yea and probly (99%sure) cpl started ksing on that spot thus forcing such a response... not the first person he reports, and you either have to provoke the other player or ks him to get such response (yea i got banned once thx to cpl because he started ksing me without listening to polite "leave pls")
Report incoclusive. You shouldn't report someone for that. It's just 1 line and isn't really an offensive word. Sindreth. If someone ks you, you dont have to swear him, just leave the spot and find another one :smile:
yea but why wont the other player go find a new spot since someone was already there? and im not swearing at anyone for ks... im asking them to leave or for party.. i only swear if they act like a jerk, which had place thus i got banned lmao oh well... few more rr and ill ks ppl whenever/wherever i feel like it since its not going against the rules lol
spots dont ve owners, get over it, if u cant handle it and ks is succesfull u should check for other spot if u want to lvl up, if u want a ban u can swear.
k w/e... im just simply saying: why the person getting ksed have to change the spot and not the kser, but i guess thats too much for some ppl to understand... and i dont have problems with ksing/ksers (i'm easily getting 1-1.5rr per day with minimal effort) im not gonna talk again in favor of the new players getting mindlessly ksed by high rr players -- let the new players leave the server and lets only have a handful of players here was trying (guess i failed) to create a more new player friendly atmosphere on the server but i guess that ain't happening
Sindreth I couldnt agree more about the new players BUT This is the Report Section and not the General Discussions nor Spam Zone. Here the only one that can post are either the MuMaster or the Players involved in the Report. On the next spam post here I will start issuing warnings!!!