Finch Game Master Application

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Finch, Nov 16, 2011.

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  1. Finch

    Finch Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    *Please read this carefully and think if I fit for the job*

    * Staff Members at the age of 18 or above, no exceptions. ✔
    * Staff Members that are willing to learn. ✔
    *Staff Members that have enough time to be in game, forum and on teamspeak. ✔

    *To always be professional and courteous to members and other staff: I’m polite, respectful and has good manner’s to others. ✔
    *To run daily adverts: I can share it to my friends, advertise it by blogging and making a topic to my favourite forums
    I'm looking forward to help this server as long as I can.
    I'm not the kind of person who quits on something due to a small
    trouble or problem. ✔

    *To be online on the forums daily and report spam and other unnecessary posts: I can also be online in forum during my vacant period, I will not just report spam I will also check those members who break the rules and abuse other members. ✔
    *To be in daily contact with the Administration: I’m always online in Yahoo Messenger, I regularly check my e-mail and I can also contact him through Phone. ✔
    *Must be able to speak and write English well: I have 1.00 GPA on my English subject, there’s no problem in my English skills. ✔
    *Must be willing to cooperate with other staff in duties/work that concerns the server: I’m willing to cooperate and help as much as i can. ✔

    *Personal Information:

    Name: Aldrin Lester Z. Padilla
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Location: Tarlac / Baguio Philippines
    Race: Asian, Filipino

    *Contact Information*

    Email: [email protected]
    Cell Phone #: __________(I cannot be contact in the phone right now, because i lost my phone :lol:, please contact me to my e-mail thanks)

    *Mu Experience:

    -Your Experience in Past Mu Servers for being a GM ,
    If you've ever been one:

    Honestly NO but, I always help people as much as I can in the past servers I've been in.

    -What commands you will mainly use as a gm:
    As I said I never been a GM before but I search the Internet for GM commands and also I am a very fast learner.

    -How long you have played Mu Online:
    5 Loyal years.

    *Reason you feel that would qualify you as a good Game Master Apprentice:

    -What makes you stand out:
    One fact that makes me special and stand out is that
    I'm a very helpful person and in reality people usually likes me because I’m always there busy helping out my friends and fixing there problems and they love me.

    -What help you can give to Improve the server as a GM :
    I can share it to my friends, advertise it by blogging and making a topic to my favorite forums
    I'm looking forward to help this server as long as I can.
    I'm not the kind of person who quits on something due to a small
    trouble or problem. Thus, you will not have to be concerned..

    -Skills Involving In Game Activity :
    Has a Amazing Stamina can handle stress and pressure but other than that, I’m really friendly to all the player's and I’m very helpful.

    -Emphasize your Opinions on Why you should be picked as “Game Master” :
    I will use good judgement on what is going on. I'll be on a lot, and I’m trustworthy and I am patient and I will always give my all, no matter what the situation. I would treat every player fairly as I would to any GM or Staff Members.

    -I would like to become a Game Master of this server,
    for the reason that I enjoy meeting new people and to help players.
    In addition, I wanted to start a fresh new "game-life" on this server
    that seems very interesting to me.

    -Are you responsible to be Trusted? If so, Why should I Trust you. :
    Yes I am responsible to be trusted. I am matured enough, I'll handle the situation like anybody else would, I'll keep a watchful eye on what is going on, and i will be nice and friendly about, and I wouldn't disrespect any other staff, member and players.

    -What is your plan Once you are Accepted :
    Be the Best GM that I can be, I wont slack off I'll give 100% on all I do and all I try to do. I would make this server more fun by adding in events and what not to spicen up the server.

    -What you will do as a GM:
    I consider myself talented in types of arts. Therefore
    I would love to have the opportunity to make a Banner for this
    server as well as advertising this server to other servers in order
    to draw people here. I will also be likely to make a Facebook and
    invite my friends.

    And a Final Test

    -A player Was Caught using Hack to cheat in game, What Will you do to Punish them? Ban Them? What kind of punishment is fair to the player?:
    I would first find them and hide(turn invisible) and watch if they are truly hacking then take a screen shot and showing a higher ranking GM and ask for his/hers advice and I ban them permanently, they shouldn’t have been hacking in the first place, there playing on a private server they shouldn’t need to hack with all the advantages given to them already.

    SVImaster likes this.
  2. SVImaster

    SVImaster Member

    Sep 19, 2011
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    I'm for you. good luck...
  3. Scudhawk

    Scudhawk Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Is that application copy pasted from another forum?:tongue:
    I'd avoid posting your email and phone number too in the future.
    What's your in-game name, and how long have you been around on DiabloMu?

    We could use some help with more GM's, especially any who can speak romanian, but I feel it's important to at least play on the server for a couple weeks before trying to help run it. Good luck.:thumbup1:
    Gix likes this.
  4. Finch

    Finch Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Thank you

    Thank you for replying Sir Shooter.

    Thanks for the advise about my personal information. But if your applying name and contact info is needed.

    Honestly I'm new at this server but i will do what you said to at least play on the server for a couple of weeks. But even i will not be a Game Master i will still play Diablo Mu and will not quit for the reason i didn't play this server just to be a Game Master. I play this mu to have fun to make friends and this mu is balance and challenging not like the other Mu server.


    Time Zone: GMT+8
  5. Scudhawk

    Scudhawk Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Welcome to DiabloMu then.:thumbup:

    Also I just wanna make sure you protect yourself since this is a public forum, our application doesn't require that info. (E-mail + Phone #)

    If you need any help feel free to pm me.
    Finch likes this.
  6. Finch

    Finch Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    But it seems that i cannot edit my post to erase my info.
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Let's see you active as a player for a while first of all. Welcome btw
    saxobeat and Finch like this.
  8. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    PMed you
    Finch likes this.
  9. ContuMeu

    ContuMeu Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    copy+paste -1
  10. Finch

    Finch Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I have PM my E-mail and Contact information to you. Please kindly open and read it. Thanks.:yahoo:
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