DC problem with 2 MU's running *solved!*

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Aaape, May 10, 2013.

  1. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    So a little bit of briefing:
    I am running windows 8, with virtual machine installed, which runs 2 virtual windows XP's. I am doing it this way, because MU won't run on w8. I installed MU on the first virtual box, then cloned it. So I'm running 2 duplicate virtual boxes, with exactly identical files in them, on XP os. Both of the clients have anti-lag patch. I am leveling with EE+RF setup, doing solo partying in uber secret locations :tongue::whistling:

    The problem is that I keep getting DC's every now and then, well actually, every 5-15 minutes. But I am getting these disconnections only with my RF. The problem is not ISP related, because if my connection fails, I can see my both characters disconnecting at the same time. So what happens? I find a nice spot, go afk to take a dump, wank, scratch my balls whatever you catch the drift.. Anyway, once I come back, I see my EE either in the safe zone, or buffing itself and party is disbanded and my RF is disconnected. The client does not crash, it never has. I can only see the "You have been disconnected from the server" -message.
    I was thinking it could have something to do with hardware lag, as my laptop is only a dual core and CPU tends to operate at 70-90% with both the clients running. I thought the client desyncs, because of the hardware lag. But then I only allocated 1 cpu to both of the virtualboxes, which meant that 1 core was running at 100% handling both of the clients, and it stuttered like hell, but still it randomly took anything between 5-15 minutes to DC. With 1 core allocated to 1 virtualbox, the clients run fairly smooth, with only few random desyncs every now and then.
    The thing I find weird is that when I started spectating my RF, totaling the monsters with his manly fists and viking-like masculinity :)D), I couldn't see any clear pattern with the disconnections. It could disconnected, when there was no hardware lag at all, but then again it disconnected when the hardware lag occurred. So in the end, it made no difference were the CPU's running at full steam, or at half the speed. But my RF never disconnects, if I leave him just to afk in safe zone. So the disconnections only happens, when it's attacking monsters. That's for sure.

    Oh and also, I just realized, that I could level without disconnections in the very beginning, from levels 80 to 200'ish or so. With this I mean being able to leave the clients running, and waking up the next morning still seeing them being slaves to MU helper and to my will! Oh yes, it pleases me so much, but now I'm no more able to get the pleasure because, well if you've read this far, you should know why :(

    Any protips from mu gurus?
  2. Hopium

    Hopium Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    never used virtual box how is the throughput handled to your NIC? NAT or are you bridging it? also if you're connecting via wireless its more than likely due to packet loss from the lag and the rf is sending way more packets then your EE is thats why its disconnecting.
    Aaape likes this.
  3. Raspberry

    Raspberry Member

    May 3, 2013
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    Firstly Mu works perfectly fine in Windows 8 (have it running here myself), only problem for me is the annoying false claims saying I'm hacking from certain background applications (won't get in to that, another topic entirely) every now and then. Still, as you're doing I much prefer to run Mu via WinXP in Vbox when multiclienting as it runs smoother over all and the keystrokes I may be doing on other software/games don't interfere with Mu that way.

    In regards to your current problem, this may well be related to network issues as mentioned above or it could be many things.
    One common old issue I had when doing this on my old PC was that my character would disconnect due to trying to target a 'phantom' mob (not the one from Icarus but just a dead but frozen monster), after a while of doing that you will get disconnected from the server as per anti-hack coding in the game. I believe changing my network configuration up a bit in VirtualBox fixed it
    Aaape likes this.
  4. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    I browsed through the VM's network settings, and it's NAT by default. And yes, it may indicate to packet loss, since my RF won't DC if I'm in safe zone doing nothing.

    Yeah, MU doesn't run perfectly fine on my setup, that's for sure :p

    I've noticed the phantom effect too. Also it seems like my RF attacks from wrong or too long distance from time to times and that could be one of the reasons I get disconnected. That could also have something to do with wireless lag and MU helper as well. When I'm attacking monsters and "original position" options is ticked, I get returned to my original position regardless of my current action, which usually is attacking a monster. Once I get returned to original position, my RF still tries to attack monsters, which could make the antihack go crazy and DC me.

    Anyways, thanks for the replies guys. I will try to tweak my network settings a little bit. And if all fails, I will hook up my laptop directly to ethernet cable and see if the DC problem still exists.

    Later edit: I tweaked my virtualbox settings from NAT to bridged connection, disabled automatic attack from MU default options (ESC ---> Options --> Auto attack ((or whatever it's called), and also tweaked MU helper settings a little. I was using beast uppercut as default skill and activation skill was chain drive, with 0 min delay (=0 seconds, poor webzen translators). I changed the delay to 1 second instead, because I think the 0 sec delay caused unnecessary packet traffic and was one of the reasons for disconnections. Now I have been afking for about 3 hours, with no disconnections, so at the moment it seems like the problem is solved. Thanks for the help guys, appreciate it!
    Raspberry and Terrafrit like this.
  5. Hopium

    Hopium Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    awesome sauce!!
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