Hello, im wondering if any of all teh pr0z0rz out there can tell me -- -- how many spare points a 71 rr BK should have, assuming that he has done almost all Marlon quests? thanks, Kristine
141645 stats 71 rr + 2000 bonus points begin + 12780 (71 marlon quest) sooooo its total of 156425 points.... if i am not wrong with my computation... i hope i help you.....
so 156 425 - 131 068 (full stats) = 25 357 spare points. ty. but Admin thinks that a 71 rr BK can have only 13K spare points, and refuses to give me back my missing 11K points that were gone because of some site stats adder error. so i must warn everyone: DO NOT EVER use stats adder on site! one day it might scam big time your spare points that you save for Grand Reset, and dont hope that Admin would give you your points back, no matter how well you prove your case...
you don't understand, i sent you a pm about this ! We don't care how many points you add over 32767, we will bring you back to 32767 but i won't return back the other stats. So if you added 1 point after 32767 or 200 or 20000, you will return to 32767 and that's all ! Learn not to add too many stats and do some math, because from your post i see you need somebody else to explain a math problem to you. Hope i was clear enough
my vitality was 21K. i added 11K, so it was still supposed to be below 32 767. i never added a point over 32 767.