Guild War Strategies

Discussion in 'Archive' started by brenden, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. brenden

    brenden Member

    Nov 6, 2009
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    Hello all another guide to help the players of Mephisto Mu

    Guild War Strategies:

    Here is how you should war this guide is composed of tips and tactics by Brenden and David (aka Leo)

    ELF: This character has always been named the support but in the right hands they can be really effective warriors. In wars any elf or elves in guild should provide 2 types of support.

    1. Buff and healing
    2. Long range attack

    With 1 it is straight forward just buff the other members eg Bk s dl mg and also don't forget to buff yourself :D

    And with 2 attack enemies with ice arrow which will freeze your opponent leaving them open for kills.

    Soul-Master: This character is a balanced pvp character with good support magic and excellent spell damage.

    1. Use Support Magic
    2. Close range attacking and teleport

    With support magic i am referring to Soul barrier which is useful in wars.

    2. this is important a sm's best def is its good offense use ice storm and lightning on your opponent but make sure you use teleport to get out of harms way :D

    Mg/Dl : With these semi overpowered characters there is only one thing to do in wars. And that one thing sit at long range and give your opponent no match :D

    But with Dl make sure you party some members and increase their power with your critical damage increase buff

    Which brings us to our favorite character:

    Bk: This character is a absolute tank can deal both high damage and take a lot of damage by its extremely high defense.

    here is what bk/BM do in wars:

    1. Use Great Fortitude for your hp
    2. Use twisting slash and give opponents a hard time :D

    A Bk's only advantage besides its atk/def is its hp always and i cant stress enough make sure you use Greater fortitude it gives you a advantage in wars.

    Make sure you use twisting slash and you wont have any problems :D

    Sorry for this long post but i wanted to make sure i covered all the characters and their roles

    Please thank David and Myself for making this comprehensive guild to success in guild wars
  2. Leonida

    Leonida Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Thx Brenden ,

    This guide is developed with combined 12+ years of experience in Mu, this will be extremely useful for players not aware or even sharpen their strategies.

    Any questions just reply it to us, we will be more then glad to answer them.

    And I will quote with "Knowledge is your greatest weapon in battlefield and life" :D

    Truly, David aka Leonidas
    titan, FREEEEED0M and brenden like this.
  3. brenden

    brenden Member

    Nov 6, 2009
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    Yes we will answer all questions bout this topic.

    Here is another quote
    "The only way to better yourself is to verse yourself"
    titan, FREEEEED0M and Leonida like this.