Chaos cards and its price

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kayden, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Kayden

    Kayden Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    Hi i have to ask about chaos cards. You have it for 150 ecoins and i think this is really too much. I already bought almost 10 and got 1 exc item, rest was blue. Its not worth this price
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    It is all about the luck here but are you sure they were Chaos Card gold and not mini? I just mixed 5 gold chaos cards and not a single one of them gave me non-exe items, the mini gave me two only so you might have had a real bad luck unfortunately, which is part of the game. Both chaos card gold and mini have a better chance for 2 exec options on the same item compared to a regular mob/boss drop.

    Here is my result from mixing 5 chaos card gold few minutes ago: got jewels, pack of jewels and a nice 2 options excellent ring with hp recovery

    Here is my result from mixing 5 chaos card mini few minutes ago: got an angel, two exe items (both +opt and the armor dd + luck) and two non-exe
  3. Kayden

    Kayden Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    I bought gold ones, one chaos, one bless, exe rune blade and rest was blue, most like ancient stick, even with ur luck ist not worth this credits but i need to say i had back luck then with mixing

    EDIT: ill try one more time
  4. Terrorist

    Terrorist Active Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    Exactly the point here. I think the whole system economy stumbles a bit atm.
    As Players we don't know what to do about ecoins influencing market. It's a good idea with all that donate trade and all - market and all that. But right now the only viable way of getting ecoins is donate. And now its fine, but we also have to take into account the fact, that most people won't invest in this game more than 20-30 euros or more, everyone has some sort of cap.

    And now all of these ecoins are really easy to spend - VIP thats 10 euros per month than Exp Buffs - another 10-15 euros per month. In the long run its getting really costly.

    We don't know what the worth of say a bless in credits should be. It's hard to establish. Some guys wanted to buy bless of me for say 3 credit. That's the only realistic offer I was given - 30 credit for 10 b.

    Going back to the picture above. Simple Maths 5 chaos card - 150*5=750 ecoins thats about 5 euro. What do you get for it?
    1 b 1 creation 10 s - all of that worth tops 50 ecoins and a ring thats maybe worth like 30 ecoins = 80 ecoins that we got back of a transaction for 750 that's like 10%. Maybe just bad luck? Idk.

    But The real issue to me and I know it might be a bit off topic is current system economy. Its really hard to just keep on going, where people suddenly come up with out of the ceiling prices for items, just coz they want to get as much as they can from "rich kids" and others who want to screw you over at every corner - offering bullshit low prices for items / jewels.

    I think a good solution would be to offer some sort of Hmm another way to make coins - for example by offering to buy out jewels for some minimum price - say 4 credits per jewel.

    That would not make anyone get over their heads and enable everyone enjoying the game fully with all the seals and stuff ( once they earn it. ) increasing the competitive factor of the game. Currently I just can't see where this thing is going ( as an economist; p ).
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Why trying to sell everything for ecoins at first? It's been just a few weeks since the server started, stick with the jewels price for the regular items and sell for coins only the higher valuable items (some people have made some pretty good deals). It's normal to be confused about the ecoins price on some less valuable items for the moment and people will realize this at the point when their items won't sell it's because they overpriced so they will rethink their strategy and ask for jewels instead. This is something you will see in any server that allows people to sell items for virtual currency, it's absolutely no different than here especially at the very begining. Imagine that until about two years ago or less this game couldn't allow people to sell items for virtual currency inside of the game so the only chance was to donate just like in any other game as this is how a server survives, however now people also get the chance of trading the virtual currency too but it's normal to put more effort as a freebie.

    Then, the chaos cards are having the same default mix on any server (so far I haven't seen any server playing with the chaos card settings especially that there is a long list to deal with and you don't want to mess up with the probabilities in there) and the price is simillar as well, these are not some items that people buy in loads, some will give them a try and they will see them worth it and get more while others will ditch them right after a few mixes so your math goes both ways here. We don't really expect people to mix high quantities of chaos cards or to resell the items they get from there, chaos cards are targeting beginners mostly so they get some fast starting items, however I'll perform some tests during the next days by mixing a lot of chaos cards and decide if the price needs to be adjusted on these two.
  6. Kayden

    Kayden Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    Next 5 chaos cards gave me 4 exe items adn 20 bless. But this items werent high lvl, was like bluestin crossbow or leather items. Totally not worth right now
  7. Kr1d

    Kr1d Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Because some people are not willing to spend 20$ weekly for XP boosts is my guess.

    Anyway, i've already seen on forums replies along the lines "there are enough ways of earning ecoins.." .. Well if hardly half of the server features are covered by guides, how do you want people to not get lost and have an idea what those ways are, and that applies to everything; boss/invasion/event timers, events/rewards explained, Xshop features etc etc..
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  8. donpuia

    donpuia Supporter

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Back to the original topic, i supposed the Chaos Card Gold have the same rewards as in GMO, if you say there is different you should try if possible to write a list of possible rewards/mixes.
    I don`t know if its allowed but i can provide the link to the GMO list of mixes from Chaos Card Gold
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @Kr1d, the word you are looking for is greed and those replies refer to the MUPoints which is the main currency reward that gets you a seal for the ingame features not ecoins, you might want to take a better look when going offtopic and if some feature is not covered by the guide on how to obtain them how about you go to those events and see it yourself as the idea behind this game is also to discover it's rewards (the custom features that are mostly unique already got he guides, rest of events are known for years in MU so you can leave your afk spot and check them out)as almost any event and all important boss rewards you with points, you even get them by afking or offtrading. Some people expect to get all the donor advantages served on a silver plate without any effort or make them not worth it at all for their own greed which kinda ruins the idea of donating, probably not for those who always had the wrong idea that server costs are cheap and paid in beans ; and you'd be surprised that people got quite a high ammount of points, of course those who are active and work for it instead of expecting only freebies. Anyway we're way off-topic here and there are plenty of p2p servers out there closing and opening under a new name right way that will change this idea of yours.

    @donpuia, default mix reffers to the original mix and I have already mentioned that.
    Chaos cards are exactly what they have always been, mostly beginner items so they'll contain the 380 lvl items with exec options (normally they don't have any on gmo so this is the only addition) and items like black dragon, grand soul, ashcrow, eclipse, ancient, etc, rings, pendants, jewels, pack of jewels, pets, fenrir and so no ; so they aren't ment to make you rich with the ultimate items.
    donpuia likes this.
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