
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by jamescicio, Nov 8, 2011.

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  1. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Dear Players , i was banned 2 days for selective looting .

    Just wanted people to understand , that if you know someone is abusing you are accomplice :). This is mozzie.

    I also would like to have an opinion about mozzie/kratos/infinity/pure/hector/omnicron/destiny, and please do not swear.

    Might i add that he used to be a member of the fate guild , and i PureSoul was preaching that he would betray the guild , he did . He is the reason players were reported for abusing looters , watch why he reported the looters .

    Again please express your feelings towards this person . No swearing.



  2. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    get your facts straight before assuming someone isn't who you think they are...hector isn't me. were making accusations at me saying i was a traitor within the guild...while i was still in it...Question for everyone: would you like to be accused of being a traitor within your own guild...just because the person feels he is better then everyone else?

    btw i did report you so these screens show nothing because b4/after they were taken i was taking the videos which i sent to Sephi and Arabella so how am i an accomplice when i still reported you?

    So in other words you are flaming about getting a 2 day ban when it should have been permanent ban for your IP as the scrolling thing on top of mu says...

    Get a life PureSoul and quit trying to act all high and mighty when it was you who broke the rules and not I this time!
  3. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Oh yeah baby :* , you broke the rules too , may this server know what you are .

    Always reporting players that didn't help you , all the players you didn't like were from fate :) . Just because no one helped you, and to be honest , if a game master saw the video ages ago i should have gotten banned then darling , but it seems that the video was shown recently right? Troll, you knew that because i was helping you level you won't show the video , you knew i had the screen shots :) of you saying this , so don't worry , true enough i deserve ip ban , as all the other players that looted deserved but remember mithrealis saying we all get 2nd chance? I got my 2nd chance mister kratos.

    But what about your "reporting" duties ? Ooops..kratos seems that you failed ;) . Remember that , wait till players get a grasp on this , i won't take Davids testimony (jasoncicio) since he knows you are a betrayer and always asked me" James , wtf is mozzie doing in party" "David , he won't report my illegal activity" .
    I swear on just server i get my 2nd chance like the rest , and you deserve ban for proving it is just your selfish interest that makes you want to report players. At least i help players for no reason . You just want it all.
    Freddy Mercury sang - I want it all . You cannot have it all .

    May the blizzard players understand the greedy swine (pig = beautiful animal to clear this up ) you are.
  4. jasoncicio

    jasoncicio Supporter

    Mar 26, 2011
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    Ok Mozzie how can i not call someone a traitor , if he asked for items whilst being in FATE and got these items whilst being in FATE and left FATE with the items he received and said he went from guild 'couse of a stupid reason.
    Mozzie don't ask me ( David ) not to call a person like you a traitor ,ask me to call you a leach , who only helps you if you feed him blood (not literally ... you get my drift)
    Mozzie about you taping us, how come only after James posted the SS with -This is BlizzardMu- Arabella said she got tapes of us looting? You sent her the video with us 'couse you saw we were not partying you. How can you lie to people?
    I'll tell you how you can lie... besides veing a traitor to FATE , a parasitic insect you are also a liar. Honestly i haven't seen worse traits in a man since Benedict Arnold. If you are a american you can see that Mozzie leaving FATE is like Benedict Arnold leaving and betraying America for England.
  5. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    I find it very say you didn't use this you blatantly say you did...

    Oh, and nice name seem to always name call in order to try and get a reaction from people.

    And by you opening this thread it just shows how insecure you are with yourself...can't take a little competition from someone who is smarter then you.
    If you would remember correctly and told the whole story...i helped members of FATE while i was in it...i have helped the new characters since the beginning...while you were gone from server i stuck to it and tried to keep the newcomers here...

    I could care less if i got party from you or not...and i sent the video a couple days before he posted the screen...because i was collecting enough videos to prove that you and your bro's characters all used the specific looter

    Really...its funny you both act the same...calling people names because you can't fight with words without offending people... (me saying to get a life is saying that you/james should stop just trying to get a reaction from anyone who is against you)

    So really feel free to flame about me following the rules...because remember without rules the world (and BlizzardMu) would become an anarchy and everything would crumble...

    And yet i still find it funny that you need to open a thread about someone because they report people who don't follow rules etc.
  6. jasoncicio

    jasoncicio Supporter

    Mar 26, 2011
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    The reason threads like this are open are to show how people are.
    And you calling others insecure kinda shows you cant handle some competition yourself.
    Don't you think you kinda of a hypocrite using such pseudo-intelectual ?
    The reason we use things like "traitor" , "leach" and others is to prove who you are.
    Ohh and about helping others? Me and James have helped allot of people but we dont go telling this and plus i doubt you did anything but bad to others on server so just can it.
  7. Legion539

    Legion539 Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Lol.. Puresoul=fail james=FAIL ......I m the real Hector...hahahaha so funny how james always thought i was kratos....what a weirdo XD..
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