Shift, PePon and OXYGEN = hackers.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by shyamnayak, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. shyamnayak

    shyamnayak Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    OXYGEN has been hacking on Shift and PePon. I have a video uploaded on youtube for proof and everyone has seen him hack and he has confessed too! I demand justice and want them to be banned permanently. OXYGEN is the user of Shift and PePon. Please ban all his characters immediately
    Video Link : Hackers

    Please see how every monster on the map is being killed so quickly and no one is attacking but the AE and she isn't even shooting at the monsters. We killed both of the Elves at the spot and they re-spawned instantly.

    Hackers at Blizzard Mu- Shift & PePon - YouTube
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thank you for reporting.

    The OXYGEN character ip is not related in any way with the ip of Shift and PePon.

    Next, would be the thing that Shift is 400 fully AE and PePon 300+ EE. They aggresively added stats for example:

    PePon 92,182,20,1368
    Shift 313, 1653, 200, 15

    So this is aggressive stats added because he always leveled up with EE + AE

    Having a high damage + high buff damage it's possible to kill them pretty fast. As you can see the genocider doesn't die instantly, it takes a bit but it's faster comparing to a bk or mg since its pure AE + pure EE.

    The strange thing is indeed the fact that the character is not shooting into the mobs direction but this could be a visual ingame bug or autoclicker visual bug as i saw lots of them. Also the logs do not show anything wrong with their attack speed or damage

    I will monitor these two characters anyway and if anything smells fishy they will be punsihed according to the rules.

    PS: You've told that you killed these two characters and they did respawn right away in the same place. I would like you to take a video on that and make sure it's clear. Use a program like fraps or CamStudioRecorder instead of your mobile phone or video camera
  3. moreluck

    moreluck Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    yeah that its i see also shift and pepon not dying...lord and other strong players try to kill pepon and shift...but they
    re spawn shift is easily lvl up because of its hack....he reaching lvl 390 something i guess because they afk in strong mobs and high XP.....that is unfair to all players sir.....
  4. shyamnayak

    shyamnayak Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    My apologizes for accusing OXYGEN too. but Shift and PePon are hacking. You're doing a great job monitoring everything but It's just not me accusing Shift and PePon of hacking. There were high level characters with me killing those two and they were respawning. and I noticed when I moved I saw the EE moving INSTANTLY and hitting the monsters all over the screen with her kris. I hope they get banned. and It clearly isn't possible to level from 350 to 400 in 4 days. I was offline for 4 days and log in to see my ranking and see Shift at level 400 from 354 in 4 days. I've been online for 24x7 but still not possible!
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    First of all don't spread rummours on global chat telling oxygen is the same as shift and pepon since this isn't true.

    Secondly, see my explanation given above which is logical and these characters are online 24/7. It was more than 4 days 354-400 and it's possible with seals and party on high lvl mobs. Think logical. I've also revealed their stats to see their aggresive build, thing which shouldn't be made public so according to all of these their leveling and killing is normal. (the only lvling hack would be one hit hack which is not working and there's no sign of this in the video or during the day i have monitored these two players)

    Please provide a video where you kill the two guys and they respawn in the same place instead respawning in safe zone.

    I've personally killed one of them yesterday, while they were afk and they were spawned normally inside the town (safe zone). I've warped the player back to the spot since he was afk and i was just testing your theory.

    I'll be waiting a video from you
  6. shyamnayak

    shyamnayak Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    I've gotten Shift to confess that He/she was hacking but I didn't bother taking a screen shot since I had a video of them clearly hacking. Even with an EEs buff It isn't possible to kill every mob in the screen in 5 seconds. The spot spawns 5-6 monsters. I'm not hear to argue about it. There is proof of other players seeing this. thats why I've clearly pointed at them as well in the video.
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    i invite you to test yourself this theory. it is possible. The only impossible thing is the re-spawn in the same place outside arena as you said but i doubt this happend as i'm sure you would have recorded that at the first time

    There is one hit hack or full stats hack and both do not work here. There isn't a cheat that only adds an ammount of damage to the character
  8. shyamnayak

    shyamnayak Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    "chief" you've told that you killed that player and he respawned in the same place right? Why there is no such thing in the video?

    Have you ever seen how a speed hack look like? I just told you above there is no sign of that inside the logs, i've posted the stats and seems you simply do not understand that. Now you want me to do what? Ban everyone you do not like?
    If i wouldn't have cared i wouldn't replied with all that info. Then create yourself two elfs with the same stats and you'll see it is possible.

    Speed hacking makes character move a lot faster and as i have said, it is not working. If MuGuard detects any speed alteration you automatically get disconnected. Try yourself and you'll see it. Also, even with a speedhack, the character move a lot faster than that so go ahead and look that that elf's bow.

    Get to level 400 first with aggressive stats and then think about this again

    This is your first warn. Either learn some manners or next time there will be a ban involved for you instead

    I don't know these two guys so i have no benefit of defending them but we won't simply ban someone because you want to. I have even proved you that there is a false statement telling oxygen = shift, pepon so stop spreading false rumours. If you get a video of killing them and respawning in the same place right away then yes, that is a strong proof of hacking, but again those are just words and no video for that. It's kinda obvious why you didn't took that video right?

    Post that proof and they will both get banned
  10. shyamnayak

    shyamnayak Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    It's hard for me to prove it to you now, Because Shift is level 400 already. I've been trying to catch him online but he hasn't come online. It doesn't matter though. Worth the shot of trying to prove to you. The most I can prove to you about them respawning is Pinky and AmDFcuK killing them at the spot. You could ask them, if you know them.
  11. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    If any of them used cheats they will use them again so it's not hard, just need to find the right moment. Again, if u get a proof like that they will be permanently banned. I do not care which is the player name or if he is any of my real life friennds and so on....anyone breaking the rules gonna suffer the consequences
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