Discussion in 'Archive' started by 3Xtreme, May 31, 2012.

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  1. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    As u know i have 90 rr+ and untill tomorow hope to have 100.

    As u anonuced at 100 rr is GR, but i dont know the reward for GR, i i don't found a post or some news about GR. So tomorow i will have 100 rr....what it will happend? What its the prize for GR?

    Hope to be a nice prize becouse 100 rr is a lot :) As far i know in medium xp server GR is about 50-70 rr, so 100 rr is more then hard...

    Whait some news from u guys

    Elther likes this.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Mind PMing me the server where you saw GR on 50RR for a medium exp? Because i never saw such thing

    We had GR on 80 RR last database but according there are SEALS involved both normal players and donators + happy hour everyday + better exp in bc ds sky + party we decided to make it 100 RR

    The GR will be activated during this week so hold your horses

    Btw i hope you're not expecting on FO items right? Because this won't happen in any event
  3. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    if 220exp is still medium exp, i know one server who has GR at 35 RR, also max rr 35. and reward is 1F.O Item+15. - SUCKS
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I know that server so c'mon don't compare us with part***

    They even got exec+anc, exe+socket, exe+anc+socket and FO items everywhere ... It's the lamest configured medium exp server i ever saw

    We're talking about normal servers not those that will soon dissapear.

    Anyway as i have said our system is thinked like this:

    Max exec options you may get from bosses, events is 2
    Max exec options you may get from normal drop is 3 (drop is lower)

    Max socketed options you may get from bosses, events is 4
    Max socketed options you may get from normal drop is 5 (drop is lower)

    Grand reset will be be configured for a +15+3 exe options and +15+5 socket slots (empty slots ofc)

    We suppose that should be enough to worth for 100 RR

    Also, GR items won't be able to be traded so this way we can avoid using a secondary char as MG for fast GR and buy items for BK or so
  5. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    For me its firts time i have GR. Until now i play on max 40 xp servers, so i never take GR. I never ask for FO items ( i dont know whay u think of that), is too much FO items and after that i thing it will be boring. I just whana know what meens for u GR, and what its the reward for this. I just say that 100 rr is a lot, and if u have VIP or seal u pay for it its not free :)

    So u say that its +15 items with 3 exe options, for me is ok. It will be a set +15+ 3 opt? or it will be just 1 item?

  6. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    Probably only 1 Item i think. game is on for now almost a month. and a month for max staat + max set already would be VERY boring..

    and Gixx, not any servery can reach DiabloMu, cuz its quite the best server ive ever played. and i didnt compare, Part***** with DiabloMu, cuz this is not possible. and i also said Part*** - SUCKS !! :p
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thank you for this. Since this server was built by three players meaning me, the mucore muonline websites owner (ex muweb) and one of the first romanian mu players (my assistant and my personal lawyer) just because we were sick and tired of corrupted owners, lame settings etc we always tried to keep everything as ballanced as possible in terms of everything including small details.

    Kheloo that will depend. Good items will cost more so you'll get 1 item, but you may also get two lower level items. Also, each few GR there will be a bonus so you will be able to boost and get two good items. By good items I am reffering to the latest available sets.

    And it's free if you vote and play :)

    Btw i haven't told that you asked for FO, I just said not to expect for that.

    Today the GR should be finished, as there are just few things left to be done

    Also I suppose that forbidden trade for GR items is a good and fair idea for those who use another account to get items for the same character.
  8. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    i dont see any reason for forbidding this to be honest....

    whats the problem if somebody is using another char to hunt items with GR ? its the same efford for every char. so i dont see any reason there...

    and when they are not tradeable, how we can sell items in game? maybe somebody dont wants to play that char he made GR with and now he has 1-2 " useless " items cuz his new class cant wear that items. so he could sell/trade/exchange those items for a lower set or also a same item from GR, cuz maybe there is player who feels the same and will change the character he is playing, so he will need also new items so.

    i really wish u would not forbid this. In my case, i wanted to make GR with BK and hunt for RF items, after finishing that, i wanted to hunt with my BK, for BK items. doesnt matter for me what class i am, every class has his advantages and disadvantages in lvling. btw when they are strong enough to lvl in icaurs ( 2 rr ) it doesnt matter any way what class u are, cuz there are 1 point spot and later u will move to kantru 3 and raklion 2. so it'll be easy for ALL classes and not like u said - MG can rr faster or lvl faster :)

    regards, please think about that. players will be sad about that setting i think, but u will decide, hows going !!

    Regards :)
  9. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    "Also I suppose that forbidden trade for GR items is a good and fair idea for those who use another account to get items for the same character"

    This is more than ok and normal. If someoane have GR it shud be able to buy item just for that caracter.

    So if i whant 1 good items can it be for ex Cloak for RF? If yes what cloak? Can i take lvl 3 cloak? or at lest lvl 2 +15 with 3 opt? I will be more than glad to take 1 cloack for ex, becouse items with 2/3 opt i can get it form event/drop/trade and try to make +15 more easy that a good wings.Becouse GR is 1/month or more i think 1 wings/clock/cape its a nice prize equivalent with GR. 1 good exe items after me is not equivalent with 100 not somthing special.

    I will w8 to see what i can buy/recive with GR.

  10. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    u just say that, cuz ur lvling only a single character ;)
  11. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    wrong! First 2 character its mine :) Roxy its mine too and its 2-nd place.....but if i whant i can stay with 5 character, i have a good PC. Now i have 3 character. My opinion its that if i recive a nice prize eqivalent with GR efort it shud be just for that character.
  12. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    Ah nice :)
  13. Bozkurt

    Bozkurt Supporter

    Feb 27, 2007
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    100 rr for 2 items? look at ranking guys. u say its easy but i cant see many player with more then 60 rr.
  14. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    im even for that, there should be only 1 item+15+3 opt. to take this game for a long time, but then the " forbid " should be removed.
  15. Bozkurt

    Bozkurt Supporter

    Feb 27, 2007
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    its ok if we can buy full set +0+3 opt with 1 gr but every 100 rr for 1 item will be too much. about trading i agree with gixx. then every1 keep main hero with full stats. like that no1 will be strong allways.
  16. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    Okay now imagine your in my possition. u goal was to make 2 character, 1st as your main 2nd as your Hunting char, now imagine you made your main character max and your hunting character is almost on half the way to go to GR and now Admin is telling u , your not allowed to do such a thing. it should have been announced with the Server start, so everybody could plan for the future, or the Forbid must be taking off. thats how i feel

    Also a set +0+3 is way to much. cuz Chaos machine is not REALLY HARD. and if u are VIP and u add on every single progress in the machine 3 talisman, your % will raise for 19%.

    its should almost be impossible to lose an item. im not saying CM is to high or low. its just kinda easy with the features we have. give me 1 item +15+3+28 add / 7%rec (wings,Cape) and everything will be fine. and when you get set with only with 1 GR, what ur going to do then? the game should last longer to get high sets+15+3 opt. cuz most of us will choose DD+REF+HP and when everybody will have this opt with 1 GR i think there will appear an imbalance. So we should make our sets, step by step and dont hurry to much. we are here for fun and to stay. 1 GR and finish would be boring. and in a bad case, lets say u get +0+3 opt set and u failed 1 item on making it +15 or smthng, what ur going to do? to make another GR only for 1 item? when we have Prices 1-2 items. u need to make GR anyway to get the full set.

    regards. im out for soccer training. cya all soon. hope we will have a progress about that.
  17. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    shine ...vips perspective vs non vip's perspective is whole lot different

    in my opinion 1gr should be equivalent of 2-3 or even 4 items +15+L+3opts BECAUSE as you stated its rather easy to make +15 items with talismans and because said 3 opt items also drop ingame (ive got like 10 items with 3 opts, couple of them +dd+ref+hp)

    so if GR reward isnt high enought do you really think people would do them and lose their gr's while they could easily just make the items themselves?

    also i agree 100% with you about forbidding GR items trading, it does not only affect items you may have get from GR, IT ALSO AFFECT ITEMS YOU MAKE +15 YOURSELF and that is not fair!
  18. 3Xtreme

    3Xtreme Member

    May 10, 2012
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    come on Shine!! nobody tell us about GR and what items is for GR. So if no one anuced about GR all stop at full stats (45 rr) ? If u whana make 2 or 3 characters its your problem deal with it. Its normal that if u take GR for RF u recive items for that caracter.

    Chaos Machine is not hard? If u poot 3 talisman u have 9% not 18%. If its not that hard u have at lest all items +13? Are u sure its not so hard? I have items +11 +12 and i use over 30 talisman for that and a lot of burning items....i think its hard enought! I loose 2 items at 100%.......I think i have prints.

    About sets....its a lot of sets and posiblity. I don t say that we recive set with 3 opt, but at lest 2 or 3 items +15 with 3 opt, or 1 wing/cape/cloak +15 3 opt and 1 items +15 3 opt. Try to reach at 100 rr and u will see that is not so easy. Hey is GR is 100 a lot of rr trust me, a lot of my time and my mony (for seal), so i think that GR is more that 1 items +15...... Not hole set, but at lest 2 or 3 items +15 somthing like that.

  19. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    hes talking from vip's perspective, they have 10% better succeesrate for all combinations, with 3 talismans its 19%(or better yet with 5% talismans its 25%) and yeah he has most of his set+15...
  20. Makaveli

    Makaveli Godfather Supporter

    Apr 2, 2008
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    Congrats to shine for that :)

    I believe it's not that hard to make a gr if u play. I could have had long time ago one but I stopped lvl-ing. For me it's more important master skills and to help others.

    My point is: do not argue about the prize, Gix will decide what's best. In fact, he's not obligated to reward us with anything, so I recommend to accept what he has to offer, or not.

    As I recall any item +15 can't be traded in season 6 from default, so it's not a new rule.
    Gix and Shine like this.
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