i cant buy seal of wealth

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FaLci, Mar 14, 2016.

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  1. FaLci

    FaLci Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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  2. Kr1d

    Kr1d Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    You've got 3rd Q done, ofcourse you can't..

    And i'm still awaiting response from admin whether the master seal increases XP at 1-400 too or only 400+, i'm curious about that one too
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  3. FaLci

    FaLci Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    I do not think we should have connection , i have q3 but i dont have 400+ so i need seal of wealth ... seal of master wealth work just for 400 lvl + ...is bug or something here.. on anothers servers can buy wealth with q3 ...
    maybe find a solution to make 2quest again
    admin master seal of wealth work from lvl 1-400 or just 400+ ?
    on website is too much credits for change caracter class from 3rd to 2nd class... 1000 credits ..
    i know here is a settings official , but on official is not with rr .. here is with rr gr , so people needs seal of wealth after make q3

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
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  4. vipi

    vipi Supporter

    Apr 7, 2008
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    Hey guys, i have the same concern, i would like to know if Master Seal of Wealth works on lvl 1-400, if not i ask my char to be reverted to a non-q3 char, but 1000 credits for that reversion is an insane price, especially if the server doesn`t give you a seal alternative...
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
  5. donpuia

    donpuia Supporter

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Along with probably others i am also waiting for an answer.
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  6. Sm0uker

    Sm0uker Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    agree with everything sayed before !
    please make so that seal of wealth/ascension could be bought with 3rd quest as for a rr/gr servers
    vipi likes this.
  7. donpuia

    donpuia Supporter

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Admin why you skipped this thread ?
  8. Sm0uker

    Sm0uker Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    observed that also )
  9. cretzu

    cretzu Active Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Well , i guess u should have post this earlyer , cuz most of the servers now days are custom made to be able to use normal xp seals even when u are 3rd class.

    Sorry but you are wrong. All servers are working like this and if there are servers that allows a 3rd class character to buy a normal seal that will not work anyway, then it either means they aren't newbie protected for mistakes and using old free files available on public releases or they are older seasons that don't have master level/skill tree fully implemented. This is a global guide applying to every server out there, this isn't something that you can custom change and a google search will confirm this as you will find same explanation and same warnings everywhere you will see it posted. The ingame xshop informative text is explanatory by itself and most servers don't even post such guides as they expect people to know how the game works by now.

    im sry but i tested this thing and it does work!!! and sinse im 100 % sure it does (verified for like 2 characters 1 with seal 1 without and same lvls) i would like to ask to just custom enable buying them instead of giving the oportunity of class quest regretion!
    p.s. after geting 3q while lvli-ng from 1-400 u must not gain any master exp becouse it should be gained only at 400 +

    And I can name you hundred of servers that work as intended and as they should but you are free to send me a PM with those 2-3 servers that you claim a normal seal works effective for a master class.

    I confirmed that the servers names you sent me in PM are working just as here, we even share a simillar informative thread with one of them. They all have the same server files provider that works just as here.

    on the photo SAYS Not aplicable to Master Level, not to Master LVL characters, as far its a very big difference and thats how my previous post makes sense why seal worked while having 3rd Quest
    but its quit reversed about master seal of Wealth where it SAYS not aplicable to Normal LVL characters and thats why without 3dQ its nonse to buy it (althought i dont know if u even can).
    Notice that and u find that all we've been talking is true! :)

    That is the default text that the client comes with and every other client has the same text. As you see the Seal of Ascension has that missing "characters" text that seem to confuse you. It's the way they created those texts and it's the same on all clients.MU is originally created as a non-rr game so a Master Level reffers to a Master Level Character, if you reseted you're still called a Master character. As for your test that it's just an illusion here is one made 5 minutes ago. 3RD class with and without normal seal of wealth, as you see exp is the same (those 23K exp while having seal were due to killing the cows which are lower , I've killed them individually with default sm spell)

    As I said, any google guide should clear this unnecessary confusion. I can't post here since some links might come from other servers but you can do so.

    if u would like come to our pt without hitting mobs and make u the same lvl as awesome+3rd q but without seal and you ll see!
    p.s. how could it be an illusion if the char without seal was getting 10 lvl's and the one with seal and 3rdQ -20 lvl althought they are in same party and same lvl at the start of observing ?!

    Buying/not buying seals as a 3rd class or making a seal work is not an option, that's something hard coded inside of the game. Google for the guides and confirm from any other server using any ex version.

    the Expirience shown there can not be a trooth indicator becouse its x100 server and it doesnt show the right Expirience couse of 65 k + thats why in like 30 min ill give u the screens of lvling between 2 persons with 3rdQ where 1 is with seal of wealth and the other without

    Not being able to have the same advantages from a (in theory) higher char (Q3) over somebody with a lower char (just Q2) doesn`t make any logical sense, does it? :)

    Yes it does have a logical sense if you ever played the original game that has no resets, which is what MU was designed for. From 1-400 you are a normal character so you use a normal seal, from 401-700 (730 new seasons) you are a master character so you use a master seal, makes sense right? From my calculation it has the same advantages and more.
    If you reset you are still a master character, this also makes sense, correct? Things change though since private servers might also have resets and guess what, Webzen doesn't care about private servers with resets.

    Since the issue is already solved would be wise to move all the post to the other thread to keep this one clean (including this post)

    Edit by Ezekiel: How is that possible, I was about just to do this and reply with a plain example. You sir are reading people minds!

    Well if u wish me so , i can name u 2-3 servers from XTOP 10 where normal seals works :)

    I posted that few minutes ago, do your tests with the lower level mobs from maps like devias/losttower so you won't have any visual exp bar glitch and then you will convince yourself.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2016
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  10. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    Because I was in the process of making an explanatory thread and I suppose you can have patience until you receive an answer, am I right? There are servers out there that reply in days not minutes.

    Now let's start from the begining. It's a bit surprising that I still see players that don't know how this game work, however what you reported @FaLci, it is NOT a bug.
    This server is just like any other server when it comes to exp boosts/seals and I have created an informative thread about that here: http://forum.eternalmu.com/threads/exp-boosts-seals.536854/

    Once you complete your 3rd quest you can only buy/use a Master seal. As in the past people got confused on this and were buying normal seals then they couldn't activate or they could but they had no effect, most new server files including ours are coded in such way so the user won't make a mistake and buy a wrong seal that he will spend coins for, while not being able to use it. This setting is to protect you from making mistakes and spending coins/points to buy a seal that is not suitable for your class and therefore it won't work. You are still able to buy a normal ascension/wealth/healing seal on the same account as long as you have a different character that is still 1st or 2nd class so this is bound only to a 3rd class character, not to the entire account.

    Since this setting is bounded to the original game and it's the same on all servers then it means you cannot simply change the way game works just because people play on RR servers. Keep in mind this game was designed by Webzen, private servers use emulators and mimic the original files but there are things that cannot be done/changed.

    The Seal alternative for master characters are PETS and RINGS (these also increase the increase exp rate), that isn't so hard to figure it out by yourselves.

    Now about the web class revert service. Most servers either don't have such thing and those who do have atleast a double or triple the price we have and our set price is less than a basic package or you can obtain them by voting and selling items, but we are opened to suggestions. What price in credits you would say it's fair? And please don't say free because a revert class free service would be abused, I won't say how but I suppose you can figure it out by yourselves the way it can be abused.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
  11. cretzu

    cretzu Active Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Even if im not in the case , i sugest u to revert those 15-20 ppl who made 3rd class before u posted that guide about seals and keep the same credit price of it from now on.
    Like this everybody will be happy and there will be no furthure complains.

    Just a simple opinion.
  12. FaLci

    FaLci Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    maybe 100 credits i think it is enough,just for 1 day... because no one knew this information about Seals...and more people make q3 already before to you open Info EXP Boosts / Seals post .
    I think that's the right way:D.

  13. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    You really think so? The following persons that don't know how this game is supposed to work or they do know but want to take an advantage will come then and complain how some people were reverted and they will demand the same. I don't want to sound like a jackass but we aren't supposed to teach you this game, it's kinda old and people should know that by know.

    As I said, we are open to a suggestion on lowering the price but you shouldn't think only for yourself but also for those who might want to abuse this.
  14. cretzu

    cretzu Active Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Well since u made a guide about it , the further complains about not knowing ,from 14.03 to the end of time, wont matter , so they cant abuse it and then come to u to revert it.
    And this way u can keep same price so ppl wont abuse it !
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  15. FaLci

    FaLci Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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  16. Sm0uker

    Sm0uker Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    play mu from 2006 played all seasons inclusive the 8 season and im seen this thing for the first time !
    i doubt i played all this time on wrong servers and i doubt its just a illusion that seal of wealth work with 3rd Q through all servers i played.
    FaLci likes this.
  17. FaLci

    FaLci Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    me 2 ...i play from 2003 and im seen this things for the first time !
  18. Sm0uker

    Sm0uker Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    just watch about how Awesome is lvl-ing and how is lvling me (Sm0uke) note Awesome got Seal Of Wealth and me not ! we are both in same party
    p.s. just saying i m doing 370 lvl while he does 1 reset and i bet he ll get the second far before me! so the Seal of wealth did work on 3rd Q characters!
  19. FaLci

    FaLci Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    when i say settings is like official ,and on official is without rr ...thats seal of wealth dont work with q3 :(
    so admin make 100 credits for 1 day to change class ?..
    Kr1d likes this.
  20. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    That's the problem it's not 2006, it's 2016. Most of people that came back here are those who played old seasons mostly on this community. MU developers made a lot of progress in the past few years, like until 2-3 years ago MU didn't had a separate setting for Normal and Master experience so probably this is why in OLD server files and seasons you could use a normal seal with a third class but that had no logic because it's not how the game is supposed to work. This may sound stupid but those who seen it this for the first time clearly don't know the game, just as an example, @Sm0uker, pick any server in xtremetop100 that has a S8/S9 (meaning ex versions) and even S6 because now even S6 has new files and everyone ditched old ones and you will find the exact same thing, google for any exp boost / seals guide and you will find the exact same thing. Pick 100 servers and then you may claim that you've seen this a hundred times instead of first time. I even messaged someone here with a link to another server forum with the exact same explanation regarding exp seals/buffs and google is full of them, message me if you want to get those links too, however it will be the last time as we don't advertise other servers in this community.

    @FaLci, waiting for some more opinions on this.
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