Be ready to encounter this blood thirsting guilds... <<<TemplarBK>>> <<<ArchKnight>>> <<<Ascetix>>> <<<bLoOdzZz>>> <<<BexecutorK>>> just be warning all of you..wahahahahaha We will now reign the world of Diablo MU DaRkGrimM is my NAME and Diablo MU is my GAME
thnx... were still recruiting... if u want to join just pm me the given GM of any guild.. stats dont matter.. this is a guild for evryone... we just want unity and fun ^_^.... But for all our hostility gulds..we wont turn our backs from all of you.. we will fight with what we have..^_^
Aff have u thought about epileptic peoplez ? >_> They're gonna go on rampage after looking at those siggies will go down... and everybody else who stands in our way and we shal rule this lands by SpartanS law
.. yo mr. panda .. how about we set a day in which we kick our arses and see who owns arena .. let's set a guild war.. bwahahahahaha
Nice one Archknight..... i think its to time to have GENERAL CLEANING in Diablo MU.. clean all VIRUSES( hostility guilds) and pull our selves in the TOP ^_^.... its the time we RULE...