Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    As you all know, we announced the opening of a TEST SERVER in order to set a new RAGE FIGHTER damage formula.

    Currently, the agiRF is pretty overpowered and this is a good example of why not all your suggestions are good and a perfect example of why I shouldn't listen to all of them even if once this happens some of you start going rage because of a game.

    The previous formula was actually pretty good and seems the new one following the GMO agiRF model was a bad idea so this is why we will not take any other suggestions from people that have the idea they know how GMO works when actually they don't.

    To make things clear, GMO introduced the RF as a new character and it was overpowered back then in S6 EP3. We came up with different formulas and managed to bring it on a more ballanced level with the previous formula (not the current one) and now we will continue work on our old formula and not on the new suggested one, so we can please everyone and everybody.

    Since we all have different GMTs to be online, I have decided to leave the TEST SERVER opened for everyone all day long.

    The purpose of this test server is to let our players decide the new rage fighter formula so this is why everyone is able to test things out. This time you will all decide but everyone has to be pleased so both RF's and other characters!

    Fair warning for those who got the wrong idea that we will make RF useless! We are just bringing it to a ballanced level, something that GMO didn't do on S6 EP3. Disabling it like I saw on another server is just stupid and this is not a solution as it's an important part of S6 EP3 and taking the short way just shows how pathetic some servers can be.

    - All maps on the test server are PK Free so don't worry about getting a killer.
    - The server has no monsters for now. We will add few monsters for PvM, as soon as everyone is pleased with the PvP tests
    - Experience is set to 1 and there are no NPC's except vaults and the barmaid in lorencia

    The TEST RF formula is available only TEST SERVER so make sure you test it out and post here your feedback!
    Changes have been made on DarkSide skill mostly and they are not final!

    I would like now to see those who complained about RF, testing out the new formula on the TEST SERVER.
    Make sure you try both Normal PvP ( Arena is most recommended ) and Duel PvP.

    Create PvP scenarios with RF fighting against the other classes.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Updated and reloaded with a new value. (darkside skill). Post your feedback
  3. Enderx

    Enderx Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    The range of darkside will get fixed?, because now is 8 range, when it should be 4. in PvP that really make them alot OP, because they can kill before you can atack them.

    Is there a possibility on decreasing RF's PvP Atack rate?, so the dmg stay as it is now, and they miss more in PvP, so things can get balanced without nerfing their dmg. because in PvM it's fine.
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    The range thing is out of my powers. That is source coded and no one has access to sources except developers.

    It's impossible to make a character miss more in PvP or have different values for PvP and PvM. If PvP is fine then PvM is fine as well just like on the rest of chars.

    Webzen nerfed their own character even since they introduced it so there is nothing wrong to do the same to create ballance since this is the only way to do it: increase/decrease some values. We changed it a lot comparing to what GMO had when everyone was complaining but we just want to make it better for everyone.

    Now, I've opened that server for public tests so people will see exactly the live formula instead of start complaining about it after it's set.

    I want opinions of the current RF formula that is available only on TEST SERVER. Is it good, is it bad? If it's bad which part exactly and please don't use youtube for damage videos because most of them are old and show the moments when the overpowered RF was introduced by webzen.
  5. Enderx

    Enderx Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Well if you can't lower their Attack rate to make him more miss, what about giving all other chars more Defense rate?, it would be the same, and if you're worried about people making chars with Defense Rate items to hunt/level you could increase monsters Attack Rate to balance things out, and everyone will be happy.

    Another way could be, finding a way to decrease their minimun damage, like other chars, AE with multi-shot hit alot more than RF, but when you put AE against a full DD geared guy, their damage go really crap, you have to put 380 Bow to make some damage at least, because without it you make around 30-50 damage. so if you decrease their minimun damage, they will hit really low, but if they wear 380 weapon their damage will be high but not op.
  6. ajemna21

    ajemna21 Supporter

    Jul 5, 2013
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    lol fus naab rate pvm and rate pvp is diferent things and it have direferent formulas aswell.
    As i said there are 2 3 scenario to nerd RF and don't afect other PJ.

    1 Down Atack rate(pvp) it have more like SM and in gmo sm almost never misss when 20/20 pvp rate vs rf.
    2 Disable PSS.
    3 change formula instead of HP to give dmg add STR he will get low HP so he will be easy to kill by all.

    this is my opinion maybe 1 i'snt able to made becose files don't have this obtion but 2 and 3 i think is ok
  7. Enderx

    Enderx Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    2 Could really be the answer for the balance. 3 could be nerfing the damage it get from vit, and increasing the damage it get from strenght, so people would make a hybrid rf. with less HP ofc.

    Both are good, but both have bad things, 2 People who have PSS will complain about it because they hunted alot time for it,etc., 3 Everyone who have a vit rf will complain because they will have to remake their builds wich is really expensive(750pc each fruit).

    So if you ask me what i would choose, i'll go for 2nd one. people won't have to remake char's
  8. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    According to what we have talked today, I added the new BETA formula for RF on the MAIN and SIEGE servers.

    I want to hear some opinions here and remember we're aiming to be the first server that ballances RF to please everyone else so don't turn this into a drama.
  9. Enderx

    Enderx Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    About Agility Ragefighter

    Tested it on PvM, have to say is low, but if the range is 8 so it balance it.

    Tested it on PvP, my minimun damage is 430 with each hit, so i make around 860-1720 with each chain, if i make a avarage it will be 1290 damage average. well that's not the end. if i put 2 pair PSS, my damage jump from 1290 average to 2490 Average damage. wich i still found it a little op, because i can make my self full agility and my damage will be even more.

    As i can't afford myself to go full agility, can you please Gix, test with a full agi RF.

    Stats: 517 str - 2376 agi - Base vit - Base ene

    Then put it 2 Pss with PvP option, and see how op it's.

    Suggestion. nerfing a bit more, or making PSS need to put many vitality points to be weared.

    About Vitality Ragefighter

    Well as all can see, VitRF is way better than GMO S6 Ep3 But it still need to be fixed, it still 1 hit low hp chars, and take down Full hp chars made to resist, in few seconds.

    Solution Deleting 380 Weapon.

    Well some min before this post, i tested VitRF for last time, then i found it was nerfed, well, im not a rf player, but the damage seems a bit low to me.

    Chaindrive Normal Damage, 150-200, average: 175, x4-8 hits : 1050 Damage per Chain Drive
    Chaindrive PSS Damage, 550-600 average: 575, : 3450 Damage per Chain Drive

    I really have to say this config, is bad, because is making now, RF useless without PSS

    Solution: Nerfing just a bit the last formula of RF(before cs one) and deleting PSS for god sake, this will help to ARF's balance too, because with the nerf it have now, and without pss it will balance things out
    Chaindrive: Normal Damage, 250-300, average: 275, x4-8Hits: 1650 Damage
    Wich looks really good to me, because it wont make RF useless without PSS, the PvM Damage won't be affected and won't be the OP Class it was before.

    I have to add, im not saying RF will always hit 1650 with Chaindrive, that's just the minimun damage, the Maximun damage will be good as before.
    To prove this, i tested and, Knuckles hit on his ee, 200/hit when EE use SOG, but when i remove SOG, it hits 400/hit... so it's really good

    I hope to dont be the only one who post his feedback
  10. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Your feedback is based on MAIN right? Because TEST is closed now and the formula was outdated comparing to BETA one from MAIN and SIEGE servers that is currently running.

    Hope others read this :)
  11. Enderx

    Enderx Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Yes, i did the test's few minutes ago before i put the post, it was on main.
  12. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Deleted the off-topic posts and banned the guy who started that for 3 days. Stick on the subject! If you're too lazy to give any feedback then just don't post here and open a new thread to express your fantasy.

    Also, you guys shouldn't loose your time explaining wild1988 stuff that actually work as normal.

    I cannot see how someone can call himself a GMO player when he lacks so many information about this game. I mean the guy didn't even knows that he cannot "destroy" a JOL option unless it fails or how to use lucky items. For me it just looks like some guy who played on a server with so many wrong things and thinks those are correct values.

    We're on RF chapter now so we will discuss other things once we're done with this one. Keep the feedbacks coming!
    Offspring likes this.
  13. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    So Endrex is the only RF on the server? I'm expecting all of you to post based on your vulcanus pvp experience, duels, pk, etc
  14. ajemna21

    ajemna21 Supporter

    Jul 5, 2013
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    Well as i see the RF min dmg is still high and if 288 dmg on k6 kundum with sog+ww+stone, in pvp even with max cape+ full dd rf give around 900-1k(Cobra Shehulk) with pair pss and if add SOG it down to 500 dmg.
    Looked little at SM vs RF my sm give alot miss (it have 20/20 pvp def pvp atack and pvm atack rate) and around 2k ene GVS max bypass and still give 50% miss.
    RF have to high def rate pvp and atack rate pvp if can tweak this is the key in my opinion ( im not talking about master def/atack) about rate given by points (str/agi/vit/ene) if can't i think should down a bit more MIN dmg of rf.
  15. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    The way RF was built in the first place was that he had high damage in both PVM and PVP but had low attack rate so that he missed a lot. For example, a max VitRF vs AgiBK, RF would hit 24% of the time. It seems that when the RF was ACTUALLY released, the stats that were shown (low attack rate) were actually non existent as the RF would still hit 100% of the time. Thhis is all done by calculation, and not in reality, of course.
    ajemna21 and Blaivas like this.
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