acceptam doar playeri sexy si cu simtul umorului fff bine dezvoltat . Cine vrea guild prv Richard sau stealth. BaftA !
I`m In..I tare guildul.Sper sa veniti mult mai multi care au chef de ras si sa arate bine:>:>:>:>:>.. Multa bafta tuturor.
salutare guild.imi place guildul si sper sa crestem. Avem nevoie de luptatori sa spargem tot.bft all si recrutam noi membri.
te astept in fiecare zi pe forum....apropo cautam asistant guild ) cv si poza la mine urgent toate virginele )))
Buna am dat si eu in sfrashit de voi sper sa facem o noua echipa si sa ramanem unitzi cum o parte din noi sintem deja .WB si succes celor care nu ne cunosc. .PS: A uitat cineva sa specifice ceva "asistent GM" trebuie sa fie [/
Pentru cei care inca nu stiu All Aglity Bugs Explained: SM AGILITY BUG Evil Spirits * 0 - 5700 > works normal * 5700 - 6550 > works with Dino/Unicorn * 6550 - 8200 > works normal * 8200 - 9820 > works with Dino/Unicorn * 9820 - 10700 > don't work at all * 10700 - 13250 > works normal * 13250 - 15700 > works with Dino/Unicorn * 15700 - 23250 > don't work at all * 23250 - 28250 > works normal * 28250 - 33200 > works with Dino/Unicorn * 33200 - 65534 > don't work at all Inferno * 0 - 61700 > works normal * 61700 - 65534 > don't work at all Nova (this is good when ES or INFERNO don't work) * 9820 - 10700 = works * 33200 - 65534 = works BK AGILITY BUG Twisting Slash * 0 - 3000 > works normal * 3000- 40000 Works Sometimes bugs with Kills ( Might Miss 1 or 2) * 47040 - 65534 > works with visual bug (skill is not shown, but it's working) ELF AGILITY BUG MultiShot * 0 - 23200 > works * 23200 - 25250 > don't work at all * 25250 - 37750 > works * 37750 - 56500 > don't work at all * 56500 - 65535 > works MG AGILITY BUG Evil Spirit * 0 - 11200 > works normal * 11200 - 12880 > works with Dino/Unicorn * 12880 - 16200 > works normal * 16200 - 19440 > works with Dino/Unicorn * 19440 - 21200 > don't work at all * 21200 - 26200 > works normal * 26200 - 31100 > works with Dino/Unicorn * 31100 - 46200 > don't work at all * 46200 - 56200 > works normal * 56200 - 65535 > works with Dino/Unicorn Twisting Slash * 0 - 3000 > works normal * 3000- 40000 Works Sometimes bugs with Kills ( Might Miss 1 or 2) * 47180 - 65535 > works with visual bug (skill is not shown, but it's working) SI la cit mai multe RR sa creshtetzi mari !
Pff cand eram in flacari ). Asteptam cat mai multi playeri in guilda noastra.Sexy si fara UCP-isti ) Pozele SeXy cu mine vor veni in curand :>:>. Bft all}{}}{}{