I'm not exactly sure what do you expect after constantly provoking on either /post or gens chat And the fact that you can not restrain yourself from callin' everyone around you a kid says enough for itself.
Yes, apparently, because specifically you were applying the same logic for the past 2 weeks whenever anyone from our alliance hunted you down - not to mention that instead of one simple "fk yor self", you've started throwing a tantrum about how unfair everything is and went on with your passive-agressive bullshit and i've had to mute my chat most of the times because reading such slops is below my level
Funny Extazy You should use less extazy ! FK YOR SELF ! Are you serious? I think that fortness want said: FAST KILL Yourself. We can crying at forum all time with matter like this. FU Extazy, its means funny user Extazy. Now you have to open need tread i think.
Yea we might laugh and making fun of you after you pk-ed us, but only because we knew that this moment will come when we will get our revenge BUT we never insulted or used rude words im preatty sure of that. Insulting someone just because he asked for a duel should be below ur lvl Kr1d, not the fact that we became "tantrum" after you killed us, do'h . Now is payback time and you have to bear that
Wrong section, it has to be posted into the right forum (you posted this in x10 while you are playing on x100) and by following the standard report form. On a side note, we don't need defenders of the op or of the reported player in this thread so those who are not involved into reports refrain from posting otherwise you will be getting a forum warning worth of 2 points.