Solution for Stat BUG

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Scudhawk, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Scudhawk

    Scudhawk Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    For those who don't know this, Mu only allows a display of 65,534. Which means after that amount it will visually show the wrong number. So if you have a Visual bug add the number it shows + the max value. For example you have this bug and you have 4500 hp. Add 65,534+4500=70,034. Your health potions and items +hp% work off the full hp, not the visual bug. Also try to not add Vitality or Energy until level 400 so you can see if you are going to have a visual bug. Hope this helps some of you, good luck!
    Elther, oramac and saxobeat like this.