Topic brought up during a report

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kratos, Jun 18, 2010.

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  1. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    The topic of a full party being able to go onto spot and report a player with only 1 screen just doesn't seem right

    CyPher and i were arguing about it in that thread...and his last statement b4 he closed the thread about me abusing the rule just doesn't make sense either because what if someone reported several times in a couple days a "correct ks" would that also be abusing the rule of reporting a legal ks because they were ksed several times by different people?
    that would be the same as if i went from spot to spot over a couple days and had a full party to report a person who isn't in full party...

    because according to cyphers statement in that thread it would be and they should receive ban just like i would receive ban if i went with full party to several spots to report someone because i wanted to train there...

    So what i'm asking is for someone to explain why only 1 screen is needed to report a full party ksing a non-full when it takes 3 screens for non-full to report?

    Also i just want to point out if i am wrong about this and cypher is correct...that this would mean that it would be so easy for someone to report like this on someone they don't like resulting in X number of bans because they weren't in full party...and yeah i know you could go to serv 3 to avoid this problem but my point is that anyone on server 1 afk or not would be subject to a 1 screenshot ban... offense to you but i don't want to hear your opinion in this thread on this subject i want to hear from someone who hasn't already spoken *on this subject*...
  2. CyPher

    CyPher Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    Kratos +1 warn, when a thread is closed to end a discussion you are not allowed to reopen it on your own.

    This KS rule has been active at least for 1 year, and you barely found out now? You need a serious warning just for not reading the rules.

    I suggested a modification of this rule, i'm waiting on Seph's reply.

    Moved to general discussions.
  3. JimmyCool

    JimmyCool Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    Kratos i suggest u to read again the rules

    as Cypher said this rules has been applied at least for 1 year

    now. regarding to ur report >><<. i can't replay there because Cypher has closed the thread, but my oppinion is this
    instead to make what rule says, u report them for ks ...c'mon:annoyed:

    PS:rules are rules, so u have nothing to argue with CyPher. What u have to do is to read again the rules!!!
  4. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    ban me from forum for all i care most of the rules if you take them at face value are good...but if you actually take time to look at them and to actually read and analyze there are so many loopholes that someone could go through if they were inforced correctly...

    and actually followed what is actually in them...and what i mean by that is there are many grammatical errors in there that can make the rules interpreted differently by each person...

    as for the reason i opened this thread was not to rediscuss the report it was to open a discussion on what we barely started to talk about and in my opinion (and i'll probably get another infraction for saying this) cypher closed it before he dug himself into a deeper hole because of saying the 1 screen is only needed for a full party to report...which doesn't make any sense because it takes at least 3 when their isn't a full it should have to be the same and not make it easier...and making it so noone can really afk on server 1 without worrying about a full party coming along and getting them a 2 day ban when they were afk and on spot 1st or were active and also on spot first...

    that was the point to open it was to discuss the pointlessness of only making a full party have 1 screen to report someone on a spot...

    see ya in couple days after my forum ban is up
  5. JimmyCool

    JimmyCool Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    What part from this u dont understand???
    if u go with a full party over a 1 player/not a full party AFK, U CANT REPORT THEM FOR KS. In this situation what u have to do is to find an admin on TS3 or YM and call him to move that player/not a full-party from the spot.
  6. CyPher

    CyPher Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    Obviously the rule needs some work, it will be discussed.

    But Jimmy is right, i didnt have time to overlook the rule again last night, the party that takes over the spot can report the player(s) on the spot but not for banning but to be moved by a GM from the spot. So just 1 SS is needed.

  7. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    I understand it...cypher in the previous thread was saying that they could...with 1 screen...

    This was the main arguement from last thread ... i understood the just seemed like cypher didn't and then he closed thread before i could figure it out ... the rule is fine just to point out to cypher they can't be banned...unlike what he said in the previous thread...

    i'm just trying to clear up what was previously said so things won't happen like he was saying they could because someone reads this and then does it...

    @cypher... this wasn't opened to "reopen a thread behind your back" like my infraction stated it was to clear up the issue that you raised with saying that a full party could get a non-full party banned while they were afk or not with 1 screen
  8. Lion

    Lion Supporter

    Jan 19, 2009
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    So you got your answer.

    As CyPher said u are not allowed to reopen a thread with same discussion which was discuss already. For the future read the rule before open a thread and next time if something bother you about a MM decision join TS3 or YM and speak with another MM about that.

    Thread Closed
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