party bug

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KraMer, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    since im still fairly low with resets ive been forced to party to levelup and found plausible bug

    when party member x(not the party leader) logs out without quiting in the party first the party in some cases breaks

    its quite annoying since the player who's actually killing the mobs might be afk and therefore the players in the party are forced to find new party

    has anyone else had similiar experiences?
  2. Sunrise

    Sunrise Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    This experience happens to all players.
    I have questioned some players and they have also this experience.
    I personally think that this is a Season 5 little bug.
    Maybe SephiroTH will make the light in this thread.
    Kindly regards,
  3. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    It is a Season 5 specific setting, not a bug.

    When you want to leave a party just press the "x" that is near your head in the party menu(P) or directly in the upper right portion of the mu screen where the party members are shown.

    PS: Newsflash?! This happened to everyone since the first day the server was launched, Everyone Knows.
  4. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    setting? atleast i dont see it that way since an individual who's not the party leader shouldnt be able to disband the whole party

    >.< im well aware how,my problem is that some people dont bother to do it and just log off

    well...i just havent been back long enought to know that plus since there was nothing about it @forums i though that i'd ask
  5. eXistenZ

    eXistenZ Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    Hundreds of players are online everyday on all 3 servers, and you couldn't find one to ask.
    Game Masters also go ingame and tell players to PM them with questions and problems, and you still couldn't ask.

    You've been back for at least 10 days, don't tell me you didn't have time to ask someone, i myself saw you ingame a couple of times.
    I said Season 5 setting not a DiabloMU setting, GO sue webzen.

    MuOnline dosn't play its self, you need a person to sit at a PC just to log in with a character, you want the rest to be done automatically? So what if someone brakes the party? Explain to them the situation to the party members and Don't be lazy to check the game 4 seconds once in a while to see how the party is going.

    Thats all i can say, if Seph can do something about this he'll let you know
  6. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    yeah,around 10 days and to be honest why did i post this here instead of asking gm ingame?its because this part of forums isnt very active so i though i could get some activity and get my answers in the process

    also im very much aware of who you are exy so thinkin back a few days we had a nice long convo it figures you should know ive been back around that time

    im very much aware of these things so you dont need to point out them

    its just annoying that someone logging off or getting dc'd while in being in party breaks it

    plus calling me lazy?i believe ive told you im a busy person so i dont have all that much time which is why im afk while leveling

    hopefully sephi can do something about it....

    this all just reminds me of certain scenario back @season 4 where sephiroth wasnt aware of something and thatswhy couldnt do anything about it....
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