Solved Why solo play gain more exp?

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by sargaras, Jun 13, 2016.

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  1. sargaras

    sargaras Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Hey, i just noticed some weird thing, i made an experiment with same party and same maps , when i am in party i get lower zen drop while if i play solo i have like x2 or x3 more zen drop and also more exp than in party! I reset faster if alone despite my perfect party that used to play, even if i had higest lvl from party.. I spoke with some players and they agreed and said solo play u do faster reset! This is important to fix i think because this encourage solo play instead of team play and this will make players to be sellfish and to prefere to stay alone instead help new players.. Pls try to fix it and if test it if u don't believe.
    Ty for listening and hope this will be fixed, for me and i think for future of the server is important.

    Haha i was sure 120% is 120x ,that is why i sustained thought my posts,ok than, I am sorry about that, it seems i have still many to learn. Anyway, ty for your respond and keep it up the great work u do , and to be honest, this server fits perfectly to my "taste",seems to be interacting and professional server, i play only for 2 weeks but i have a good opinion about it !
    One last question if possible,where is this server hosted?i have small MS and i love it, i can spam pots fast xD i think somewhere in Europe, i am from Romania and seems good MS
  2. sarkazmas

    sarkazmas Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    I have noticed the same in x10 server, that if I kill mobs alone I get like 2x more more master experience, in some way it's kinda sad to know this exp goes to waste when you are leveling in party and it makes me want to actually go solo instead :rolleyes:

    According to server settings we should get (and that is how it actually works at the moment in normal exp leveling up to 400, not for master exp though):
    Normal Party 1 Player = 100% Experience
    Normal Party 2 Players = 105% Experience - so each player in party should get 105% experience, in that case for 2 players it's 210%
    Normal Party 3 Players = 110% Experience - 3 players 330%
    Normal Party 4 Players = 115% Experience - 4 players 460%
    Normal Party 5 Players = 120% Experience - 5 players 600%

    But for some reason now it feels like 1 player no party is getting 100% exp
    2 players in party get 52.5% exp each
    3 players get slightly more than 52.5% (i guess that 5% increase of that) each
    4 players get slightly more than 52.5% (probably 10% of that) each
    5 players get slightly more than 52.5% (probably 15% of that) each

    So by my calculations the increase in party exp is actually decrease which starts at 2 players and slightly increases with each party slot filled (and if that's the case, solo killing in swamp is the best choice to level up master level), yes we might think that it would be slower kill and that is true, but the exp multiplication by 2 is far too great to ignore it for a player hehe).

    The calculations are what they are and either I misunderstand how party exp works or there is no real advantage having a party (so far this exp decrease is noticed in master exp, and normal exp is working just fine).

    Having another thought that the solo exp for master lvl was made like what it is right now intentionally or there is a mistake left in party exp config.
  3. sargaras

    sargaras Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    well u calculate the exp as individual not as party, i mean for 5 players normal party exp u SHOULD gain is 120% , not 600% , anyway SOLO play u make faster a reset.

    P.S. I tested only on normal exp, not master level
  4. sarkazmas

    sarkazmas Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    If you think 120% is right for 5 people then split it in five parts now please :) I might have not explained too clear but I think if read using logic, it all makes sense.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  5. Offspring

    Offspring Active Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Just did quick test myself in 10x server. Mlvl xp, in party were 2x ELF+RF+SM+SUM.

    RF gets in party ~70% of XP it gets solo. Guess right now I should separate party into smaller pieces to lower tier spot, I would keep same xp and pick much more loot (jewels). If and when this could get fixed?

    Normal exp and master exp are different, this thread is for x100 server not for x10, ml experience doesn't have a separate setting when it comes to this feature so it only applies to normal experience.
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    There is nothing to be fixed here, it's always been working this way. This "party exp" thing has always confused both players and server owners so why not doing some google research with keywords like "muonline party experience", "muonline party experience bug"and "muonline party experience issue" you will find various explanations and forum threads from other servers and mu discussion forums.

    First of all we are only talking about regular experience, master experience doesn't have a separate setting when it comes to party exp feature and it's also different and lower than normal experience.
    Also 120% is not 120x as party uses a different algorithm and someone with higher level gets more exp than someone having a lower level in a party so this is what confuses you.

    Let us take the maximum 5 party members example where you get 120% (that is 600 in server side because 600 / 5 = 120 as @sarkazmas mentioned), the experience is assigned to the party members according to their level but this doesn't mean each of you gets 120x experience. Each one will get 120% of the individual obtained experience that you are being assigned in a party depending on your level instead of 44% which is the default value in MU for 5 party members so this is the bonus you get. The only way to test it yourselves would be to set a test server with 1x exp, form a 5 members party and watch the exp during both phases, one with the default party formula and one with the increased one as it's set here.

    Party members level is changing all the time, you are all forgetting that level in a party is the most important because the higher level you get, the more exp you gain. Someone reaching max level (this is the guy that had the higher exp of all party due to his level), reseting character and going back to the spot asking for party will pass the extra exp to the next higher level players.

    You will never get equal exp in a party, this wouldn't even be fair, there is level gap and higher level players will always get more experience.

    Research, get informed and you'll know how it works. You will find tens of similar opened thread, some of them without any answer because the owners themselves are confused about it but there are some that I fond myself who provide decent explanation (won't post them here as they are forums of other mu servers)

    @sargaras during my google searches I found your name on another mu server where you previously played that has a thread providing legit explanation refering to your question, not sure if you are the same person but I assume you do because your country geolocation matches so feel free to check the same answers given there.

    Also, not sure for how long you have been playing but ever since the server started full parties have always been popular here because it's all about players mentality and the community itself and you should have noticed that by know just by seeing the ammount of people posting available slots in party (in the non-reset server party is even more essential) as you always see someone posting it and that's because the community is awsome and it all comes down to this after all because there are lots of kind players.

    @sarkazmas, I'm pretty sure you've been told not to quote the last post of a thread, use reply only. The "quote" function should be used when you either want to quote a part of someone's post or a previous existing post in the thread so that user will know you are answering to him, which in this case it's obvious already who you are replying to.
    Sasuke and sarkazmas like this.
  7. sarkazmas

    sarkazmas Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Understood Sir.
    Here's the thing, for the normal leveling up to 400 the settings that are right now applied in the server indicate what I said with those big numbers, for example 600/5 = 120. I mean I know exp is not equal, but if you look closely, when you are alone no party, you get 8000 exp. When you party with another man, your experience is increased from 8000 to lets say 9000 and it only raises with each additional party member - that is how it works right now for normal leveling.
    Now how master leveling works, lets say you are alone and you get 16000 exp, as soon as you create 2 member party, the experience received is decreased by like half to 8000. Where in normal leveling, there is no such thing if tested right now. And that is what is confusing me at the moment, not the deep party experience rules, but the obvious and visual when tested.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  8. sargaras

    sargaras Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    i didn`t google it and stuff but, in short, logically with party u should get higher exp(i know lvl gap and all stuff, for e.g. lets talk if u are the highest lvl in party) and i think is not normal that alone to have higher exp than a highest lvl char in a full perfect party . I just shared this coz i can`t imagine in future that u will see only 1 person per spot(coz of faster reset at the moment) and new players ask for party and no one gives :)
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @sargaras don't imagine then and see the reality instead, everyone who asks for party on spot finds it in no time because parties have always been popular here and yes, we are online too and we can see that. As for the solo and party exping, you are lacking MU knowledge but the logic is simple, the game has been designed for the official server where the main advantage of a party is to kill mobs faster and level in stronger areas and there you get 44% out of the final exp (Note: this is not 44% of base server exp rate but of total party exp value that you are being assigned according to your level) that is being distributed to each player while here you get 120% (Note: this is not 120% of base server exp rate but of total party exp value that you are being assigned according to your level), that's how it works here and everywhere else. It's not about how you think it should work, it's about how the game actually works and that didn't changed since it has been released. I just sent you a private message with the direct link from the last server you played where the same explanation is given, just to prove how wrong you are and it would be great if people would listen others advices since they play this game for years and still lack ton of knowledge. I even gave you the google key words to search for that will lead to your previous servers where you say it was different, curious enough their forum threads say the same thing as there, I wonder why.

    Take into consideration that this feature exists only in private server so ignore the zen drop rate because that will confuse you even more as not everyone realizes that experience in a party is assigned based on the higher level and in this case zen rate is based on a different algorithm, unless you never played on the official server for years probably most of the game aspects will be unknown to you because the official server contains the original game and settings, private servers are a whole different story, all are different. And don't forget about the 65535 visual bugs in mu.

    I don't blame anyone nor being surprised about this because most players and even server owners don't know how this feature actually works, I mean they know that setting a value of 200 for 2 party members = 100% exp but they forget or simply don't know that being in a party uses a exp algorithm based on several factors. That's why your previous server and every other server works the same way.

    Avoid mixing x10 answers into a x100 thread because you are confusing others even more, feel free to message us instead. He is talking about x100 and regular experience, the formula party is applied for base experience, mastering experience is a whole different story, the reset server players usually complete mastering once they are full rr/gr not before because of the seals effect for regular experience after reset.

    PS: What part of don't quote last post before your own reply you don't understad? You've been told this twice by now and yet you keep ignoring it.
  10. sarkazmas

    sarkazmas Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    I simply pressed Reply on your post as you mentioned me to do.. and it auto quoted whole message. I suppose button Reply is given the wrong function then, sorry. For what I said about 10x experience differences between normal and master, shall I post it in x10 section or it will be (if will be) investigated from information provided here?
  11. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Oh, so you use the Reply button from a post, thats why. Try using the quick reply instead like everyone else, here is how

    Your example is correct regarding normal experience: "I mean I know exp is not equal, but if you look closely, when you are alone no party, you get 8000 exp. When you party with another man, your experience is increased from 8000 to lets say 9000 and it only raises with each additional party member - that is how it works right now for normal leveling."

    The thing is, this feature only targets the regular experience as far as I noticed in all server files which is why is more common in a reset server than in a non-reset server, it doesn't have a separate formula just for mastering experience alone as you have inside the commonserver.cfg file for example or different other config files where you got separate settings/formulas for regular experience and master experience so this is not something that can be added by us and so far I haven't seen any server files with separate settings for party mastering exp alone. However, a non-reset server benefits from the original game concept which is to form a party with others so you can level up on stronger spots, kill mobs faster and obviously obtain more exp.

    @sargaras, glad you figgured it out and don't worry we all learn new things everyday
    sarkazmas likes this.
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