ForsakeN is a guild that recruits dedicated players wishing to experience end-game content. As a guild we will attempt, with intelligence and poise, a goal that may take a larger guild more time and resources to accomplish. 1. The fundamental principles of ForsakeN are : Quality over Quantity. Give to the Guild, and you will get from the Guild. Recruiting a person is more important than recruiting a character. Communication and trust are the basis for teamwork. Respect is earned, never expected. 2. Behaviour : ForsakeN is based upon exceptional trust in its members. Please remember that your actions reflect upon not only yourself, but on your fellow Guild members. The Guild expects and requires the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and good gamesmanship from its members at all times. The Guild asks that Guildmembers keep communications in "public" channels (such as /say, /post,) civil and free of objectional or offensive content and sexual innuendo. 3. Expectations : Beeing mature. Beeing Active. English speaking. Beeing Independent until the guild trusts you. Even tho DiabloMu is mainly about leveling on the SPOT, we want you to participate in the doable Events and guild Farm. ( not asking you to go Raklion when you are getting 1shoted etc ). High Experience and knowledge of the class you are playing. Basic Knowledge of the Season 6. 4. Why joining us ? We guarantee top gear available at the servers moment and also guild party on the best - tested spots we've found so far ( if it's possible to create). We also offer Good friendship and knowledge. If you agree to our terms , give me a tell in game ( Zander ) or PM me here. For The Forsaken !! Regards Zan.
At this moment Recrutation open to: Strength Magic Gladiator Soul Master Agility or Energy Elf Vitality or Energy RageFighter Command Dark Lord If you dont play any of these classes, have a little chat with me in game , and we'll what we can do. Regards.
Good Luck m8 I wish you all the best Just one thing... You have to be Dictator I hope to see you ingame!
Hah , i just hope beeing no1 in ranks wont be the main thing that attract people . Im not looking for party / item beggers just some decent independent people. And yeah im getting some pm-s, tho we have to stay calm about it and recruit just a few , we use to work in small groups that way we get stronger and better geared
Just have the fun of it.. there will be always beggars and leachers and ofc you cannot do anything about it All that matters ... to get the ppl that glue together
Hello guys. Shine - Assistans Guildmaster is speaking Im happy to welcome those players who get in to our guild. till now we have found some really nice and expirienced players. but this is not the end. we are still looking for some players for filling up partys or making groups on events. Zander - Guildmaster wrote already everything what we do expect from our guild members. To share is the most inportant thing for me, if u share items, be sure u will get something back from the person. as well we support everybody in our guild with gears and partys as long as we are able to give them anything of them. Im also here to support Zander, so if u have any questions or a guild request to us, you can ask me IGN: Shine ForsakeN
We have space for 1 more BK, str MG, SM , RF, agi ELF, DL. Give me a tell in game thru email or here thru pm. Thank you.