adding stats thru web when I added stats (via web user cp) to my DL, I suddenly get dc with my char, mu guard detects it as an agility bug. It's detecting my agility is not matched to my attack speed,I added stats to strength, not agility. I created a new character (still a DL) and its working fine, though I add stats in-game. can you test and look this up? thanks!
Guys first of all learn what BUGS mean. The guy with Duprian and Vanert ... It would be totally not fair to quit and rejoin ganes in a minute. The default setting is that you can join another gens after 3 days you left the previous one @ I've deleted posts by marmota since they were totally useless. Probably he's an high exp lover and wants 100 mobs per spot wavetrex same goes for you. Learn the meaning of bugs. This is not a bug and a patch to disable all filter words was already launched so download it from website or launcher links. The apostrophe and stuff are added in the filter bmd to the original client because they are used for sql injects so that's the reason they are filtered on the official server. And "dupa" word doesn't reffers to the romanian one since the filter is english only Anyway it's removed now so download it and you won't have to avoid apostrophe and special chars. DeathClaw this is not a bug. Everytime you die, zen is taken away either char or vault. If you run out of zen items will drop (non-exe) Bossing this isn't a bug. It happens sometimes when you add more stats and the anticheat recognize that as an agility hack attempt sine it remembers your old stats value before adding them from the website. Simply enter the game again if you get that message and there won't be any problems. This is a measure taken to block most known agility hacks.
Every time u rr server RF do less dmg. Now i have 4000+ ene and i hit in icarus with 800-1200. I think is very very low dmg. Pls check dmg for RF, becuse is very low. Create a RF character and try it...... tx
rf is a character that needs a balance built my brother's rf has 1,8k str, 1,7k agi, 1,1k vit 1k ene and does 3-4k dmg in icarus
I already re-entered game. Built a new DL and added stats in-game. Now, I'm still having this problems, I still get dc and system message says= [Anti-Hack] attack speed is wrong, can you pls look it up? I have no problem with BK or AE (different clients) and only the client playing DL gets dc if you need my user/char I can give it thru mail. Thanks
So tell me why some RF's on serwer can hit me by 20k dmg? They can take me 20k dmg sd for one hit. And i have very good buff and about 1,5k defence so tell me it is possible? When RF with 1rr can kill me in 2 hits?
simple. because defence ignore skill 2-3rr rf using defence ignore+darkside should easily be able to do 20k (my brother's rf only has 1rr and can do 3-4k at kantru 3)
I had 3600 ene and i added 2500pkt. attacks as much as before. What this is ? its normal or bug ? Sorry for my english
Some skill for RF need energy to rise them DMG. This skills are Dragon roar, Dark side. To improve your dmg from chain drive, dragon slasher and skill from the glove, you must add vitality. To rise your meele dmg.
You heard wrong. The s4 skills were always weaker than normal ones. Chaotic is weaker than fireburst Explosion is weaker than twisting and so on. It's been like that since they were introduced by webzen and they were added just to offer more skills and some more range as red storm, lightning storm, sw slash, chaotic and so on. So this isn't a bug or something simillar
BUgs weapon in bc 6 ,and 8 does not drop most of the time . goldens in swamp for vip nobody has found from people who has vip
and as for the bugs in the RF is me for something completely different, not completely drop itemków lvl 380 for RF and the lack of weapons in Moss RF.Proszę admin for a fast reaction and the addition of those are sets of time to drop weapons to Moss
For the first one, you are probably experiencing graphical lag on your side or the server needed a restart (that was done today) due to many reloads of options and monsters so it should be fine now About the goldens i've already told that the new invasion of goldens is disabled since it seems to be the reason of a random crash. When it's gonna be available we will announce that as always
RF is PATHETIC!!! I have 30 k ene and with Dragon Roar i make 4 k dmg....come on!! Can u do somthing about this? The only spell i can use is Dark Side and i make like 18 k dmg in Kanturu Core, but hit just one mob at time, and is very low for 30 k ene. Enyone who has 5 k ene can ks me easily, and i have 15 rr. What spell to use in BC or DS? Hit a mob at time? Pls do somthing about this bug....... tx Kheloo