 4/5 players In arena, the spots are available on a first come first served basis. This means that if one full party is on the spot, you can’t ks them or you will suffer the penalty. The player alone in one spot can keep the spot for himself and not have to party other players. It's not considered ks if another player or party (not full) comes and atacks on a spot where a player or not full party atacks if the player/party(not full) allready refuzed to join their party. A spot is free for all as long as is not ocuppied by a full party. One player or an incomplet party is obligated to leave the spot if a full party comes to take over. A spot occupied by a full party can be take over only according to the rulle of AFK In an illegal KS/takeover (full party ks-ing/taking over another full party's spot) all the members of the offending party will be punished. In the situation of arena's cages, all players from party must be inside the cage. In the situation of others map's spots, the componence of the party and the presence must be visible in print. Getting out from the cage or leaving the spot, of one or more players, brings the risk of a pk or take over. Only in cases when one or more players from party have no reset, they can stay away from spot but not to a far distance and not outside the cage. When faced with a KS situation, a player must take the following measures: - 1 screen-shot when killing mobs alone (with party) on a spot - 1 screen-shot with the KS starting to happen - 1 screen-shot with the KS-er refusing party (usefull but not mandatory) - 1 sreen-shot taken 3minutes(or more) after the KS-ing occured - all above screen-shots must be taken with C pressed so we can clearly see on which server the situation occurs. Note: If a player refuzes to party, then the player requesting party can KS legally EXAMPLE: player1 ( frusciante ) comes to a spot where player2( FeLLiXy) kills mobs. Case 1: player1 ( Frusciante) starts to ks. This IS considered illegal KS. Case 2: player1 asks for party. If player 2 does not want to party, player 1 can ks legally and will not be banned. -if player1 asks for party just for the rule and then doesn't party we will decide a longer ban period, as this is an attempt to make us do errors of judgement. Case 3: player1 asks for party. Player2 wants party, everyone is happy. i think u need to read again the rule it was so hard to say FelliXy party? party = more exp @Closed ... next time think twice before start KS