rr req/fullstats map

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KraMer, May 30, 2012.

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  1. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    So yeah raklion and kantru are getting more and more crowded as more people are getting maxed and trying to pursue grand reset, in the evenings especially raklion 2 is pretty much warzone, so here's an idea i came up with.

    Would it be possible to make a flat map with say arena floor and walls, kind of a big hall or something like that and have it full of 4-6 highlevel mob spots such as schrikers from k7, iron knights from raklion, maybe some dark monsters & swamp mobs too and have a similiar tele to it as vips have to their maps, just with reset requirement (require the people entering to be fullstats).
    This way raklion and kantru would be left for people attempting to get maxed as fullstat players who still want to get more resets for example for gr would have their own map and not be tempted to go to raklion/kantru and just pk a spot for themselves.

    Below requirements for full stats.

    (32766x4)/(400x7)=amount of resets needed
    =>47 resets

    (32766x4)/(400x8)=amount of resets needed
    =>41 resets

    (not sure in which sum belongs, been years since i made a single level with one)

    Note: i know marlon is only available above lvl220 and you get that 1 extra point for all classes after doing 3rd quest, however you are quarantined to get more points from bloodcastle during 40 resets than the equation adds for the first couple of resets.

    Also it wouldnt hurt if some giant mammoth & ice walker spots in raklion 2 would be replaced with iron knight spots (there are total of 7 iron knight spots which are pretty much 24/7 taken.

    so guys what do you think? would want some opinions from players as well as the team.

  2. Bozkurt

    Bozkurt Supporter

    Feb 27, 2007
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    its a good idea. if it is possible offcourse.
  3. Shine

    Shine Supporter

    May 5, 2012
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    Good Idea, but dark mob spot and swamp spots should be able only for VIP's even when they are only 4 mob or something.
    it wouldnt be fair in my oppinion.
    raklion is a huge map, there is no need to add another map tho. replace mamoth, ice giant, that " tiger ones^^ " and the spiders dont sure what the name is. so they can add many many Iron knight spots.

  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    First of all adding a new map to the gameserver is not an easy thing and such modding works on older versions such as 0.97d and quite impossible on S6 (atleast i never heard of anyone succeeding to add a new map to the gameserver that is not a skin)

    Secondly, filling a map with k7 mobs, dark mobs, only ice giant etc will turn this into a fast server ... just too fast

    We won't replace all spots with top mobs since this is the game: weaker spots and better spots. There needs to be a diversity in all maps and that's then reason why different type of mobs were created right?

    An average of 40-50 RR in 1 month i would say thats more than enough and let's not forget there is the exp seal from vote as well or pet so definetly we won't start replacing all weaker spots with strongest mobs. You have to compete for those
    Shine likes this.
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