Some Guides to prevent being hacked.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Wea, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. Wea

    Wea Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    I am surprised to see that every now and then there are post threads that say. I am just trying to write my first guide on how to prevent yourself getting hacked.

    A little history about myself. Ive been hacked once, twice.,
    I had met friends who told me they had been hacked or someone is trying to log in their accounts.

    What is the possibilities of getting yourself hacked? What are the precautions you can undertake?

    First Line Defence: User ID
    Your User ID. Yes, this is one's personal first line or front line of defence. Always ensure that your character name and user id are not the same.

    A good example is like this:

    User ID: ilovebob
    Character Name: ilovebob

    This just show how important your user id is. *A note of advise if you really wish/can't think of another user id different from you character. Add numbers.

    An example:

    User ID: reika
    Character Name: ReiKa
    Second Line Defence: Password
    Now everyone knows that password is an important key. However there are very few who actually know how to protect their password well enough. There are a few steps to ensure even if the other party knows your user id but they will find it hard to crack your password.

    Always ensure your password have at least an uppercase alphabet.


    Password: risks

    Better solution:
    Password: risks

    Most passwords are case-sensitive. Even if your first alphabet isn't uppercase, make it somewhere in the password an uppercase.

    Include numbers in your password, at least four numbers is a better choice.


    Password: Nocloveme123

    This will be a better alternative for a better password than just a plain-simple-all-alphabets Bobbyloveme. This is how I had set my password for my entire playing experience.

    Last Line Defence: Vault Password
    Yeah, I heard much about people saying there is a hack that can hack through your vault password and get your items. As a matter of fact, most people are getting hacked because they find it a hassle not to put their items in vault before logging off and they think since there is a program that is able to do this, they find it pointless.

    My point of view:

    Be smart, lock your vault and put your items in vault after training.

    However there are not many people who know this. The hacker who use the program to hack into your vault and get your items. A high chance that the hacker get hacked himself. From a VN friend I heard, there is a keylogger in those programs. I find it hilarious.

    In a nice way: What goes around comes around.
    In a bad way: An As*h***e hacks for a bigger as*h***e.

    You might be wondering why the hassle I go through for protecting my own account even though it is just a game. To me, knowing how to protect your password game. It is a knowledge that everyone should learn and know that can be brought to school, work or anywhere else.

    A close friend who does programming, coding in real life once told me this:

    A password that consist of only Alphabets or Numbers take 1-3 days to hack.
    A password that consist of Uppercase, Lowercase Alphabets and Numbers take months to hack.

    All these informations I gathered are after friends telling me that they had been hacked. Questions like your user id and character is the same? The answers are always the same. I had advised them on how to protect their passwords if they do restart anew.

    I had proven these with the password checking security level with hotmail or yahoo free email service providers. It seems that they share the same point of view regarding the password thing. They even have a security check thing upon changing your password or even creation of a new email account.

    However it is still hard to prevent someone from hacking into your account if the person is your close friend, someone whom you trusted alot. You can never know when the day that they will turn on you. Always choose some password that is totally unrelated to you.

    PS: When there's a female-wanna-be in game that wants you to be his boyfriend, don't be a nuts go ask her to show a solid evidence... Talk or meet her whenever your near.. Or Call her or have a live web cam to cam with her. Don't be a victims of those.. They're just so gays.
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